looking for this chick in a 80s or 90s porno

i saw her in a movie. sorry dont know the name or her name. but i can remember some of the video. nina hartely was in it she was dressed in a fire woman outfit . there was also a busty black hair girl that trys to aresst a guy who keeps flashing him self in an alley way. there was a convenit mattress in the alley way . but the girl i'm looking for is the girl who does the strip search one the guy . she waves the metal dector want past his penis and it start to beep. he gets imbaressed about having a cock ring and they fuck. the girl is wearing a tanish outfit . anyone know of the movie. or the girl.


Retired Mod
I believe the movie is "Uniform Behavior"
The cop is Keisha
Nina Hartley as a firefighter
Megan Leigh as a Drill Sargent
Hyapatia Lee is a sex therapist


Retired Mod
After 3815 views, I would think the answer to that question would be NO.

It's an obscure 80's movie. So it's too old to have been put on the internet when it first came out. It may be on some website somewhere, but obviously nobody knows. That should be obvious because no one could answer your original post.

Also, this is not a file sharing forum. So if anyone had it and posted it here they would get banned. So you're outta luck there.

Your best bet, if you really want the movie, would be to come out your pocket with some cash and order it online. Look for a retailer that specializes in vintage porn.
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but no gaurantees on quality or even if the video is the right video, hope this helps.

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