Listen Americans! Happy 4th of July!

We, being culturally superior, might take the mickey out of you sometimes, but you're not so bad after all. Enjoy your national holiday! If you have plans or stories to share, post'em here. :)

Thank you! :hatsoff:

I hope everyone has a safe and enjoyable fourth! Enjoy the fireworks and remember:



Ace Bandage

The one and only.
I plan on drinking copious amounts of alcohol and trying to light shit on fire. Should be an excellent time.


I am a failure to the Korean side of my family
I plan on drinking copious amounts of alcohol and trying to light shit on fire. Should be an excellent time.

I second that motion, however I will be not lighting said feceal matter as Ry does...I prefer to light low grade explosives.
We, being culturally superior, might take the mickey out of you sometimes, but you're not so bad after all. Enjoy your national holiday! If you have plans or stories to share, post'em here. :)

Thanks! We couldn't have done it without you guys! :D

I got my drinking on last night...I shall continue tonight. But tomorrow I will be sober seeing how I am to ignite pretty things for women and children. Me like me fingers, mate.

Vlad The Impaler

Power Slave
Thanks guys! I got no real plans so I'll probably just hang out with the wankers on freeones.


Moving to a trailer in Fife, AL.
working tonight, then off to meet a new lady friend for the UFC fight... after that, I would like to say I will have her on the mat longer than the Lesnar fight lasts, but it will probably be more of hang out and go home separately kind of deal. Tomorrow will be a chill day, maybe grill and beers.

Cheers to all and it is always a good World Cup when Brazil and Argentina are out before the semis. woooo hooooo


Virtus Junxit Mors Non Separabit
Everyone have a great 4th and stay safe.

It's just too bad that the direction our country has been headed since I have been alive every new 4th of July becomes just a little bit more meaningless to me. We're slowly throwing away this countries best ideals and what once made it great.