Liberals Hate Freedom, Ignore the Real World

Liberals hate freedom, ignore the real world
July 14, 2010 08:00:00 AM

Liberals hate freedom. Conservatives love freedom. Liberals want to manage all aspects of our lives. They want to tell us whether we can smoke in own homes, eat various types of food (fast food or red meat) or condiments (salt), what we can wear (fur), what kind of cars we can drive, where we can send our kids to school (school vouchers), what they learn (rewriting American history for political correctness) and the list goes on and on. Why?

Liberals think we can’t manage any and all aspects of our own existence without their help. Liberals quite simply think we here in the heartland are too dumb to run our own lives. As a conservative, I think you can do fine on your own. It’s your life. Live it as you see fit as long as you don’t interfere with my ability to do the same.

Liberals are cowards. Conservatives are resolved and stand on principle. Historically speaking, liberals have rarely met a despot or dictator they didn’t like or admire. Conservatives generally hate the very idea of someone like Lenin, Castro or Chavez. Liberals coddle and curry favor from these type leaders. Conservatives would simply rid the world of them, free their people and go home. Not because it makes us feel good, but because it’s the right of all people to be free and we’re willing to fight for it, anywhere, anytime. Conservatives have always been a force for freedom. Liberals are a force for naïveté’.

Liberals are pretentious. The above points all have a common theme. Liberals like to do for others. But they don’t do it for the benefit of others. They do it because it makes them fell better about themselves. When liberals gather they can share stories of their sacrifices and how much they’ve done for “them.” As they sit there, trying to find bigger and better ways to spend someone else’s tax dollars, they glorify themselves and how “caring” they are.

Liberals hate God or a creator or whatever you like to worship or deify. Without question, the Founding Fathers based the Constitution and Bill of Rights on Judeo-Christian precepts. One simply needs to read them to find references to these ideas in the documents. This infuriates liberals. They hate the idea of moral structure and moral code. It inhibits their ability to live as they see fit, while seeking to regulate the lives of others in a secular manner. Liberals are “too cool” for God or religion and mock those of us who find comfort in a belief in a higher being. America is a Christian nation, but worship whatever or whoever or not at all as you deem fit. That’s OK with us.

Why do liberals hate America so much, I wonder?


Three lullabies in an ancient tongue
A letter to the editor of a small-town newspaper in the Florida panhandle? :1orglaugh

I sense your tongue is firmly implanted in cheek, Plumprump.

Here's a deserving response from an equally powerful source:

Why Conservatives Hate Freedom
Posted by CanisLupusAnimi on 06/26/10 10:17 AM

I hear constant talk from Conservatives about freedom and our Constitution, and how neither one are being respected anymore. I'd like to cast some light on why they should look in the mirror before speaking.

For Conservatives, freedom is a one-way road. Only they are free, and everyone else has to conform to their standards. First, let's look at religion. The 1st Amendment guarantees our right to believe in any religion we want, and prevents the government from intruding on our freedom of faith. Conservatives, however, are trying to push a single religion into our government and shove it down the throats of the rest of the nation. They have even gone so far as to rewrite the Bible because it's too "liberal." This in itself is blashphemy, and a one-way ticket to Hell.

Civil rights? Forget it, unless you're right-wing. In Texas, Conservatives want to jail straight people for simply using their 1st Amendment right to free speech, just by supporting gays. Conservatives also ignore the 14th Amendment when they want same-sex marriage banned, and cannot give one valid, legal reason why Americans should be stripped of their Constitutional rights.

Big government? They SUPPORT it! Conservatives support invading your private life if you do not conform to their "standards." Telling women what they can and can't do with their body and sending people to jail for speaking freely is VERY big government. The ONLY areas in which they want government reduced is involvement in commerce, taxes, and gun rights. They also want to control the minds of our Children by altering school textbooks to their far-right slant, distorting facts and hiding the truth.

Conservatives not only attack the American people, our Constitution, and their own faith, but they contradict their own stand on freedom. Go back to your bible and reread it, especially Matthew 7:5, because you fit the definition of the term "hypocrite."

Why do so many partisan nutballs hate freedom? :rolleyes:
the key is to remember this: whoever disagrees with you or simply has different ideals than you is quite simply, hitler, stalin, pot, and hussein rolled into one
Geez Plump, what's with all the liberal hate? This plus the "Why are Liberals so Condescending?" threads. You know, I'm getting the feeling you don't like liberals. Now I wouldn't call myself a liberal any more than I am conservative as I agree with the right on some issues and the left on others, but I think it's people like you who believe they are right about everything that are the reason for all the hate in this country. People that refuse to accept the fact that everyone is entitled to their own opinions, ideals and beliefs weather or not they're right or wrong. So I just gotta say, while I respect your opinion as much as I hope you would respect mine, try to open up your mind and lay off the hate.

Also, when did Freeones become a political board anyway? All the GOP and liberal posts lately are kinda bringing me down with all the hate and arguing in them. This is why I tend to live by a motto my Dad lives by which is, "Politics only lead to hate, anger and arguments. Which is why I never discuss politics with people I like." And I like you all. :)

the key is to remember this: whoever disagrees with you or simply has different ideals than you is quite simply, hitler, stalin, pot, and hussein rolled into one

Geez Plump, what's with all the liberal hate? This plus the "Why are Liberals so Condescending?" threads. You know, I'm getting the feeling you don't like liberals. Now I wouldn't call myself a liberal any more than I am conservative as I agree with the right on some issues and the left on others, but I think it's people like you who believe they are right about everything that are the reason for all the hate in this country. People that refuse to accept the fact that everyone is entitled to their own opinions, ideals and beliefs weather or not they're right or wrong. So I just gotta say, while I respect your opinion as much as I hope you would respect mine, try to open up your mind and lay off the hate.

Also, when did Freeones become a political board anyway? All the GOP and liberal posts lately are kinda bringing me down with all the hate and arguing in them. This is why I tend to live by a motto my Dad lives by which is, "Politics only lead to hate, anger and arguments. Which is why I never discuss politics with people I like." And I like you all. :)


I just recognized it as trolling and moved on. Wanted to see how people responded though.


Liberals hate freedom. Conservatives love freedom.

What is this? An article for fucken 4 year olds?


Must you neoconned wingnuts constantly remind us what low IQ's you have by spamming up chat boards with these yokel talking points you copy and paste from the arse end of the internet?


Lenin, Castro or Chavez LMFAO.....And the west did what to them? And dont give me the liberals been running the world bullshit either....Conservatives have been in power both in the UK and US during Castro's rein....And fuck I bet the UK was predominantly thoroughly conservative before world war 1 and 2.

Both ideology/political forces enjoy bureacracy anything else is just hog wash bullshit. And thats really all that bulshit your talking about in regards to curtailing freedoms and such. Blame the middle class who aren't all liberal hippies many are hardcore conservatives the world over, Its all been about creating a larger middle class and justifying creation of new jobs....

Meh such QQ.