Lovely Vanessa - AKA: Janeta, Vanessa, Vanessa B, Vanessa J, Vanessa Lovely, Vanessa Sweets, Vanessa White, Vanessa Y


Re: Lovely Vanessa

She has to be careful! She keeps trying to lose weight and those spectacular
jutting titties which used to be very pendulous are now hanging quite a bit
closer to her body. Unfortunately, it gives her breasts a 'flap-jack titty'
appearance--very long and oval but hanging too close to the rest of her body. Shape, heft and buoyancy will be lost forever if she does'nt stop dieting!
The best example I can point out is Veronika Zemanova...probably the most
monumental Czech girl of the late 90's. Knew exactly how to pose in a way that displayed every inch of her curveature seductively. Her best years
were 1998-2002...Then she started getting anorexic...she looked at that
beautiful body in the mirror and thought she could improve on the perfection that nature had endowed her. She thought her perfect body was
fat! Take a look at the photo-set that she did wearing the purple bikini...
she was so skinny that her once prominent breasts looked horribly deflated.
She knew that they looked terrible, so she decided to get them redone.
Big mistake! For starters, she went to a cheapo cut-rate plastic surgeon
who sliced off those beautiful nipples, stuffed oversized and incorrectly
shaped gelsacks into the holes, and 'remade' the nipples leaving hideous
scars that weren't there before---not to mention the discoloration to the
new nipples. No comparison to when I first noticed her in late '98--her curves flowed softly and she had just the right amount of meat
on her bones. Now, she looks like a cartoon character and those tits aren't
positioned correctly on her chest. What a crime that she would go to some
eastern block Czech Republic quack of a plastic surgeon--bitch, please--I
mean you were the top nude should have flown it to Beverly
Hills to get those titties redone without them slicing into the nipples! These
days they 'scroll' a deflated sack up thru the bellybutton and position the
implant before sending saline thru a catheter to fill the funbag with liquid.
Bitch flies out here to pose for Dani fat-ass Ashe's website all the fucking
time! She should have stayed an extra couple of days and spent 10 or 20
grand more to get those fuckers done properly! She still gets alot of work
for sure, but I was seriously fixated on the way she used to look -- and she
don't look that way at all no more!

Therefore, I hope Lovely Vanessa will stop losing weight...when you started
you looked perfect..why change? You don't have to compete with other
bitches! And for god's sake, don't get cheap cut-rate plastic surgery over
there...just don't let a surgeons knife meet with those nipples!
Re: Lovely Vanessa


Anybody seen her lately? I can't find anything new. I guess maybe my favorite Euro girl has made enough to retire from the biz. Bummer.
Here's a shot from one of my favorite sets.
