hi, who paid lucypinder.info through paypal, the attached credit card is surely necessary? or it is possible to throw simply money on аакаунт and to pay?
1 thing i have noticed about Lucy Pinder is she barely wears open toed shoes and when she does she never paints her toe nails which to me is great cause i like a woman who is natural down there, even though im no feet fan. Same with her finger nails never seen them painted. I could be wrong though she may have done some like that. Face makeup i don't mind and she has done that :)
In the majority of her photoshoots, her fingernails and toenails are painted in an almost white or very light skintone colour. But they are nearly always painted. This is usually used to give a more natural look in shoots, and is most likely chosen jointly by herself, the photographer and make up artist. If you look at photos of her out and about then she does use a number of different colours. Incidentally, I have seen many pictures of her wearing open toed shoes.
If you like someone to have "natural" looking feet, as you say, then why is it a concern that you were thinking she did not paint her toenails? Surely if you like them natural, you would prefer there to be no nail varnish, as that would not be "natural" looking :dunno:
In the majority of her photoshoots, her fingernails and toenails are painted in an almost white or very light skintone colour. But they are nearly always painted. This is usually used to give a more natural look in shoots, and is most likely chosen jointly by herself, the photographer and make up artist. If you look at photos of her out and about then she does use a number of different colours. Incidentally, I have seen many pictures of her wearing open toed shoes.
If you like someone to have "natural" looking feet, as you say, then why is it a concern that you were thinking she did not paint her toenails? Surely if you like them natural, you would prefer there to be no nail varnish, as that would not be "natural" looking :dunno:

Well like you explained you said it painted ina almost white colour to give that look, so if thats the case then thats prob what i like rather than other colours lol.