A scared little bitch.
He should be ashamed of himself.
The good people of South Carolina should kick him to the curb.
If you chose to believe false narratives and outright lies shame on you also.
The Cheeto is an immoral, corrupt, 12 year old.
You should perhaps more talk about Kamala Harris, Richard Da Nang Blumenthal, Dick the Douchebag Durbin, Jerry the old brat Nadler, Diane Feinstein, Nancy the dumb cunt Pelosi, Maxine Low IQ Waters and all others Obama muppets who have been into this shameless and baseless impeachment scam and before in the Kavanaugh scam as well. The steele dossier on which is based this BS collusion investigation was itself an outright lie, yet you chose to defend the unhinged left. I chose the person who has more integrity than any of the former Obama devotees who have a permanent and unlawful way to put sticks into the justice system with false accusations, fabricated proofs and manipulated evidence. Because your community organize Obammy was someone with ethics and morals ? Highly unlikely.