Lovely Vanessa - AKA: Janeta, Vanessa, Vanessa B, Vanessa J, Vanessa Lovely, Vanessa Sweets, Vanessa White, Vanessa Y

Re: Lovely Vanessa

Wow. You all rock!
I just "discovered" her a couple weeks ago, and just can't get enough of her! Absolutely beautiful! Thank you for sharing these links. Unfortunately, I have nothing new to add, they've all been listed, but I will keep my eyes open for new stuff! :)

*Subscribing to this thread* :)
Re: Lovely Vanessa

OMG who is this girls!!!
i really need more recommendation for the babes or pornstars
(the good ones)
Re: Lovely Vanessa

Hey, can anyone tell me how to save this vid ^^^ I just posted? It's nearly 5:00 minutes long, by the way.
I'm using Firefox with the MPlayer plug-in, which allows me to save. There are many other Extensions to Firefox that allow you to do the same. For Flash movies, FlashGot and others are options too.