The story itself does not really interest me that much - it's clear (at least it is to me) that we don't have all the information. What's more interesting to me is the fact that FOX News (where I'm sure Jason first read about this LINK) picked up on this story. A minor story in a local newspaper that has no major attention whatsoever over here at all. You have to ask yourself what is their reasoning behind this? Obviously to make a point of some sort, it is FOX after all – something about "the evils of socialism and how it's going to take away your guns and Obama is leading us down this path" I’m guessing. But to focus on such a non-story if I may call it that is puzzling.
Then again, I’msure their readers in the US won’t have this information unless they know the area. So it probably has bred enough anger at the bastard European socialistic governments from the gun loving crowd to warrant it being reported in the first place.
Actually BB the link that I provide is from www.thisissurreytoday.co.uk so unless it's a Fox affliate in England it's an english website. And I found out about this from a military forum..:wave2:
To be honest I had no idea Fox is covering this story. Why would anyother media org in this country cover a story about gun control gone wrong when thier constitutents want gun control.