Little Red Wagon Repairman
As much as I can't stand Hillary I still can't bring myself to vote for Trump. I wonder how the turnout will be with these two douchebags running against each other.
The best hope for what’s left of a serious conservative movement in America is the election in November of a Democratic president, held in check by a Republican Congress. Conservatives can survive liberal administrations, especially those whose predictable failures lead to healthy restorations—think Carter, then Reagan. What isn’t survivable is a Republican president who is part Know Nothing, part Smoot-Hawley and part John Birch. The stain of a Trump administration would cripple the conservative cause for a generation.
Aside from name calling or making fun of his hair can anyone be specific on what they don't like about Trump?
Aside from name calling or making fun of his hair can anyone be specific on what they don't like about Trump?
Aside from name calling or making fun of his hair can anyone be specific on what they don't like about Trump?
I honestly don't even think Trump thought he would get this far.
It's because they cant buy him therefore can't own and control him.
You know when this country was founded it was never meant to have career politicians.
Does anybody realize the level of corruption due mainly to this in the USA GOV today?
It's probably at this point the most corrupt government thats ever existed.
These politicians , all of them, take so many millions and millions from big oil, big pharma, billionairres like Soros and Adelson and so many others.
They take millions and millions from Wall Street and big banks like Goldman Sachs. They take millions from the israel first lobbies.
Does anybody think that they just give all this money out of the kindness of their hearts?
Does anybody think that these multi billioniares and lobbies care about what's best for you or me?
They own all of these politicians and have for a very long time.
The media borderline created Trump: $2 Billion Worth of Free Media for Donald Trump. So you can go ahead and take them out of that list. The two parties? Sure. Big business? Because a presidential nominee talking about defaulting on the dollar is scary as fuck.And does anybody even wonder why the media, the democrats, the republicans, and pretty much every big business is doing everything they can to ruin Trump?
I wouldn't be so sure.It's because they cant buy him therefore can't own and control him.
Donald Trump is no threat to that club; Donald Trump is firmly in that club.He is a threat to their BIG CLUB, that very elite, very corrupt club that gets richer and richer by fucking us over from cradle to grave.
This is very true. And again, reason not to vote an establishment candidate; not reason enough for Trump. Especially considering some people know exactly how bad they've been screwed - by, for example, Trump University.Saddest thing is that most people have no clue just how bad they are being screwed all their lives.
Read your own words over. Internalize them. Then go vote for a non-awful non-establishment candidate, like Johnson or Stein.You gotta try to expand your thought processes a little bit more. There is a lot more going on than what's on the surface.
Aside from name calling or making fun of his hair can anyone be specific on what they don't like about Trump?
And like any other president, it's critical that Trump, if elected, be subjected to a measure of control.
Unless you want a dictatorship, in which case there are plenty of other places to live.
The measure of control would be the system of checks and balances already in place, right?
This election amounts to a referendum on the character and wisdom of the American people. It is a fight for the very soul of our nation, i.e., who we are!
My view of Donald Trump is that of a snake oil salesman - as slimy and as fraudulent as they come.
Unfortunately, however, he's quite good at his craft... undoubtedly the most effective "salesman" the US has ever seen run for President.
A master of exaggeration, he has successfully fanned the flames of dissatisfaction into rabid, full blown anger.
He's tailored his message to a sizeable swath of disenfranchised voters, convincing them that the economy is in shambles, that ISIS can be easily defeated, and that America is no longer great... all of which is completely FALSE! To listen to his gloom and doom rhetoric, one would think the US is on the verge of a virtual collapse.
On the contrary, just a couple days ago, the Bureau of Economic Analysis reported the biggest monthly hike in consumer spending in almost 7 years, which suggests that the US economy is actually robust, contrary to the "bearish" picture that Trump has been trying to paint.
So which "entity" poses the greatest threat to the US: Clinton, Trump or ISIS?
Trump's temperament alone, not to mention some of his outlandish proposals, itself, poses both an national and international threat to the US.
With all his bombast, Donald is surprisingly thin-skinned, combatiave, and easily butthurt, a clear sign of insecurity and demonstrative of his fundamental lack of composure/steadiness.
As a mere candidate, the guy has insulted some of our closest allies as well as alienated 1.6 billion Muslims. Say what you want about Hillary's email server controversy, Donald's unscripted/unplugged speaking style is a far greater threat to national security than some potentially at-risk emails.
If Trump does becomes president (which is quite possible - Hillary is an awful campaigner), I predict he would be impeached within 2 years for "conduct unbefiitting the office of President of the United States".
News commentators missed this one, but what Trump did Tuesday was unconscionable.
Regarding the lawsuit against him, the judge assigned to the case made the decision to the release sales literature/employee handbooks associated with his now defunct Trump University.
At a campaign rally in San Diego, this scoundrel goes off topic specifically to call out the judge.
He repeatedly referred to this judge as being a "Trump Hater", clearly and loudly informed the crowd of the judge's name ("His name is... !"), then makes a reference to the man's race, saying that he believed he was Mexican. This retaliatory response by Trump could easily be construed as subliminally encouraging Trumpeters to "do his bidding", i.e. commit some form of terrorism against this judge, be it assault or threat of assault.
What happens to you if you cross Dangerous Donald - US Dictator :squish:
The measure of control would be the system of checks and balances already in place, right?
All those negative personality traits of Trump have been on full display yet he's steamrolled through what may have been the most formidable field of GOP candidates in recent memory. Those who came out in droves to vote for him don't give a shit that he's a childish, narcissistic (insert whatever here) asshole - they want hope and change.