
hmm. interesting. I didn't notice that thing about the helicopter leaving, but if you guys say so, then i'm changing my vote to the freighter people.

I agree with you about the jin conspiracy, trock.

and that's a really good point MP, about the wreckage. I never thought of that. We know that widmore was the one who planted it. maybe for some reason the O6 will go along with it and say that the island was located near the fake crash site.

They said they'd reveal the last survivor and it was sun, so it seems for now that Aaron is being counted, which I think is lame. I guess we'll just have to wait till season finale to know for sure who got off the island.
I'am so fuckin' confused, I have given up trying to figure this show out.

They said everything is explained in the 5th season....i'll just wait until then.



what the fuck you lookin at?
Finally new episodes again on thursday!!!:nanner:
Anyone play the game for x360 or ps3?

can anyone else agree with me that eliot (the protagonist of the video game) was about as interesting and useless to the plot line as nikki and paulo?

they should have had WAY more voice talents on it


Closed Account
Fuck YEAH!

What a great episode, definately the best of season 4 so far. Maybe one of the all time best.

Ben was starting to become my favourite character, now even more so. I don't think he is good, he's definately evil.. But now he's a badass too!

And fianlly a reapperance of old Smokie. I thought they'd forgotten about him...
Good thing I revised by guess. When Sawyer saw that guy carrying the wood, I thought “I’ve seen enough startrek episodes, this dude’s gonna die.” haha.

Ben as Moriarty? That sounds just about right. But who is supposed to be Holmes?

Anyone catch any of those books on the shelf? One that caught my eye was called “Fifties”. I know that the producers are always throwing in literary references (and literature) so it makes you wonder if there was any intent there.

I was actually more upset about Nadia than I was about Alex. I guess Sayid has forgotten all about Shannon; we haven’t heard anyone say anything about her since season 2. That’s kind of lame., IMO.

I suppose that the big “reveal” was the smoke monster, but I heard that it was going to be in this episode and a lot of people already figured that it was connected to Jacob, or that it might even be Jacob.

I've been talking about "good writing" versus "cheap shots" with other people about this show. What people have been saying about the Jin "death" really hits solid with what i'd call cheap. it seemed contrived and tacked on just for shock.

But this episodes ending was what I was talking about with good writing. It left off with more questions than answer,s but it was satisfying because the tension didn’t come from what was left out, but was shown. We didn’t need to know the details because the interaction between Ben and Widmore told us everything about their relationship.

If it had told us the leap and come right out and said that Widmore was in charge of Dharma and then left it at that and we didn‘t have that interaction, it would have been “cheap”. It would have left us hanging and, I feel, wouldn’t have been fulfilling, even if it was more revealing.

I never thought I’d say it, but I’m starting to like Ben.
It seems Ben is in full control of the island and what it can do. By showing him control the smoke monster and showing him teleporting himself around the world.

The only thing he does not have control over is "Jacob" and whatever he does.

well, it seems clear that he has some way to summon the monster, but maybe not to control it. Remember that the electro fence is to keep out the monster. and it was presumibly built by Dharma. Interesting that Ben's secret cave is located within the fenced in compound, though, isn't it?

some speculate that the cave was created by the ancient inhabitants of the island, and that the secret room was built on top of the cave, and that the barracks were built around the room.
All the facilities of the island was built by DHARMA/Hanso/widmore and whoever else was involved when they arrived. Ben and the Others took it over. That house Ben was in with the cave might have been the house of whoever was in charge before Ben.

I'am assuming after the takeover Ben took charge and learned about the properties of the island and used it to his advantage since he is a power freak.

I'am interested in what the "Temple" is that Ben had pointed out to his daughter and rousseau to seek refuge. I think the others are hiding out there. Also when ben was teleporting, he had a DHARMA patch on his coat with a different logo on it when he appeared in the sahara desert. Also he was wearing a winter coat for extreme cold, I wonder where he came from?

you think that the (real) Others were there before the Dharma project people, perhaps they were the crew of the black rock and become immortal because of the island powers? maybe they are even older and they built the statue. this would explain why Richard appears to have not aged. Jacob is their leader and he is the most powerful. Either he IS the black smoke or he controls it. Dharma built the barracks and gained control or at least was able to defend against them, so that is why they got Ben to kill everyone off and all people who come there from now on. And the other Others, people who Ben brought to the Island, they don't know about it.

never thought about it before, but it really kinda seems to be the case.
although i never feel really 'lost' i think lost is a pretty good series !
I got lost in a mall one time.

oh wait, no. that was an episode of Seinfeld.
you think that the (real) Others were there before the Dharma project people, perhaps they were the crew of the black rock and become immortal because of the island powers? maybe they are even older and they built the statue. this would explain why Richard appears to have not aged. Jacob is their leader and he is the most powerful. Either he IS the black smoke or he controls it. Dharma built the barracks and gained control or at least was able to defend against them, so that is why they got Ben to kill everyone off and all people who come there from now on. And the other Others, people who Ben brought to the Island, they don't know about it.

never thought about it before, but it really kinda seems to be the case.

The others being the crew from the black rock or early inhabitats was a theory of mines too. But like I said before, this show has opened up so many questions, any theory you come up with gets shot down quickly when they show a new episode.

they've yet to disprove that Vincent is behind it all. isn't it fishy that he's always around whenever anything is going down? they still have never showed his flashbacks, which just evidences conspiracy. that will be the last episode.


Hiliary 2020
Wow, just finished watching it for the 2nd time.
I have a Lost system. I download it, watch it,Then I check out the episode page in Lostepedia http://www.lostpedia.com/wiki/The_Shape_of_Things_to_Come
for stuff I didn't catch and especially for the Unanswered questions section, then I watch it again.

I agree this one was pretty damn good.
Did anybody notice how Bens body was shaking as he woke up in the desert? His body also had smoke coming from it and then he puked.
Don't know why his arm was cut. He also asked the chick in the motel what year it was. PLus according to the website the arabs who found him said " He left no trail,Did he drop from the sky?".
Ben can morph from place to place or maybe even time travel!!!! Unreal.
Great episode.
I do think that Sayid would not have just killed that guy but instead would have beat some info out of him first.
Also wheres Rose? And what happened to Michael? Maybe the dead Doc had something to do with What went down on the freighter after Sayid ratted him out to the captain.
Sayer was great in this one, as was Ben and even Bernard.
Check out the Unanswered questions section of the episodes in the Lostepedia if you get a chance, it actually puts things in persective a little better
real cool site there, MP. I appreciated the references, and I had no idea that comic book writer brian vaughn worked on that episode. It talks about his book Y: the last man, that I was just thinking about getting yesterday.

it says that ben asked the guys in the desert if they spoke arabic or turkish. If they weren't speaking those, what language were they speaking? I kind of wonder about the validity of thier translation.

edit: I wanted to give you some rep for that one, but it wouldn't let me.
One thing I noticed about ben appearing in the deset, was that it was similiar to how Jack woke up on the island in the pilot episode after the crash, and it was similiar to how desmond woke up when they told his past.

i'm not really sure what you mean about desmond? didn't he wake up drunk in the jungle after being unable to get off the island?

I'm really not so sure about that one either. Maybe there are no coincidences but that seems like a stretch. It is interesting that jack woke up in the middle of the jungle about 200 feet away from the plane, but are you saying that there was some sort of supernatural or otherwise suspicious circumstances that led to his condition and whereabouts, so far that it can be said to be particularly different than the phenomenon and experience of the other survivors?

It's been observed that both Jack and Ben are wearing clothes that are not there normal attire. Since we presumably haven't seen the circumstances that led to Ben's arrival in the desert, it's also safe to assume that his clothes pertain to whatever situation he was in. As for jack, he was wearing a suit for hsi father's funeral which was to be attended when he arrived in LA, so I don't really see anything out of the ordinary or having some ulterior meaning there.

As for the phenomenon of showing a characters eye upon waking... there is a myriad of literary and symbolic meanings to that image, I'm not going to bother naming them. you can figure that out yourself and how it relates to the themes in the show. It is certainly a convention that we have come to expect as a standard phenomenon and opening sequence on the show, and like I said, if there's more meaning to it than that, that's up to interpretation.
i'm not really sure what you mean about desmond? didn't he wake up drunk in the jungle after being unable to get off the island?

I'm really not so sure about that one either. Maybe there are no coincidences but that seems like a stretch. It is interesting that jack woke up in the middle of the jungle about 200 feet away from the plane, but are you saying that there was some sort of supernatural or otherwise suspicious circumstances that led to his condition and whereabouts, so far that it can be said to be particularly different than the phenomenon and experience of the other survivors?

It's been observed that both Jack and Ben are wearing clothes that are not there normal attire. Since we presumably haven't seen the circumstances that led to Ben's arrival in the desert, it's also safe to assume that his clothes pertain to whatever situation he was in. As for jack, he was wearing a suit for hsi father's funeral which was to be attended when he arrived in LA, so I don't really see anything out of the ordinary or having some ulterior meaning there.

As for the phenomenon of showing a characters eye upon waking... there is a myriad of literary and symbolic meanings to that image, I'm not going to bother naming them. you can figure that out yourself and how it relates to the themes in the show. It is certainly a convention that we have come to expect as a standard phenomenon and opening sequence on the show, and like I said, if there's more meaning to it than that, that's up to interpretation.

In reference to desmond, i dont remember the name of the episode, but it was the one that was dedicated to his past when he was dating that girl that is looking for him. I believe it was in season 3. If you remember at the begining he woke up on his back in a loft in england dazed and confused with the same reaction as jack did in the pilot and what ben did in the latest episode.

There is some type of connection, along with everything else with this show.
