poggy1 said:
Sorry Andy73, if you knew me well, you'd know it's hard to show me new Lucy picture's:D
Maybe we should start a list of people who have extensive picture and other media resources of select women.
Poggy1 is definitely a resource for Lucy Pinder.
I'm a resource for Yoko Matsugane.
Of course, that might be a board issue if people request [copyrighted] material.
Prof Voluptuary said:
Of course, that might be a board issue if people request [copyrighted] material.

Yes thats is a problem I have Prof Voluptuary, a lot of the pictures I could post on here are copyrighted. Let me just say this my collection is big and a lot are exclusive which I have promised not to share.
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As much of a fan as I am of lucy's, I actually lost a lot of interest in her lately.The whole will she/wont she go topless thing was cute for a while now its just annoying, especially so when you see her do shoots with the likes of michelle and sophie, just seems redundnt for one girl to go topless and the other to be acting all coy. I wouldnt be half surprised if she did, not that Im assuming she ever will, go topless then it'd probably be a disapointment.
holdol said:
Ya know...I'm almost tempted to change my sig and avy....man she is sweet!

Pardon what was that, my Lucy on someone else's sig :ban: :rofl:

Let me know if you ever do I have a massive Lucy collection holdol.
Orion74205 said:
As much of a fan as I am of lucy's, I actually lost a lot of interest in her lately.
The whole will she/wont she go topless thing was cute for a while now its just annoying, especially so when you see her do shoots with the likes of michelle and sophie, just seems redundnt for one girl to go topless and the other to be acting all coy.
Oh I disagree entirely!
Lucy Pinder is defintely one of my top 5 favorite non-nude models of all-time, and will still be even if she retires without doing a bit of nudiy.
Just like Yoko Matsugane, my all-time favorite, who allegedly retired this past January.
Orion74205 said:
I wouldnt be half surprised if she did, not that Im assuming she ever will, go topless then it'd probably be a disapointment.
I wouldn't say it would be a disappointment, but all the anticipation would be lost.
But anticipation can last a lifetime!