Loose Change - What Do You All Think?

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AFK..being taken to the vet to get neutered.
ok, so since i come from a law enforcement family which includes everything from the police department to the FBI and with fire personnel ta boot, does that make me a disinfo blogger? cause if it does, id seriously like my fucking money from the pentagon. because i need to pay for some new guns and my own apartment.

your fucking paranoid dude. you may as well just back out now. because these guys are just gonna keep at it, as we all have minds that are more open than yours ever will be. i seriously dont get it.

Ssssshh. Don't make it obvious you're one of THEM.

P.S. my official Government paid disinfo blogger number is: 8785869784
Well to understand that is to understand the history of false flag terrorism by Governments. All major terror events drummed up on TV have all, yes, all been inside jobs. To understand this, an excellent documentary goes over the history and it will become very clear. When you have time watch it all, it's fascinating and the filmmaker made it free to see on YouTube. It's called Terrorstorm: A History Of Government Sponsored Terror. Let me know what you think after watching it.

I will watch this.

It would seem most of the case your trying to present is actually about 'disinformation'. Many now recognise the 'disinformation' that western news services are using to promote the 'official government line' on events around the world. Its not what they tell you, its what they don't tell you. Iraq has been the most blatant example of news disinformation. The two co-conspirators, Bush and Blair will hopefully be indicted for war crimes.
For the events in Iraq, and the media propaganda that lead to the invasion of Iraq, there is now substantial, genuine evidence. John Pilger has recently made a documentary on this very subject. Western news stations have moved on mass to using embedded journalists for reporting and to promote the official line, giving little or no airtime to independent journalism. A lot of embedded journalists have since spoken out about the truth of Iraq.

However, its one thing to distort the facts of war from a country thousands of miles away, but to create a 'lie' right under the public's scrutiny, borders on impossible.
There are lots of points to argue about 911. Even the fact that they are defined as 'terrorist attacks' when the orchestrator of the attacks has already declared war with the USA.
Also, if you illegally invade other countries in the name of 'justice' and kill thousands of civilians indiscriminately, you have to be prepared for that 'justice' to be returned.

Looking at the aftermath and events since 911, the USA didn't need 911 as an excuse to invade Iraq or Afghanistan. In Iraq's case they told us about the immediate threat of weapons of mass destruction.
Which bring me back to my first question in this thread, who gains?

I can not see how the american government or any western government gain anything by 911 being an inside job. There are hundreds of 911 video's to post, but what you have to find is a reason why. I've not seen that.

Ace Boobtoucher

Founder and Captain of the Douchepatrol
The fact that this man is alive...

...is proof that "Loose Change" is bullshit.

Here's why:

1. The man in the picture above is Dylan Avery. To be more precise, the fact that Dylan, his friends, and family are alive, is proof that "Loose Change" is bullshit. He, along with a couple of his friends, created a 9/11 conspiracy video claiming that the US government and the military caused 9/11. Take a closer look at the last part of that last sentence: he's claiming that the US government, for whatever ends, killed nearly 3,000 innocent Americans, and tens if not hundreds of thousands of more lives in the conflicts that ensued because of it.

2. Since Dylan's arguing that the government has no problem killing 3,000 innocent people, this raises the question: if his documentary is true, and we've established that the government has no ethical qualms about killing thousands of its own people, then why wouldn't the government kill Avery and his friends as well? What's a few more lives to them to ensure the success of this conspiracy?


Ace Boobtoucher

Founder and Captain of the Douchepatrol
Hulk Hogan released a brief statement through his lawyers, " Youre gonna believe savage? Look how that fat ass has let himself go, yeah Randy "The NACHO Man" is full of crap, and Kids Stay in School!!!"
I will watch this.

It would seem most of the case your trying to present is actually about 'disinformation'. Many now recognise the 'disinformation' that western news services are using to promote the 'official government line' on events around the world. Its not what they tell you, its what they don't tell you. Iraq has been the most blatant example of news disinformation. The two co-conspirators, Bush and Blair will hopefully be indicted for war crimes.
For the events in Iraq, and the media propaganda that lead to the invasion of Iraq, there is now substantial, genuine evidence. John Pilger has recently made a documentary on this very subject. Western news stations have moved on mass to using embedded journalists for reporting and to promote the official line, giving little or no airtime to independent journalism. A lot of embedded journalists have since spoken out about the truth of Iraq.

However, its one thing to distort the facts of war from a country thousands of miles away, but to create a 'lie' right under the public's scrutiny, borders on impossible.
There are lots of points to argue about 911. Even the fact that they are defined as 'terrorist attacks' when the orchestrator of the attacks has already declared war with the USA.
Also, if you illegally invade other countries in the name of 'justice' and kill thousands of civilians indiscriminately, you have to be prepared for that 'justice' to be returned.

Looking at the aftermath and events since 911, the USA didn't need 911 as an excuse to invade Iraq or Afghanistan. In Iraq's case they told us about the immediate threat of weapons of mass destruction.
Which bring me back to my first question in this thread, who gains?

I can not see how the american government or any western government gain anything by 911 being an inside job. There are hundreds of 911 video's to post, but what you have to find is a reason why. I've not seen that.

To have the ultimate understanding of the whole plan and why these false flag terror events take place throughout history you have to see this film after you watch Terrorstorm. It is called Endgame: Blueprint For Global Enslavement. Here is the whole film posted free again by the filmmmaker. This film gives you the ultimate understanding of the elites plans.
To have the ultimate understanding of the whole plan and why these false flag terror events take place throughout history you have to see this film after you watch Terrorstorm. It is called Endgame: Blueprint For Global Enslavement. Here is the whole film posted free again by the filmmmaker. This film gives you the ultimate understanding of the elites plans.

I don't really have the time to sit around watching 4 hours of film, you're obviously well researched on the conspiracy theory.

Therefore, what I'm asking you should be a simple question that doesn't need 4 hours of film to answer.

What has the west gained?
I don't really have the time to sit around watching 4 hours of film, you're obviously well researched on the conspiracy theory.

Therefore, what I'm asking you should be a simple question that doesn't need 4 hours of film to answer.

What has the west gained?

The Government of the West is controlled by a group of bankers which also control the military industrial complex. Dwight D Eisenhower and John F Kennedy had warned us. Watch these short videos of their speeches. The Military Industrial Complex is in control of the Government and they had everything to gain by starting wars with the middle east. Eisenhower was scared shitless in this video by the way. It was his farewell address.

Since Kennedy was murdered we haven't had a real President that wasn't completely controlled by the Military Industrial Complex. Kennedy was trying to shut down the Federal Reserve which would've destroyed the Military Industrial Complex. They killed him for it.


Ace Boobtoucher

Founder and Captain of the Douchepatrol
“How big a lunatic do you have to be to witness two jet airliners filled with jet fuel slam into buildings on live TV, triggering a massive inferno that burned for two hours and then think ‘Well, if you believe that’s the cause…’” Bill Maher

Ace Boobtoucher

Founder and Captain of the Douchepatrol
“Every time one of those Loose Change dickwads opens his mouth, a Republican somewhere picks up five votes.”Matt Taibbi of Rolling Stone
The Government of the West is controlled by a group of bankers which also control the military industrial complex. Dwight D Eisenhower and John F Kennedy had warned us. Watch these short videos of their speeches. The Military Industrial Complex is in control of the Government and they had everything to gain by starting wars with the middle east. Eisenhower was scared shitless in this video by the way. It was his farewell address.

Since Kennedy was murdered we haven't had a real President that wasn't completely controlled by the Military Industrial Complex. Kennedy was trying to shut down the Federal Reserve which would've destroyed the Military Industrial Complex. They killed him for it.

Ok, the videos are about the USA establishing a defence budget for the future.

Your response to any question seems to be, 'watch this video'.

I have to assume that you have watched all the video's you've posted, therefore, why don't you write your own conclusions from what you've seen?

The question was, what has the west gained?

Do you think, 'The Military Industrial Complex is in control of the Government and they had everything to gain by starting wars with the middle east', is an informed response?

Iraq was invaded because of the so called threat of weapons of mass destruction. Invading Iraq would have happened without 911. I can't see how you can expect anyone to believe, 'All major terror events drummed up on TV have all, yes, all been inside jobs'.

If you were saying it was all about western control of oil reserves in the middle east, then fine. A lot of evidence points that way, there is 'something to be gained'. But that still doesn't provide evidence for 911.


Why save the world, when you can rule it?
Poor Eisenhower, bet he's rotating in his grave at generating speeds.
He also said:
"If everybody's thinking alike, then someone isn't thinking."

Ace Boobtoucher

Founder and Captain of the Douchepatrol
I can't believe I let this turd get to me so much that I actually quoted Bill Maher and Rolling Stone.
Ok, the videos are about the USA establishing a defence budget for the future.

Your response to any question seems to be, 'watch this video'.

I have to assume that you have watched all the video's you've posted, therefore, why don't you write your own conclusions from what you've seen?

The question was, what has the west gained?

Do you think, 'The Military Industrial Complex is in control of the Government and they had everything to gain by starting wars with the middle east', is an informed response?

Iraq was invaded because of the so called threat of weapons of mass destruction. Invading Iraq would have happened without 911. I can't see how you can expect anyone to believe, 'All major terror events drummed up on TV have all, yes, all been inside jobs'.

If you were saying it was all about western control of oil reserves in the middle east, then fine. A lot of evidence points that way, there is 'something to be gained'. But that still doesn't provide evidence for 911.

Well once you see Terrorstorm you'll see the familiar pattern of staging terror attacks to get into wars.

9/11 was a false flag terror attack to be blamed on the "extremist" Muslims Al Queda, a shadowy enemy, and one that was itself admittedly founded by the CIA. They create the crisis and give us the answer.

If you watch Loose Change but also watch the many videos I've posted of the Architects and Engineers for 9/11 Truth you will see that the proof of controlled demolition is there. Controlled demolition = inside job as no one could plant those explosives except within Government.

It would be logical to assume the US would never want to attack itself! That sounds crazy but elements within the US Government have no allegiance to the US. They have greater goals in mind. You really have to spend time and watch Terrorstorm and then Endgame to get a good grasp of what I'm saying as I am not an eloquent writer. Video can speak volumes.

So first watch Loose Change 2nd Edition
then watch Terrorstorm: A History Of Government Sponsored Terror
then watch Endgame: Blueprint For Global Enslavement

These films will give you a very good understanding of where I'm coming from. Even if it takes a few days watch them in bits.
Well once you see Terrorstorm you'll see the familiar pattern of staging terror attacks to get into wars.

9/11 was a false flag terror attack to be blamed on the "extremist" Muslims Al Queda, a shadowy enemy, and one that was itself admittedly founded by the CIA. They create the crisis and give us the answer.

If you watch Loose Change but also watch the many videos I've posted of the Architects and Engineers for 9/11 Truth you will see that the proof of controlled demolition is there. Controlled demolition = inside job as no one could plant those explosives except within Government.

It would be logical to assume the US would never want to attack itself! That sounds crazy but elements within the US Government have no allegiance to the US. They have greater goals in mind. You really have to spend time and watch Terrorstorm and then Endgame to get a good grasp of what I'm saying as I am not an eloquent writer. Video can speak volumes.

So first watch Loose Change 2nd Edition
then watch Terrorstorm: A History Of Government Sponsored Terror
then watch Endgame: Blueprint For Global Enslavement

These films will give you a very good understanding of where I'm coming from. Even if it takes a few days watch them in bits.

I've watched Loose Change and the video where the structural engineer claims it is scientifically impossible for building 7 to collapse that way.

For every claim that says this could or couldn't happen, there will be a counterclaim. I've personally spoken with an architect who thinks its perfectly possible for a building to collapse that way. If the top floor collapses onto the next floor, its possible that the weight and force can create enough inertia and momentum to collapse the next floor down. Each floor adds to the inertia and momentum creating the accelerating effect as the building collapses.

Despite some of the posts in this thread that represent the usual blind and unquestioning attitude. I have to commend you in sticking to your belief. Governments, politicians will lie, kill millions of civilians, create propaganda as a means to their own ends and have been doing so for thousands of years.

I'm just of the opinion that by adhering just as strongly to a conspiracy theory, you close your mind and may miss the truth. I think the conspiracy of 911 doesn't add up. I can't think of anything that has happened since 911 that couldn't have happened without 911 having taken place. Therefore, I have to conclude there was nothing to be gained from an inside job, and that it was an attack from outside.
Dylan Avery is the writer, director, and editor of the Loose Change films. He is from Oneonta, New York, and currently lives in San Diego, California. After being denied admission twice by Purchase College's film school,[1] Avery planned to make a fictional thriller about a group of friends who discover the September 11, 2001 attacks were an "inside job"[2]. Along the way Avery himself stated that he had become convinced of this theory

Soooo he admittedly made it up to try and get into film school? And people take this shit seriously? Sad.
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