Let's Talk about Pizzagate


Hiliary 2020
I have read the entire thread. Some of it more than once before I make a reply. meester, don't fall into the trap of conspiracy theories. In your own words you say that nothing has been proven or disproven but there is more going on. That is the classic conspiracy theory rhetoric. Fake news has joined the industry of spooky ghosts, Bigfoot, numerology, shadow men, and the list of other conspiracies mentioned. These experts have traveling conventions. More like a traveling circus or road show. Pay to get in, pay for seminars, purchase one of their books that they will gladly sign. Stop at the JFK booth for the latest "information" recently uncovered.

Bob I'm not as much of a conspiracy theorist as you think.
I see through the bullcrap pretty clearly.
I dont care for A.Jones and I don't buy into the stupid stuff. I dont even believe in chemtrails.

90% of the conspiracies I believe in., are hoaxes and false flags that have happened during the Obama years which has been an administration of deception since it began.
And most of the others happened during the Bush II years.

With this pizzagate you have not seen me accusing anybody named in it of being a pedo or of a child sexring.
I've only stated many times that the emails, the social media posts and comments should be investigated by the Law.
That is what most people I believe want. An investigation.
Ive also said that I know thats not going to happen.
The MSM has said it has been debunked. Well how can something be debunked if not one of the emails, pics or comments has even been addressed?
And I have also noted the connections involved.
I have read the emails. I have seen the creepy photos and comments which have strrong pedo masochistic implications.
And they are real as far as I know. Its all in the podesta emails and major social media accounts.
so I'm not so much as pushing this as much as I am reporting it and saying these peoiple should be investigated.

But I have moved way past that. I don't think you have noticed what I'm focusing on in all this is the GOV and MSM using this to attack ALL independent media.
They are using this to discredit anyone who questions them.
They are using this to promote creating censurship laws which are against the 1st both freedom of speech andof the press.
I have shown the progression of that andI have stated why that is so important and so dangerous for The People.

I dont want to live in N Korea or Soviet Russia. I dont want to live in a total dictatorship.
We have already got all the big news sources being owned by just a handfull of people.
And we have already got that media clearly being used by the GOV to control our information.
That's quite enough already.

We lose the abilty to share info, ideas, and opinions on the internet and we are fucked.
If they pass censurship laws to shut down anybody, including individuals like us to even question them bad things will follow.
And that is exactly where they are heading with this.
They know the open flow of information- wikileaks, social media, independent news sources, ect just cost HC the election.
They know almost nobody believes them anymore.
That is a huge setback for them and they must destroy it any way they can to maintain control.

And my final thing that I am pretty sure that they are going to stage something big very soon.
They have already sent some actor who recently got in big trouble with the law to go in there with a gun.
That was just an appetizer for the msm to feed on for a bit.
Something bigger is planned. After that they can demand the laws they want passed in the name of public safety.....like they always do.
Its problem reaction solution 100%.

One more thing maybe you know or don't know.
Most all of the nonsense you see especially on yootoob-
Bigfoot, Alien Lizards, Flat Earth, Moon landing hoax, ect ect are put there on purpose by actual fake news sources in order to discredit real stuff.
It's called poisoning the well.

Again, Like I have said this thing has gone way beyond some creepy creeps talking creepy about children on the internet.
Now its about the GOV and the MSM attempting to destroy anybody who questions them.


Proud member of FreeOnes Hall Of Fame. Retired to
So how do we address this? You say investigate. Who does the investigations? Law enforcement, government, MSM? As you say, we can't trust them. Independent media? Just plain old citizens walking up and asking questions with cameras? I don't know who these people are and I don't have to talk to them. As covered before, all media has bias. Investigation of a story is going to have an agenda.

With that I ask, isn't investigating this story based upon how these people freely expressed themselves censuring their free speech? You are now becoming the thought police. I know you don't want that but can you see that connection?

"Like me on Facebook and follow me on Twitter" is the new normal. I don't do or have any of those because I believe in privacy both for me and others. I don't want to know everything about your life. What you reveal to me is just fine. Your friends don't have to be my friends. But in this world that I'm not a part of, webs are spun and links and connections are made and people get pissy and someone makes something go viral and as time has proven true, Crowds draw crowds. That's Marketing 101. The traveling medicine show.


New Twitter/X @cxffreeman
Libel and slander aren't protected under the 1st Amendment and law enforcement doesn't investigate anything without a complaint or report being filed. So, why hasn't a complaint or report been filed? Could it be that it's a false accusation, and a false accusation like pedophilia is a felony and would probably result in a felony lying to police charge for anyone that made it, think about that the next time you read something so fucking outrageous.
Libel and slander aren't protected under the 1st Amendment and law enforcement doesn't investigate anything without a complaint or report being filed. So, why hasn't a complaint or report been filed? Could it be that it's a false accusation, and a false accusation like pedophilia is a felony and would probably result in a felony lying to police charge for anyone that made it, think about that the next time you read something so fucking outrageous.

There are named individuals and media outlets that have spread this story.

Podesta ,Clinton et al should pursue legal action.

It is more suspect that Hillary Clinton has taken time to allude to this story but hasn't pursued legal action against those they know are spreading it.

Especially Podesta.


New Twitter/X @cxffreeman
There are named individuals and media outlets that have spread this story.

Podesta ,Clinton et al should pursue legal action.

It is more suspect that Hillary Clinton has taken time to allude to this story but hasn't pursued legal action against those they know are spreading it.

Especially Podesta.

Criminal consequences > Civil litigation

"News" outlets spreading the story would benefit more from the publicity of civil action by Clinton, or Podesta, but it's telling that they don't have the courage of their convictions to take what they have to law enforcement and initiate criminal proceedings. Why? Because they've got nothing.
Criminal consequences > Civil litigation

"News" outlets spreading the story would benefit more from the publicity of civil action by Clinton, or Podesta, but it's telling that they don't have the courage of their convictions to take what they have to law enforcement and initiate criminal proceedings. Why? Because they've got nothing.

Actually law enforcement would initiate and prosecutors would subpoena.

Ace Boobtoucher

Founder and Captain of the Douchepatrol
The fact that acepicklelicker has such a hard on for this story should give everyone pause for thought.


Hiliary 2020
So how do we address this? You say investigate. Who does the investigations? Law enforcement, government, MSM? As you say, we can't trust them. Independent media? Just plain old citizens walking up and asking questions with cameras? I don't know who these people are and I don't have to talk to them. As covered before, all media has bias. Investigation of a story is going to have an agenda.

With that I ask, isn't investigating this story based upon how these people freely expressed themselves censuring their free speech? You are now becoming the thought police. I know you don't want that but can you see that connection?

"Like me on Facebook and follow me on Twitter" is the new normal. I don't do or have any of those because I believe in privacy both for me and others. I don't want to know everything about your life. What you reveal to me is just fine. Your friends don't have to be my friends. But in this world that I'm not a part of, webs are spun and links and connections are made and people get pissy and someone makes something go viral and as time has proven true, Crowds draw crowds. That's Marketing 101. The traveling medicine show.

Well I suppose investigation would be done by DC Police.
Like I said it's not going to happen unless something more incriminating than creepy posts and comments are found and even then considering that it is the Podesta's and a person who is friends with John Podesta, HC, BO, and David Brock who are in the middle of this any investigation is very unlikely.
One of many things many people have woken up to recently is that some people are above the law. Comey and Lynch have taught us that.

As far as free speech. Sure. They can post all the stupid pictures of people with blood on them all they want, but when they start making comments and posts about children they deserve to be checked out.
They could start simply with asking, "what did you mean when you said this?" . And a good cop may be able to go from there if there is anything that doesn't jive.
Thats how they do it right?
But like I said many times here I do not expect anything like that happening. That is why I am not emphasizing the pedo masochistic angle on this issue.
I am looking at it from a "broader perspective".


Hiliary 2020
Like I've said here, forget the alledged pedo stuff here for a bit.
Take a step back and look at the BIG PICTURE. The Whole Picture.

Many things seems to be tied together and I have no doubt they are.
The most recent event is Obama 2 days ago saying there would be an investigation regarding Russia interfering with the election.
Then just yesterday The CIA coming out saying that Russia was "trying to help Trump win the Election".
As usual up to this point that offer absoloutely no evidence to this.

There is some very strange stuff happening here and now in his country. I can't think of anything in any history that I can even compare it to.
Lets go back in time a little.

We have a Presidential election with a longshot candidate taking the GOP nomination. A candidate who is apparently not part of the political oligarchy.
We have another candidate who stole her partys nomination in plain sight with proven and not even denied media collusion and delegate bribery.
Even if that is not true that is what many feel and it woke up millions of Sanders people to the real world.

Meanwhile we have a MSM who is on an all out assault on one candidate, showing the world and waking people up to just how biased they are.

Add to that the growing veiwership of independant media. I'm not talking about just infowars which is not news as much as opinion and clickbait.
I'm talking about independent news outside of the msm.
Bloggers, yootoob channels, social media, independent news websites, ect ect, and the wikileaks emails which were coming out almost daily.
All those combined made 2016 a year with a huge awaking of people.

We had a candidate repeatedly accusing Russia of being behind all of this. Saying Russia is responsible for all the wikileaks and for "interfering" with the election. Very strong accusations and again no proof offered to back it up.
The same candidate started talking about the "Alt-Right" specifically info wars and A. Jones by name.
This actually caused infowars veiwership to skyrocket. (Obviously HC's handlers must have known this would happen. Makes me wonder if all of this was a plan from the start to go after "Fake News").

Meanwhile we had the FBI saying yes she broke the law, many laws,serious laws, ....but we are not going to do anything.

Meanwhile more people connected to the Clintons keep dying young under unclear or unusual circumstances.

Add that all up and it's quite a recipe. None of it positive for Clinton.

And she continued to talk about Russia at the same time Russia was in Syria fighting the Muslim Brotherhhood and winning while the Obama administration and the media was condemning them for doing so. Even threatening and even attacking them "by accident".

People are becoming more and more stressed out over all of this. Meanwhile Trump becomes more popular every day.

Pizzagate begins based on John Podestas emails.
Obama Starts talking about the "Fake News" and the msm jumps all over it.

Trump wins the election. The media goes into shock.
People, mostly entirely young adults start rioting and there is no doubt most of these "protests" are organized by the same people who backed HC. (In fact even today no reporters can go near the protesters outside Trump tower. The police will not let them get near them to ask questions.)
Think about that. The MSM and the GOV actually have convinced people to rage against the establishment but in reality it is that same establishment who has brainwashed them to rage against them. It's crazy really. These people are actually protesting against he same establishment they are fighting for.

The MSM continues its attack on Trump even though by now very few people are taking them seriously if even paying attention to them at all.
Hiliary without even giving a concession speech disappears.

The pizzagate thing gets bigger, The GOV and the msm push the "Fake News" news even more, using the pizzagate as their prime example.
They even make a list of the Fake News sites.

Stein calls for a recount in 3 states Trump won even though she has no chance of winning. Only HC would.
After a few weeks that apparently doesn't work.

Then a guy, an actor with a IMDB page walks into cometpizza with a gun a shoots the floor tiles (even though witnesses said no shots were fired and there is video of the area roped off with police tape before the guy even showed up).

A few days later HC is resurrescted to tell Congress about "Fake News" and that something must be done to stop it.
Meaning Laws must be created.

Then Obama says there is evidence Russia "interfered" with the election, but offers no proof.
The same guy who months earlier laughed and said the elections can not be rigged.

The next day the CIA , not the FBI, says Russia did interfere with the eledction to help Trump but offers no example and no proof.

So HC comes back from the dead to talk about fake news. The next day Obama says Russia rigged the election for Trump and the next day the CIA says it's true.
This is all very suspicious.

All this behavior from the GOV and the MSM (the same thing) is not normal.
Their behavior of the GOV Agencies in all this is not normal.

I feel all this I mentioned is tied together. All of it.
I don't know what it means or what the end game is.
I do know HC lost and they didn't expect that and I feel all this may be part of a plan to steal the White House from Trump while simultaneously shutting down the independent media sources and anybody opposing or even questioning the GOV.

They are losing control. They are scared and they are gonna do whatever it takes to regain that control.

It's all very strange and it's all tied together.


Proud member of FreeOnes Hall Of Fame. Retired to
I'm with you on the good cop. Someone smart enough to ask the right questions. But where does it go from there? He reports what he finds to the department and the public as records of his investigation. That may take up like half a day. File the report and move onto the next case. This cop has to respond to several calls a day. Are you asking cops to independently chase? Some of these cops may have their own agenda. Some have even said that the dude had what looked like a gun. Who do you want to put your trust in?
Meanwhile we had the FBI saying yes she broke the law, many laws,serious laws, ....but we are not going to do anything.

No we did not. Comey never said she broke any laws. He stated, and I quote: "We have no evidence sufficient to justify the conclusion that she violated any of the statutes related to classified information."

So HC comes back from the dead to talk about fake news. The next day Obama says Russia rigged the election for Trump and the next day the CIA says it's true.

Meanwhile more people connected to the Clintons keep dying young under unclear or unusual circumstances.

No they did not. One guy who worked for the DNC got murdered in D.C. Assange, in a pure publicity stunt, and against the wishes of his family, suggested (nudge nudge) that perhaps the victim had been a WikiLeaks source. No evidence of any kind has materialized that that was the case.

Hiliary without even giving a concession speech disappears.

No she did not. Here's her concession speech right here http://www.cnn.com/2016/11/09/politics/hillary-clinton-concession-speech/

The next day Obama says Russia rigged the election for Trump and the next day the CIA says it's true. This is all very suspicious.

Don't see why. The CIA hadn't reached its conclusion on that count by election day. They were still busy analyzing and processing intelligence they'd received prior to the election. And FFS this is hardly a big reach; Russia is well known for engaging in such activities.


Seriously Mr. P, if you can't even get some of these foundational factors right why would anyone be compelled to give your overall scenario any credence?
The Obama CIA is just as political as the Obama DOJ, The Obama IRS, Obama's NASA. Obama NSA Obama DNI and is why Petraeus was shown the door.
The Obama CIA is just as political as the Obama DOJ, The Obama IRS, Obama's NASA. Obama NSA Obama DNI and is why Petraeus was shown the door.

C'mon BC. If that was the case why didn't they assist Hillary by reaching this conclusion before the election rather than after?
The article states they'd been working with intel that eventually led to this judgment since October 7th.

And a pretty compelling conclusion it is. I'm reminded once again of all the smiling faces, applause and exchange of congratulations in Russia's parliament when news of Clinton's defeat reached them. I'm not suggesting it justifies a do over or anything whack like that. But I think it is a dynamic we all need to be attentive to going forward.

"Intelligence agencies have identified individuals with connections to the Russian government who provided WikiLeaks with thousands of hacked emails from the Democratic National Committee and others, including Hillary Clinton's campaign chairman, according to U.S. officials," the Post reports. "Those officials described the individuals as actors known to the intelligence community and part of a wider Russian operation to boost Trump and hurt Clinton's chances."

Citing anonymous officials briefed on the issue, the Post says the CIA shared its findings with senators in a closed-door briefing last week, saying it was now "quite clear" that Russia's goal was to tip the presidency in Trump's favor:

"It is the assessment of the intelligence community that Russia's goal here was to favor one candidate over the other, to help Trump get elected,' said a senior U.S. official briefed on an intelligence presentation made to U.S. senators. 'That's the consensus view.' "
C'mon BC. If that was the case why didn't they assist Hillary by reaching this conclusion before the election rather than after?
The article states they'd been working with intel that eventually led to this judgment since October 7th.

And a pretty compelling conclusion it is. I'm reminded once again of all the smiling faces, applause and exchange of congratulations in Russia's parliament when news of Clinton's defeat reached them. I'm not suggesting it justifies a do over or anything whack like that. But I think it is a dynamic we all need to be attentive to going forward.

"Intelligence agencies have identified individuals with connections to the Russian government who provided WikiLeaks with thousands of hacked emails from the Democratic National Committee and others, including Hillary Clinton's campaign chairman, according to U.S. officials," the Post reports. "Those officials described the individuals as actors known to the intelligence community and part of a wider Russian operation to boost Trump and hurt Clinton's chances."

Citing anonymous officials briefed on the issue, the Post says the CIA shared its findings with senators in a closed-door briefing last week, saying it was now "quite clear" that Russia's goal was to tip the presidency in Trump's favor:

"It is the assessment of the intelligence community that Russia's goal here was to favor one candidate over the other, to help Trump get elected,' said a senior U.S. official briefed on an intelligence presentation made to U.S. senators. 'That's the consensus view.' "

Then they suck at election influencing. Hillary got more votes.

This is nothing more than oil well fires being set by a sour grapes administration that knows their legacy is gonna be altered.

They have displayed pettiness with Trump's success at getting jobs to stay here.

The CIA is simply following orders to cast a shadow of illegitimacy on the Trump presidency.

Perhaps there will be a congressional investigation which will show everything they contend cannot be verified.