I'm sorry but the main tenets of this healthcare bill are basic no brainers. Or do people think that pre-existing denials of health insurance are a good thing? Seriously?
The problem is this bill will not lower costs enough, if at all. We do NOT have the best healthcare; we have the most expensive healthcare. BIG DIFFERENCE. The mindset of the American people has been brainwashed into thinking IF IT COSTS A LOT IT MUST BE WORTH IT. That attitude permeates a consumerist culture--cars and home purchases--but it's VERY BAD to have that mindset with healthcare, which is more important than what car you drive and how huge your mcmansion is.
REAL healthcare reform is too complex for idiot America to understand. That's what I learned this past year.
Obama will bring the troops home just before the elections to stem this supposed bloodbath that's supposed to happen. It's funny that some people think there will be mass marchings to the polling stations. Yeah Massachusetts, the hated state of conservatives, elected a Republican. I guess we should assume that he's going to vote this bill down? Hmmm. Maybe we oughtta watch his voting record, huh?
Did anyone catch this? I love that finally the TRUE COLORS OF CONSERVATIVES are coming through....racism and homophobia! Yay! And THESE protesters represent America!

We really will get the gov't we deserve if Republican candidates coddle to this trailer park gutter trash all the way BACK into Congress only to, what, take the country even further down the rabbit hole?
Steele, Boehner: Slurs don't represent protests
By: Marin Cogan
March 21, 2010 11:55 AM EDT
As House Democrats made their final push to pass health care reform Sunday, Majority Leader Steny Hoyer and Minority Leader John Boehner faced off over the tenor of Saturday's tea party protests,
in which racial and anti-gay slurs were lobbed at some Democratic lawmakers.
In a statement Saturday, Hoyer suggested that Republican lawmakers shared some of the blame.
"Members of Congress and opinion leaders ought to come to terms with their responsibility for inciting the tone and actions we saw today," Hoyer said. "A debate that began with false fears of forced euthanasia has ended in a truly ugly scene. It is incumbent on all of us to do better next time."
On “Meet the Press” Sunday morning, Boehner called the episodes “isolated incidents” but condemned them nonetheless.
"Well, listen, there were some isolated incidents on the Hill yesterday that were reprehensible and should not have happened,” the Ohio Republican said. “But let's not let a few isolated incidents get in the way of the fact that millions of Americans are scared to death. And millions of Americans want no part of this growing size of government here in Washington."
But Hoyer, also on “Meet the Press,” didn’t let up. "I think the tone of this entire debate has been denigrated, has been brought down, frankly, by the rhetoric of government takeover, socialism, things that are simply not accurate or true,” he said. “But it has put people in fear. And when they're fearful and angry, they don't look at the substance."
RNC Chairman Michael Steele referred to the protesters as “some stupid people out there saying some very stupid things.”
Thousands of tea party protesters descended on the Hill Saturday. Though protests earlier in the week were more civil,
this one was marred by instances of ugliness: Congressional Black Caucus member and civil rights leader John Lewis (D-Ga.) was reportedly called the N-word, and Emanuel Cleaver (D-Mo.) was spit on. A protester hurled an anti-gay slur at Barney Frank (D-Mass.).
Capitol Hill police and staff were already bracing for Sunday’s protests on theHill, which are set to coincide with a large rally for immigration reform. Anti-immigration sentiment was evident in the protests yesterday, with one sign depicting the president as an undocumented worker and one protester yelling that attendees of the immigration reform rally should be deported.