Hiliary 2020
I have read the entire thread. Some of it more than once before I make a reply. meester, don't fall into the trap of conspiracy theories. In your own words you say that nothing has been proven or disproven but there is more going on. That is the classic conspiracy theory rhetoric. Fake news has joined the industry of spooky ghosts, Bigfoot, numerology, shadow men, and the list of other conspiracies mentioned. These experts have traveling conventions. More like a traveling circus or road show. Pay to get in, pay for seminars, purchase one of their books that they will gladly sign. Stop at the JFK booth for the latest "information" recently uncovered.
Bob I'm not as much of a conspiracy theorist as you think.
I see through the bullcrap pretty clearly.
I dont care for A.Jones and I don't buy into the stupid stuff. I dont even believe in chemtrails.
90% of the conspiracies I believe in., are hoaxes and false flags that have happened during the Obama years which has been an administration of deception since it began.
And most of the others happened during the Bush II years.
With this pizzagate you have not seen me accusing anybody named in it of being a pedo or of a child sexring.
I've only stated many times that the emails, the social media posts and comments should be investigated by the Law.
That is what most people I believe want. An investigation.
Ive also said that I know thats not going to happen.
The MSM has said it has been debunked. Well how can something be debunked if not one of the emails, pics or comments has even been addressed?
And I have also noted the connections involved.
I have read the emails. I have seen the creepy photos and comments which have strrong pedo masochistic implications.
And they are real as far as I know. Its all in the podesta emails and major social media accounts.
so I'm not so much as pushing this as much as I am reporting it and saying these peoiple should be investigated.
But I have moved way past that. I don't think you have noticed what I'm focusing on in all this is the GOV and MSM using this to attack ALL independent media.
They are using this to discredit anyone who questions them.
They are using this to promote creating censurship laws which are against the 1st both freedom of speech andof the press.
I have shown the progression of that andI have stated why that is so important and so dangerous for The People.
I dont want to live in N Korea or Soviet Russia. I dont want to live in a total dictatorship.
We have already got all the big news sources being owned by just a handfull of people.
And we have already got that media clearly being used by the GOV to control our information.
That's quite enough already.
We lose the abilty to share info, ideas, and opinions on the internet and we are fucked.
If they pass censurship laws to shut down anybody, including individuals like us to even question them bad things will follow.
And that is exactly where they are heading with this.
They know the open flow of information- wikileaks, social media, independent news sources, ect just cost HC the election.
They know almost nobody believes them anymore.
That is a huge setback for them and they must destroy it any way they can to maintain control.
And my final thing that I am pretty sure that they are going to stage something big very soon.
They have already sent some actor who recently got in big trouble with the law to go in there with a gun.
That was just an appetizer for the msm to feed on for a bit.
Something bigger is planned. After that they can demand the laws they want passed in the name of public they always do.
Its problem reaction solution 100%.
One more thing maybe you know or don't know.
Most all of the nonsense you see especially on yootoob-
Bigfoot, Alien Lizards, Flat Earth, Moon landing hoax, ect ect are put there on purpose by actual fake news sources in order to discredit real stuff.
It's called poisoning the well.
Again, Like I have said this thing has gone way beyond some creepy creeps talking creepy about children on the internet.
Now its about the GOV and the MSM attempting to destroy anybody who questions them.