Make a resolution for another member!

My inaugural entry in this thread mandates that in the year of 2007 AD Prof Voluptuary resolve, from this point on, to dedicate his talents towards sparing the nation of his residency from its out-of-control dependency upon foreign energy sources, for once and for all, by utilizing those unique talents in his possession to develop domestically-produced, renewable sources of energy!
Hmmmmmmmm, investing in the means to sucessfully take advantage of the abundancy and un-flagging availability of wind power would logically seem to be the most viable and economically-sustaining course of action.
It is my sincere wish that Americans would resolve to get their head out of the media and into the real world. "Popular" economics, environmentalism, politics and countless other non-sense, rhetoric and what-not is destroying the US. Alas, we have long forgotten our American Libertarian ideals ever since the GOP and Dems split from the only, single party we ever needed.

As far as Dr. Motorcity, been preaching it since the Clinton administration. Clinton didn't do anything (Gore would have been better), and Bush disappointed me even more until after the 2004 election. At least Bush is putting the money into fission R&D as of late 2004 (although he's still ignoring most of us EEs on other things), as much as Clinton spent on missile defense R&D (which was more than Bush) -- $4 billion -- but there's still a lot to do with regards to wind.

At least W. gets it more than Ted Kennedy, and that's rather sad. But W.'s still got to come a long way. Over 200,000 screaming IEEE-USA members, yet the average American public thinks we are wrong. WTF?


what the fuck you lookin at?

To change his sig to:

My Current Sig
You got a fuckin problem?

:1orglaugh GREAT Idea...I might have to do that one of these first days!


what the fuck you lookin at?
^^^One of these of these days!
New Years is coming.
Now you can begin thinking up some good ones for the coming new year!
Marlo Manson - Make it through an entire post without using smileys.
Chef - Get laid. By a woman.
BlueBalls - Get laid. By a living human being
Will E. Worm - Stop worrying about ploys and conspiracies
Maildude - DELIVER MY FUCKING MAIL ON TIME!!! :cussing:

I'm sure I'll think of more shit later on.


Closed Account
Gunslingingbird: stop threatening to murderlise people.

Manson: win at Xbox highest level at whatever game he wants to win.

L3ggy: also win that game.

Whimsy: post 'hello' to everyone on the forum at least once a day.

BlueBalls: stop hating at God.

Mrtrebus: stop hating at God

Nester66 :dunno: stop hating at God (jus' cos he isn't garrisonjj anymore).

assholebythedoor: post stuff that makes more sense.

Will E Worm: try not to interrupt a thread with British Israelite type stuff.

Petra: put up at least a little profile pic.

EricLindros: spend a wee bit more time in the talk section - although I can fully understand why he wouldn't want to.

D-Rock: offer signature-making tutorials.

Maleonetwo: let me win that freakin' 'last one to post here wins thread'.

Skyraider: post some good New Orleans food recipes.

Chef: stop waking up grumpy in the morning.

Chica: use more sunscreen.

king1919: find a new avatar. One that doesn't give me a headache looking at it.

Facetious: floss before bed every night.

Facial King: help little old ladies across the street.

Prof. Voluptuary: start admiring Met Art babes.

Spooner77: post in the jokes section.

Tittenman: post in the celebrity section.

Nasophilia: start liking, er, some other body part.
Way to go guys !!!!!!!!!

I realize we are a month or so away from New Years Resolutions but damm!
I know there are things you would like to dictate to other members here on the board!

Make their resolutions for them now!
Let's see how they do with them!

Don't be shy, you won't get banned, AcesAndJacks promised this would be a "Ban Free Thread"

someone anyone make HB a sig for him take the pressure off his shoulders
Mrtrebus: stop hating at God
I don’t hate at god (how can you hate at something that doesn't exist?!? You may as well say stop hating at, whatever hating at means it sounds grammatically incorrect to me, the easter bunny!) I have friends who believe in a god from various faiths & have no probelm with them because they have a sensible approach to their respective beliefs. But I do hate those sanctimonious ignoramuses that try & force their religion down people’s throats, are judgemental about others lifestyles & use faith as an excuse for their bigotry, homophobia, & hateful opinions etc rather than simply taking comfort in their own beliefs & leading a live & let live lifestyle in respect of others who may not share their particular faith.


Everyone: Stop screwing around. You all screw around too much.