Lindsey Graham Goes Nuclear: Exposes Corruption in Obama Administration, Demands Action


Staff member
A scared little bitch.
He should be ashamed of himself.
The good people of South Carolina should kick him to the curb.
If you chose to believe false narratives and outright lies shame on you also.
The Cheeto is an immoral, corrupt, 12 year old.

You should perhaps more talk about Kamala Harris, Richard Da Nang Blumenthal, Dick the Douchebag Durbin, Jerry the old brat Nadler, Diane Feinstein, Nancy the dumb cunt Pelosi, Maxine Low IQ Waters and all others Obama muppets who have been into this shameless and baseless impeachment scam and before in the Kavanaugh scam as well. The steele dossier on which is based this BS collusion investigation was itself an outright lie, yet you chose to defend the unhinged left. I chose the person who has more integrity than any of the former Obama devotees who have a permanent and unlawful way to put sticks into the justice system with false accusations, fabricated proofs and manipulated evidence. Because your community organize Obammy was someone with ethics and morals ? Highly unlikely.


New Twitter/X @cxffreeman
Lindsey Chokes Cock and he's going to lose in 2020, enjoy retirement, Ms. Graham.


Staff member
Guy epitomizes the shit hole the GOP is.
A bunch of scared bitches afraid to have an actual opinion because the Cheeto may not like it.

The whole trio composed of Nancy "the dumb cunt" Pelosi, "Crying" Chuck Schumer, Jerry "the Old Brat" Nadler shows how full of shit and full bias the Do Nothing Democrap party is. They and their accomplices are all a bunch of scared Obama muppets gutless and spineless bitches who spent a three years useless and costly investigation based on fabricated and false proofs using the taxpayers money.

Senate will ‘strike back’: Lindsey Graham gives Pelosi until end of year, or else …


Retired Mod
Bronze Member
Little Lindsey changes his mind so many times, you can't seriously call him any form of judge about anything.

He is one of the best examples of opportunistic mo**erf***ers Washington is home to

The whole trio composed of Nancy "the dumb cunt" Pelosi, "Crying" Chuck Schumer, Jerry "the Old Brat" Nadler shows how full of shit and full bias the Do Nothing Democrap party is. They and their accomplices are all a bunch of scared Obama muppets gutless and spineless bitches who spent a three years useless and costly investigation based on fabricated and false proofs using the taxpayers money.

Senate will ‘strike back’: Lindsey Graham gives Pelosi until end of year, or else …
Your big ‘answer’ is little Lindsay??
He will huff and puff....


Staff member
Your big ‘answer’ is little Lindsay??
He will huff and puff....

Yeah sure thing :rolleyes::facepalm: That is highly unlikely but keep on dreaming as you always do. Your answer will be the Obama politicians and muppets are outstanding people when in fact they are beyond mediocre people with no guts and no brain. Just look at the despicable and deplorable people the Democrats have as appointees in the Judiciary Committee, you know who they are.

Lindsey Graham Gives Iran Warning About America’s Next Move


Staff member


Staff member
As I could expect it from Lindsay Graham, he has been digging and doing a phenomenal job to prove clearly that the Trump probe was a set up. And also this russian collusion was a hoax orchestrated by Democrats during Operation Crossfire Hurricane. Comey will be questionned the 30th september and Mc Cabe the 6th october. Let's see what kind of lies and bs, Comey and Mc Cabe have to say for their defense and about the Steele dossier.
Hahaha Lindsey Graham. Of all the trump bootlickers, the lowest and least credible. Anyone who wants a good laugh go to youtube and search "lindsey graham begging for money." Hilarious!
As I could expect it from Lindsay Graham, he has been digging and doing a phenomenal job to prove clearly that the Trump probe was a set up. And also this russian collusion was a hoax orchestrated by Democrats during Operation Crossfire Hurricane. Comey will be questionned the 30th september and Mc Cabe the 6th october. Let's see what kind of lies and bs, Comey and Mc Cabe have to say for their defense and about the Steele dossier.
Thanks you georges for keeping us up on the inquiries in to democrrt bad behavior its not like major media going to cover the story that democrats used government to hunt, smear, slander a private citizen.
I always am surp that they caN find guys gullible enough to take the fall (cause someone is going down they spent to much time and money getting the record straight now deep state scheming partisans are come to Reckoning).
Information is always valuable and being on the inside of the sham collusiin stuff and the hate motivation failed Impeachment the Trump attack program guarantees that you're exposed to betrayal under oath haha how many democrats are sweating bullets waiting for an indictment or subpoena news doesn't have to cover that story those chumps are living it. Schiff is a turd but I actually think he's a tool that they're going to hang out to dry he won't win for dog catcher next race he stumbles into 😄 go sit next to Howard Dean another Democrat living punchline. 🤣


Nattering Nabob of Negativism
The Dean scream is a classic. I always love the replays. They swiftly moved onto Kerry. Maybe someone with emotion may have beaten Bush.