Earlier in the week I watched in passing some GOP congressman being interviewed on MSNBC by one of it's hosts on the debt ceiling.
Again this was in passing but what I caught was the congressman expanding the discussion to the economy and he offered something to the effect;
(Paraphrasing) - Americans are telling the Obama administration that taxing, borrowing and spending haven't worked.
Huh???? WTF???????????
First of all, What tax did Obama increase to cause the economy to be in the condition that it's in?
And isn't the spending increase because we are finally investing in our infrastructure like we should be and Obama ran on??
Lastly, aren't we mostly borrowing at the current rates because of Bush's mismanagement of the Afghan war and his excursion into Iraq??
Why didn't the lib media MSNBC host challenge the 'guest' on these points??
Again this was in passing but what I caught was the congressman expanding the discussion to the economy and he offered something to the effect;
(Paraphrasing) - Americans are telling the Obama administration that taxing, borrowing and spending haven't worked.
Huh???? WTF???????????

First of all, What tax did Obama increase to cause the economy to be in the condition that it's in?
And isn't the spending increase because we are finally investing in our infrastructure like we should be and Obama ran on??
Lastly, aren't we mostly borrowing at the current rates because of Bush's mismanagement of the Afghan war and his excursion into Iraq??
Why didn't the lib media MSNBC host challenge the 'guest' on these points??