Lindsey Graham!! Let’s spoon!


Hiliary 2020

Lindsey Graham Blasts Dems: ‘What You Want to Do Is Destroy This Guy’

This guy has balls

yeah he's got balls. probably, maybe.
He has real big balls when he tells the American people they need to send their children off to a foreign land to kill, get killed, ans get maimed for the benefit of his puppet master, the state of Israel. And all based on lies.
They own this friutcake.

He's got balls.
it all comes back to the State of Israel. <cuckoo> <cuckoo>

As Newt Gingrich said tonight, Lindsey Graham defined his career with this excoriation of his fellow senate committee members.

"Boy, you all want power, God, I hope you never get it."

hear hear.

fuck them.


Hiliary 2020
it all comes back to the State of Israel. <cuckoo> <cuckoo>

As Newt Gingrich said tonight, Lindsey Graham defined his career with this excoriation of his fellow senate committee members.

"Boy, you all want power, God, I hope you never get it."

hear hear.

fuck them.

yeah I'm cookoo.
Who has by far the most powerful influential lobby in the USA? Is it Cambodia?
What place has benefited from all the endless war and death since 9/11? Is it Iran?
Who owns the Federal Reserve which can make or break our entire economy and destroy all our lives who we owe 20+ trillion to? Is it Ireland?
Who owns the entire media in which ALL the information you receive comes from? Is it Hong Kong?
I could go on with these facts but you are too far gone to face up to it.

Graham has made a career out of pushing for wars. Wars that dumbasses like you pay for. Wars that have no use other than to benefit Israel by destroying and killing ever place near them.
Wars that have wrecked our economy but made a small percentage very very wealthy.

So you go on a pretend none of these things are real like you've been conditioned to do. And call people like me who aren't afraid to call it for what it is childish names.
Whoop de do.
Graham wants Session's job. Like Teddy the wuss Cruz he has sold out to Trump in the name of ambition.

Who owns the Federal Reserve which can make or break our entire economy and destroy all our lives who we owe 20+ trillion to?

1) Our entire national debt is 21 trillion.
2) We don't "owe" Israel anything.
3) Israel only holds about 30 billion in U.S. securities. By comparison China holds about 1.2 TRILLION and Japan only slightly less.
georges said:

I'd say, given who her favor is, she knows misoginy, first hand, she knows what it looks like, she knows a misogynistic when she sees ones 'cause she has years of experience watching one operate.
I'd say, given who her favor is, she knows misoginy, first hand, she knows what it looks like, she knows a misogynistic when she sees ones 'cause she has years of experience watching one operate.

She is a fucking democrap swine, after the swine mother, the swine daughter with shit for brains. :thefinger::throwup:

Maybe so but Lindsey is Pathetic.
The runt of the litter an embarrassment to himself and us all.

The ones who are pathetic and an absolute disgrace on all levels to this country are the democraps as well as the obama muppets especially after their beyond shitty and twisted attitude during the Kavanaugh's hearing. And always remember: "what goes around always come around." :thefinger:
The ones who are pathetic and an absolute disgrace on all levels to this country are the democraps as well as the obama muppets especially after their beyond shitty and twisted attitude during the Kavanaugh's hearing. And always remember: "what goes around always come around." :thefinger:

You cannot focus.
They ALL suck!!!