This is sounding like the McMartin Pre school childestation trial in Los angeles in the 1970 s . It went on for years in trial
alleged tunnels, children started to believe it happened from the questioning
and it all was a croc-- no convictions
ruined people lives- what a mess- got tired of hearing of it
You are not seeing this for what it really is.
I expected you to be able to see through the intentional distractions and see the bigger picture of what this is actually about.
Start with forgetting the emails, posts and comments from podesta/alefantis/friends for now.
There is something bigger happening.
Lets go back in time. How many times had I used the term Fake News to describe the mainstream media?
I used it all the time. And I suppose many people were also using it.
Then Hiliary out of the blue starts using the term. Actually she started with the term Alt-Right. Later Obama started saying Fake News.
Then the MSM picks it up and starts using it. (Accusing others of what they are accusing you of is a common Clinton method. It's called Projection nd it's worked for them many times).
The main point they are trying to promote is that any news, any info, that doesn't come from the MSM is Fake.
Well some people like supa and bobjustbob accept that. But most dont. Most know by now, especially after seeing what they did during the 2016 elections and seeing from the wikileaks emails how the MSM is in collusion with the DNC.
The 2016 election woke a lot of people up or at least disturbed their sleep. I even see it here a little.
People are not trusting the MSM anymore and are realizing that they have been being lied to for a long time.
So the MSM realizes that the majority doesn't trust them anymore.
The GOV realizes this also.
They know that soon everybody will start waking up and soon only the most naive and gullible will trust anything they say. Soon nobody will even pay attention to them.
This is a huge problem.
Why? Because the GOV uses the MSM to control our thoughts, our feeling and our perspetives.
If they lose all credibilty, which is exactly what is happening, then they lose CONTROL.
And when they lose control, they lose POWER.
They can not let this happen.
Ok Fast Forward a bit.
This Pizzagate thing starts coming out spawned from the wikileaks podesta emails.
What exactly is pizzagate?
It's simple- John Podesta and friends were talking in a creepy strange way about children.
People began to look at and compile those emails and look into John Podesta.
From that the person who owns CometPizza became known.
People began to look at him and his social media friends and see a pattern of the same creepiness and inappropriateness regarding children.
Also his connection to David Brock, founder of Media Matters and Correct the Record and a very influential person in DC and a big Clinton promoter.
Sane people who actually saw these things feel that all of these people should be investigated and questioned.
But of course enter CNN and BBC and the other MSM presstitutes saying it is not true. It has been debunked and anyone who believes any of this is "on another planet". They are all crazy. They debunked it even though not once did they question or show the people any of those emails or social media posts.
And the "Fake News" as the call it (Meaning any source of info not coming from them) is to blame for "creating" this pizzagate nonsense. Just like they said the "Fake News" was to blame for Hiliary losing the election.
Are you following this still?
Then at the same time in Europe they start demanding that the major social media sites begin to censure their users.
There is talk of an internet ID being implimented, meaning anything anybody posts on the internet can be traced back to them.
Major MSM news sites begin to remove the comments sections.
And the MSM begins talking more and more about how "Fake News" is dangerous.
Then low and behold just like I predicted a guy shows up at Comet Pizza with a gun and gets arrested.
An AR-15 as usual. The MSM says he shot up the place even though witnesses posted that no shots were fired.
They describe him as being a conspiacy theorist who was angered by pizzagate and wanted to save the children.
Does that make sense?
But what do you know. HE IS AN ACTOR. Another actor in another crisis. What are the odds?
But even though this actor and his father is connected directly to the Clintons (Just like Omar Matteens Father) people still believe it.
But most don't. Most see clearly that this actor was sent there and that this was staged.
So now the MSM can put a face on all the people who think pizzagate should at least be investigated.
A face on anyone who believes "The Fake News".
And that face is a crazy guy with a gun.
Now the narrative of how "The Fake News" is dangerous and laws should be passed is even stronger than ever right?
Wrong. More people than ever aren't buying it andthey are getting more desperate to stifle and destroy their biggest enemy- The 1st Amendment.
So what do they do now? Today they send cuckoopants back out there. They clean her up, whatever they have to do to her and she resumes her scripted "Fake News" is a threat promotion that she started months ago.
So that is where it stands now. Pizzagate is fake and The Fake News is dangerous and something nees to be done.
What's next? I'm sure something. They ain't through with this by a long shot.
See this is all planned way ahead. All of it.
It always is.
It is an act with a script and and agenda with an end result.
It always is.