Apparently she is a model at the (lingerie) fashion company
Brazerie, run by a certain mr. Rustam Bekeshev. I think they also distribute for
Curvy Kate, a lingerie company for the larger cup sizes.
Here is Lydia Krasnoruzheva (?), in an Ukranian commercial for
Brazerie .... at least I think she's the 2nd, 4th and final 'appearance'.
And here miss Krasnoruzheva appears again:
I think she has also been performing at a Body Art Festival, which takes place every summer near the Black Sea:
And finally, I think this could be Lydia, too, on a Russian site called vkontakte:
Btw: I'm still not entirely sure. I also found some links with first names Alena and Natalya .... maybe the same girl? :dunno: