Let's Talk about Pizzagate

Will E Worm

Ask Dino Velvet.

answering a question with a comment like that is -BUMPING - which you all say is bad.

and contributes nothing- whereas an direct answer contributes.

admit it we all like to add a smart ass whitty comments


Proud member of FreeOnes Hall Of Fame. Retired to
I think I'm starting to follow this now. The kids are housed in the same basement as the tomato sauce, right?
This is sounding like the McMartin Pre school childestation trial in Los angeles in the 1970 s . It went on for years in trial
alleged tunnels, children started to believe it happened from the questioning
and it all was a croc-- no convictions

ruined people lives- what a mess- got tired of hearing of it


Hiliary 2020
I think I'm starting to follow this now. The kids are housed in the same basement as the tomato sauce, right?

Why are you being an asshole bob?
I started this thread and it's clear even you haven't read one word I've said or if you did then you are clearly too far gone to reason with.
I never said anything like that.

But if you makes you feel smart by posting useless comments like that designed to not debunk anything but simply just be degrading then carry on.
I'm going to just ignore you at this point because you really have no idea what this is actually all about and any attempt to show you is a waste.
We usually see things differently but you and PH do check into things before you just rush to judgement.

He's my brother so we do tend to have a lot in common in many ways. But then again also not in some ways :brick: The SOB even stole a girlfriend from me once. He's lucky he's not dead over that one (actually she was a super high maintenance bitch who mostly drove him nuts until he finally dumped her - so he got his karmic reward *wink*)

But if you makes you feel smart by posting useless comments like that designed to not debunk anything but simply just be degrading then carry on.

It can be very hard not use ridicule as a response to this kind of stuff, not only because it's often so incredibly far fetched but because it's adherents often just can't be reasoned with.
For instance, look at all the people who still don't believe we landed on the moon, despite the evidence being incontrovertible :wtf:


Hiliary 2020
This is sounding like the McMartin Pre school childestation trial in Los angeles in the 1970 s . It went on for years in trial
alleged tunnels, children started to believe it happened from the questioning
and it all was a croc-- no convictions

ruined people lives- what a mess- got tired of hearing of it

You are not seeing this for what it really is.
I expected you to be able to see through the intentional distractions and see the bigger picture of what this is actually about.

Start with forgetting the emails, posts and comments from podesta/alefantis/friends for now.

There is something bigger happening.

Lets go back in time. How many times had I used the term Fake News to describe the mainstream media?
I used it all the time. And I suppose many people were also using it.

Then Hiliary out of the blue starts using the term. Actually she started with the term Alt-Right. Later Obama started saying Fake News.
Then the MSM picks it up and starts using it. (Accusing others of what they are accusing you of is a common Clinton method. It's called Projection nd it's worked for them many times).

The main point they are trying to promote is that any news, any info, that doesn't come from the MSM is Fake.
Well some people like supa and bobjustbob accept that. But most dont. Most know by now, especially after seeing what they did during the 2016 elections and seeing from the wikileaks emails how the MSM is in collusion with the DNC.
The 2016 election woke a lot of people up or at least disturbed their sleep. I even see it here a little.
People are not trusting the MSM anymore and are realizing that they have been being lied to for a long time.

So the MSM realizes that the majority doesn't trust them anymore.
The GOV realizes this also.
They know that soon everybody will start waking up and soon only the most naive and gullible will trust anything they say. Soon nobody will even pay attention to them.
This is a huge problem.
Why? Because the GOV uses the MSM to control our thoughts, our feeling and our perspetives.
If they lose all credibilty, which is exactly what is happening, then they lose CONTROL.
And when they lose control, they lose POWER.
They can not let this happen.

Ok Fast Forward a bit.
This Pizzagate thing starts coming out spawned from the wikileaks podesta emails.
What exactly is pizzagate?
It's simple- John Podesta and friends were talking in a creepy strange way about children.
People began to look at and compile those emails and look into John Podesta.
From that the person who owns CometPizza became known.
People began to look at him and his social media friends and see a pattern of the same creepiness and inappropriateness regarding children.
Also his connection to David Brock, founder of Media Matters and Correct the Record and a very influential person in DC and a big Clinton promoter.
Sane people who actually saw these things feel that all of these people should be investigated and questioned.

But of course enter CNN and BBC and the other MSM presstitutes saying it is not true. It has been debunked and anyone who believes any of this is "on another planet". They are all crazy. They debunked it even though not once did they question or show the people any of those emails or social media posts.
And the "Fake News" as the call it (Meaning any source of info not coming from them) is to blame for "creating" this pizzagate nonsense. Just like they said the "Fake News" was to blame for Hiliary losing the election.

Are you following this still?
Then at the same time in Europe they start demanding that the major social media sites begin to censure their users.
There is talk of an internet ID being implimented, meaning anything anybody posts on the internet can be traced back to them.
Major MSM news sites begin to remove the comments sections.
And the MSM begins talking more and more about how "Fake News" is dangerous.

Then low and behold just like I predicted a guy shows up at Comet Pizza with a gun and gets arrested.
An AR-15 as usual. The MSM says he shot up the place even though witnesses posted that no shots were fired.
They describe him as being a conspiacy theorist who was angered by pizzagate and wanted to save the children.
Does that make sense?

But what do you know. HE IS AN ACTOR. Another actor in another crisis. What are the odds?
But even though this actor and his father is connected directly to the Clintons (Just like Omar Matteens Father) people still believe it.
But most don't. Most see clearly that this actor was sent there and that this was staged.

So now the MSM can put a face on all the people who think pizzagate should at least be investigated.
A face on anyone who believes "The Fake News".
And that face is a crazy guy with a gun.

Now the narrative of how "The Fake News" is dangerous and laws should be passed is even stronger than ever right?
Wrong. More people than ever aren't buying it andthey are getting more desperate to stifle and destroy their biggest enemy- The 1st Amendment.

So what do they do now? Today they send cuckoopants back out there. They clean her up, whatever they have to do to her and she resumes her scripted "Fake News" is a threat promotion that she started months ago.

So that is where it stands now. Pizzagate is fake and The Fake News is dangerous and something nees to be done.
What's next? I'm sure something. They ain't through with this by a long shot.

See this is all planned way ahead. All of it.
It always is.
It is an act with a script and and agenda with an end result.
It always is.


Hiliary 2020
So there it is. Right in front of our beautiful faces.

Listen very carefully to her words.
"Especially Congress" should be concerned.
You mean The Congress who passes laws?

An "Epidemic of fake news and malicious propaganda has flooded THE INTERNET this past year"
You mean the year you and Soros lost the election Hilly-Boo-Boo?

"Lives are at risk" from this "Fake News" epidemic.
Just look what happened when the actor with connections to The Clinton Foundation who last month ran over a kid with a car and either killed him or destroyed his life therefore destroying his acting career went into our favorite pizza joint who we give thousands of dollars to for some unknown reason and shot it up even though witnesses said no shots fired because the Fake News inspired him to do so.

"A danger that must be addressed quicky".
Like before Trump takes office Hilly-Boo-Boo?

"Silicon Valley is starting to grapple with the challenge and threat of Fake News"
By grapple she means remove videos, comments, posts, and accounts of anything that questions the GOV or the MSM.
By challenge she means finding ways of getting around the 1st amendment, both freedom of Speech and of The Press, without getting sued.

"To Step Up to protect our democracy and innocent lives"

By Step Up to protect innocent lives she means pass censureship laws. Laws that are against he 1st Amendment. And due so to Save Lives?
By democracy she means their ability to steal elections and control our information and or lives.

Intersting she spoke about saving lives. Has anybody died from pizzagate or independant media?
That was a dead giveaway. Like I said they ain't done with this yet.

To anybody who still doesn't get it.
They are going after the internet.
They know that freedom of speech, information, and ideas is a threat to them now. A serious threat.
They will do whatever they need to do to stop this threat.
They are in survival mode now.

I hope everybody can now see that this is about much more than a pizza joint and a few weirdos in DC talking like creeps about children.



Retired Mod
Bronze Member
No, they are going after propaganda outlets who peddle bullshit and hate with lies, lies, lies.


Proud member of FreeOnes Hall Of Fame. Retired to
You admit that you don't know everything about this. But like other saps that buy into these chemtrail, Illuminati stories, you can't answer the simplest of questions. Dismiss the questioner as ill informed. Makes you feel smart? It doesn't. You brought up this pedo story and dismiss people that want more facts. Your facts aren't enough. Your sources don't have the facts we want also. This all comes down to a pedo ring. Produce witnesses and victims.

E-mails referring to Chicago hot dogs and pizza and the Whiter House are smoking guns? Did you hear about the pedo ring operating in NYC? Celebrity and political figures are frequenting the Carnegie Deli. Secret codes like pastrami, rye, mustard, kosher pickle and cheesecake. Creepy isn't it?

How about this theory. The government created this story, created the E-mails and let WikiLeaks grab them. Independent investigators run with the story. Secretly let the MSM in on the actual facts and use them as a tool to discredit the independents.

I know what you're thinking I'm just mocking because I don't have all of the facts or did the research. My brain is being filled by those looking to manipulate the masses. Meester, I was studying media before Imus came to NY. This includes film, TV, radio, print, internet, advertising, marketing, rhetoric, psychology, history. I still actively study media and I've forgotten more about media than you and your family could ever learn in your lifetimes.

Here are 2 things we definitely don't have in common. I can admit when I'm wrong and know a line of shit when I hear it. Now go and dismiss my opinion as not being "open minded" The "anything is possible" argument used by the space alien and lizard men followers.

Ace Boobtoucher

Founder and Captain of the Douchepatrol
No, they are going after propaganda outlets who peddle bullshit and hate with lies, lies, lies.

Like MSNBC and CNN, no doubt. When did journalistic integrity take a back seat to being the first outlet to report a story, false or not? With the advent of the 24 hour news cycle, twitter, facebook, other social media and a desire to portray one agenda as superior or right thinking. Although the incident at OSU was awful, I admit I loved it when certain news agencies kept pushing the active shooter scenario because they're so damn prejudiced.


Retired Mod
Bronze Member
Like MSNBC and CNN, no doubt. When did journalistic integrity take a back seat to being the first outlet to report a story, false or not? With the advent of the 24 hour news cycle, twitter, facebook, other social media and a desire to portray one agenda as superior or right thinking. Although the incident at OSU was awful, I admit I loved it when certain news agencies kept pushing the active shooter scenario because they're so damn prejudiced.

Even comparing th likes of Briotbart etc to CNN and MSNBC is so hilarious. You and BC and meester and Beatman have decided to go over into the camp of Trump and have abandoned sanity, regarding to these topics.

I really hope you will snap out of it when Trump gets finally impeached (Or maybe never sworn in or elected) due to the massive con operation he is running and you guys are fine with. He is literally robbing your country in your face and you cheer him on. Stockholm Syndrome.
Even comparing th likes of Briotbart etc to CNN and MSNBC is so hilarious. You and BC and meester and Beatman have decided to go over into the camp of Trump and have abandoned sanity, regarding to these topics.

I really hope you will snap out of it when Trump gets finally impeached (Or maybe never sworn in or elected) due to the massive con operation he is running and you guys are fine with. He is literally robbing your country in your face and you cheer him on. Stockholm Syndrome.

You grew up in the land of propaganda and misinformation. No wonder you don't recognize it.

Do you even know what Stockholm Syndrome is? No one that voted for Trump was held captive. We elected and created him through our own free will and because of things that were being forced upon us by the central government.

The McMartin preschool trial was a day care sexual abuse case of the 1980s, prosecuted by the Los Angeles District Attorney Ira Reiner. Members of the McMartin family, who operated a preschool in California, were charged with numerous acts of sexual abuse of children in their care. Accusations were made in 1983. Arrests and the pretrial investigation ran from 1984 to 1987, and the trial ran from 1987 to 1990. After six years of criminal trials, no convictions were obtained, and all charges were dropped in 1990. When the trial ended in 1990 it had been the longest and most expensive criminal trial in American history.[1] The case was part of day-care sex-abuse hysteria, a moral panic over alleged Satanic ritual abuse in the 1980s and early 1990s. The school was located on Walnut and Manhattan Beach Blvd.

Initial allegations[edit]

In 1983, Judy Johnson, mother of one of the Manhattan Beach, California, preschool's young students, reported to the police that her son had been sodomized by her estranged husband and by McMartin teacher Ray Buckey.[2][3] Ray Buckey was the grandson of school founder Virginia McMartin and son of administrator Peggy McMartin Buckey. Johnson's belief that her son had been abused began when her son had painful bowel movements. What happened next is still disputed. Some sources state that at that time, Johnson's son denied her suggestion that his preschool teachers had molested him, whereas others say he confirmed the abuse.[2][4]

In addition, Johnson also made several more accusations, including that people at the daycare had sexual encounters with animals, that "Peggy drilled a child under the arms" and "Ray flew in the air."[1][5] Ray Buckey was questioned, but was not prosecuted due to lack of evidence. The police then sent a form letter to about 200 parents of students at the McMartin school, stating that their children might have been abused, and asking the parents to question their children. The text of the letter read:[2]

September 8, 1983. Dear Parent: This Department is conducting a criminal investigation involving child molestation (288 P.C.) Ray Buckey, an employee of Virginia McMartin's Pre-School, was arrested September 7, 1983 by this Department. The following procedure is obviously an unpleasant one, but to protect the rights of your children as well as the rights of the accused, this inquiry is necessary for a complete investigation. Records indicate that your child has been or is currently a student at the pre-school. We are asking your assistance in this continuing investigation. Please question your child to see if he or she has been a witness to any crime or if he or she has been a victim. Our investigation indicates that possible criminal acts include: oral sex, fondling of genitals, buttock or chest area, and sodomy, possibly committed under the pretense of "taking the child's temperature." Also photos may have been taken of children without their clothing. Any information from your child regarding having ever observed Ray Buckey to leave a classroom alone with a child during any nap period, or if they have ever observed Ray Buckey tie up a child, is important. Please complete the enclosed information form and return it to this Department in the enclosed stamped return envelope as soon as possible. We will contact you if circumstances dictate same. We ask you to please keep this investigation strictly confidential because of the nature of the charges and the highly emotional effect it could have on our community. Please do not discuss this investigation with anyone outside your immediate family. Do not contact or discuss the investigation with Raymond Buckey, any member of the accused defendant's family, or employees connected with the McMartin Pre-School.[6]

Johnson was diagnosed with and hospitalized for acute paranoid schizophrenia[3][7][8][9] and in 1986 was found dead in her home from complications of chronic alcoholism[2][10] before the preliminary hearing concluded.[11]

Interviewing and examining the children[edit]

Several hundred children were then interviewed by the Children's Institute International (CII), a Los Angeles abuse therapy clinic run by Kee MacFarlane. The interviewing techniques used during investigations of the allegations were highly suggestive and invited children to pretend or speculate about supposed events.[12][13] By spring of 1984, it was claimed that 360 children had been abused.[1][7][14] Astrid Heppenstall Heger performed medical examinations and took photos of what she believed to be minute scarring, which she stated was caused by anal penetration. Journalist John Earl believed that her findings were based on unsubstantiated medical histories.[15] Later research demonstrated that the methods of questioning used on the children were extremely suggestive, leading to false accusations.[12] Others believe that the questioning itself may have led to false memory syndrome among the children who were questioned.[2][4] Ultimately only 41 of the original 360 children testified during the grand jury and pre-trial hearings, and fewer than a dozen testified during the actual trial.[16]

Videotapes of the interviews with children were reviewed by Dr. Michael Maloney, a British clinical psychologist and professor of psychiatry, as an expert witness regarding the interviewing of children. Maloney was highly critical of the interviewing techniques used, referring to them as improper, coercive, directive, problematic and adult-directed in a way that forced the children to follow a rigid script; he concluded that "many of the kids' statements in the interviews were generated by the examiner."[17] Transcripts and recordings of the interviews contained far more speech from adults than children and demonstrated that, despite the highly coercive interviewing techniques used, initially the children were resistant to interviewers' attempts to elicit disclosures. Recordings of these interviews were instrumental in the jury's refusal to convict, by demonstrating how children could be coerced to giving vivid and dramatic testimonies without having experienced the abuse.[18] The techniques used were contrary to the existing guidelines in California for the investigation of cases involving children and child witnesses.[19]

Bizarre allegations[edit]

Some of the accusations were described as "bizarre",[5] overlapping with accusations that mirrored the just-starting satanic ritual abuse panic.[4] It was alleged that, in addition to having been sexually abused, they saw witches fly, traveled in a hot-air balloon, and were taken through underground tunnels.[4] When shown a series of photographs by Danny Davis (the McMartins' lawyer), one child identified actor Chuck Norris as one of the abusers.[20]

Some of the abuse was alleged to have occurred in secret tunnels beneath the school. Several excavations turned up evidence of old buildings on the site and other debris from before the school was built, but no evidence of any secret chambers or tunnels was found.[4] There were claims of orgies at car washes and airports, and of children being flushed down toilets to secret rooms where they would be abused, then cleaned up and presented back to their parents. Some interviewed children talked of a game called "naked movie star" suggesting they were forcibly photographed nude.[1][4][21] During the trial, testimony from the children stated that the naked movie star game was actually a rhyming taunt used to tease other children – "What you say is what you are, you're a naked movie star," – and had nothing to do with having naked pictures taken.[4]

Johnson, who made the initial allegations, made bizarre and impossible statements about Raymond Buckey, including that he could fly.[1] Though the prosecution asserted Johnson's mental illness was caused by the events of the trial, Johnson had admitted to them that she was mentally ill beforehand. Evidence of Johnson's mental illness was withheld from the defense for three years and, when provided, was in the form of sanitized reports that excluded Johnson's statements, at the order of the prosecution.[22] One of the original prosecutors, Glenn Stevens, left the case and stated that other prosecutors had withheld evidence from the defense, including the information that Johnson's son did not actually identify Ray Buckey in a series of photographs. Stevens also accused Robert Philibosian, the deputy district attorney on the case, of lying and withholding evidence from the court and defense lawyers in order to keep the Buckeys in jail and prevent access to exonerating evidence.[23]


On March 22, 1984, Virginia McMartin, Peggy McMartin Buckey, Ray Buckey, Ray's sister Peggy Ann Buckey and teachers Mary Ann Jackson, Betty Raidor, and Babette Spitler were charged with 115 counts of child abuse, later expanded to 321 counts of child abuse involving 48 children.[1] In the 20 months of preliminary hearings, the prosecution, led by attorney Lael Rubin, presented their theory of sexual abuse. The children's testimony during the preliminary hearings was inconsistent.[24] Michelle Smith and Lawrence Pazder, co-authors of the now-discredited Satanic ritual abuse autobiography Michelle Remembers, met with the parents and children involved in the trial,[25] and were believed by the initial prosecutor Glenn Stevens to have influenced the children's testimony.[26] In 1986, a new district attorney called the evidence "incredibly weak," and dropped all charges against Virginia McMartin, Peggy Ann Buckey, Mary Ann Jackson, Betty Raidor and Babette Spitler. Peggy McMartin Buckey and Ray Buckey remained in custody awaiting trial; Peggy McMartin's bail had been set at $1 million and Ray Buckey had been denied bail.[9]

In 1989, Peggy Anne Buckey's appeal to have her teaching credentials re-instated after their suspension was granted. The judge ruled that there was no credible evidence or corroboration to lead to the license being suspended, and that a review of the videotaped interviews with McMartin children "reveal[ed] a pronounced absence of any evidence implicating [Peggy Ann] in any wrongdoing and...raises additional doubts of credibility with respect to the children interviewed or with respect to the value of CII interviewing techniques themselves." The following day the credentialling board of Sacramento endorsed the ruling and restored Buckey's right to teach.[27]

Perjury by confession witness[edit]

During the trial, George Freeman was called as a witness and testified that Ray Buckey had confessed to him while sharing a cell. Freeman later attempted to flee the country and confessed to perjury in a series of other criminal cases in which he manufactured testimony in exchange for favorable treatment by the prosecution in other cases, in several instances fabricating jailhouse confessions of other inmates. In order to guarantee his testimony during the McMartin case, Freeman was given immunity to previous charges of perjury.

Acquittal and dismissal[edit]

In 1990, after three years of testimony and nine weeks of deliberation by the jury, Peggy McMartin Buckey was acquitted on all counts.[9] Ray Buckey was cleared on 52 of 65 counts, and freed on bail after more than five years in jail. Nine of 11 jurors at a press conference following the trial stated that they believed the children had been molested but the evidence did not allow them to state who had committed the abuse beyond a reasonable doubt.[28] Eleven out of the thirteen jurors who remained by the end of the trial voted to acquit Buckey of the charges; the refusal of the remaining two to vote for a not guilty verdict resulted in the deadlock. The media overwhelmingly focused on the two jurors who voted guilty at the expense of those who believed Buckey was not guilty.[29] Buckey was retried later on six of the 13 counts, which produced another hung jury. The prosecution then gave up trying to obtain a conviction, and the case was closed with all charges against Ray Buckey dismissed. He had been jailed for five years without ever being convicted of any wrongdoing.


Hiliary 2020
You admit that you don't know everything about this. But like other saps that buy into these chemtrail, Illuminati stories, you can't answer the simplest of questions. Dismiss the questioner as ill informed. Makes you feel smart? It doesn't. You brought up this pedo story and dismiss people that want more facts. Your facts aren't enough. Your sources don't have the facts we want also. This all comes down to a pedo ring. Produce witnesses and victims.

E-mails referring to Chicago hot dogs and pizza and the Whiter House are smoking guns? Did you hear about the pedo ring operating in NYC? Celebrity and political figures are frequenting the Carnegie Deli. Secret codes like pastrami, rye, mustard, kosher pickle and cheesecake. Creepy isn't it?

How about this theory. The government created this story, created the E-mails and let WikiLeaks grab them. Independent investigators run with the story. Secretly let the MSM in on the actual facts and use them as a tool to discredit the independents.

I know what you're thinking I'm just mocking because I don't have all of the facts or did the research. My brain is being filled by those looking to manipulate the masses. Meester, I was studying media before Imus came to NY. This includes film, TV, radio, print, internet, advertising, marketing, rhetoric, psychology, history. I still actively study media and I've forgotten more about media than you and your family could ever learn in your lifetimes.

Here are 2 things we definitely don't have in common. I can admit when I'm wrong and know a line of shit when I hear it. Now go and dismiss my opinion as not being "open minded" The "anything is possible" argument used by the space alien and lizard men followers.

I really don'think you are reading my posts on this.
Which makes it difficult to respond to all that.
But I will say that I will admit when I'm wrong.
Only with this thing I can't because nothing has been proven or disproven at this point.
And like I said if you read my posts, There is a lot more going on here now than just some creeps posting creepy stuff and saying creepy stuff about children.


Proud member of FreeOnes Hall Of Fame. Retired to
I have read the entire thread. Some of it more than once before I make a reply. meester, don't fall into the trap of conspiracy theories. In your own words you say that nothing has been proven or disproven but there is more going on. That is the classic conspiracy theory rhetoric. Fake news has joined the industry of spooky ghosts, Bigfoot, numerology, shadow men, and the list of other conspiracies mentioned. These experts have traveling conventions. More like a traveling circus or road show. Pay to get in, pay for seminars, purchase one of their books that they will gladly sign. Stop at the JFK booth for the latest "information" recently uncovered.