Why we are at it why don't you try to explain to me why at Michigan University it is easier for Blacks to get in then me????
Hmmmm maybe because you aren't very smart?
Why we are at it why don't you try to explain to me why at Michigan University it is easier for Blacks to get in then me????
Hmmmm maybe because you aren't very smart?
Wow you really are retarded aren't you? It's called affrimative action you dumb fuck! They accept black students with lower standards than white students. You are one ignorant bastard. Do you even know what country your in? You must know nothing about what is going on around you. Everyone who say's I am racist.....how????? And to the faggot that said ban me, wow your tough buddy trying to ban someone for speaking about a legitimate topic. Way to supress my first amendment right you pussy.
Wow you really are retarded aren't you? It's called affrimative action you dumb fuck! They accept black students with lower standards than white students. You are one ignorant bastard. Do you even know what country your in? You must know nothing about what is going on around you. Everyone who say's I am racist.....how????? And to the faggot that said ban me, wow your tough buddy trying to ban someone for speaking about a legitimate topic. Way to supress my first amendment right you pussy.
Why we are at it why don't you try to explain to me why at Michigan University it is easier for Blacks to get in then me????
Wait i forgot something, maybe Legartte punched the other player because he was white.......maybe it was a hate crime! Someone please call Jesse Jackson so he can march for us!!!!!
Hmmmm maybe because you aren't very smart?
Hail! to the victors valiant
Hail! to the conqu'ring heroes
Hail! Hail! to Michigan
The leaders and best!
Hail! to the victors valiant
Hail! to the conqu'ring heroes
Hail! Hail! to Michigan,
The champions of the West!
I believe I have won here. Thanks MeesterPerfect for agreeing that you can't say anything about blacks without some sensitive pussy crying out that your a racist. You all know im right so let's just end it here.
I believe I have won here. Thanks MeesterPerfect for agreeing that you can't say anything about blacks without some sensitive pussy crying out that your a racist. You all know im right so let's just end it here.
I approve this message! Thanks Jason....GO BLUE!
Black Why we are at it why don't you try to explain to me why at Michigan University it is easier for Blacks to get in then me?
Oh. That's all you have to do? Just win? That's it? Fuck that.
Talking shit is part of the game. Truth. But show some class and sportsmanship after. Byron Hout is a piece of shit. I wish his jaw was broken, so next time he wanted to act like a 12 year old and run his mouth, he'd remember the straw that he had to eat his steak through.
Editor's note - Although I am glad Blount wiped the smirk off that jackass's face, Blount should have stopped there. Everything he did after is unacceptable. He deserves his suspension, and I am glad he won't be in the NFL next year.
I would say again...based on what I saw after the punch would be to make sure he's okay psychologically...I'm not saying whether he is or isn't but IF he isn't, there's a likelihood he'll end up like MoCee anyway.:2 cents:
There IS a difference between talking/showboating a little DURING the game(I don't have a big problem with it), but after the game don't go out of your way by seeking out a player to taunt.
I would agree with Mega that during a game if you want to stop the talking/showboating stop the player, but AFTER the game show some sportsmanship.
If NOT for his actions afterwards I would have thougt two or three games was enough for Blount , but.........
Maybe so ,but I don't think this one incident should preclude him from ever playng sports again. Plenty of players have been labeled as those with 'attitude issues' ,but have become model NFL Players. He may end up like Clarett ,but I'm all for giving any man a chance to fall flat on his face.
This full season suspension should be a good wake up call for him & he may realize how delicate his pro future is.
Isn't it unfortunate the guys had to be of a differenct race & an interesting discussion gets hijacked by the usual race baiters like Meesterperfect & friends ? Maybe it would be different if it was something relevent to the topic,thoughtful or even rational they bought to the discussion.......:dunno:
Maybe so ,but I don't think this one incident should preclude him from ever playng sports again. Plenty of players have been labeled as those with 'attitude issues' ,but have become model NFL Players. He may end up like Clarett ,but I'm all for giving any man a chance to fall flat on his face.
This full season suspension should be a good wake up call for him & he may realize how delicate his pro future is.
Well it couldn't be a white guy punching another white guy. That's unheard of. Only a black guy would do something violent like that. Right meesterperfect?
Oh I don't think it should foreclose his opportunity especially when others have committed similar offenses.
He should be extended another "chance". But giving him another "chance" should mean actually giving him a chance.....Meaning make sure the guy isn't in need of more than just a suspension....like psychological help. We don't want to have another incident in which we (society) ignores a ticking time bomb that was in plain view.
His antics after the punch suggests he's a candidate for a psych eval. He had completely lost control of himself...rational people don't do that IMO.
The guy could be manic depressive or bipolar (not sure there's a difference between the two) and may need treatment.
I mean, do we need another story like the one in Iowa where the HS football player blew away the HC because people ignored the warning signs that the guy needed serious psych help??
That's all I'm saying. I mean would he rather be pleading mental defect now or from the defendant's table in some court room after it's too late?
At least not two decent/pure Whites. Didn't you see Meesterperfects response when Dillan Lauren attacked Ava Vincent? He accused them of behaving like two 'low life wiggers' as I assume White women never fight:dunno:
I guess Blount & Hout would have also been called 'two low life wiggers' if they were both White & behaved like they did.
I follow you.
We shouldn't just assume this guy will have the self discipline to rehabilitate himself on his own . The NFL does have evaluations ,but they may only be 'character' evaluations & not ones that diagnose deeper pyschological issues like Blount MAY have.
Maybe the League should have mandatory evaluations for guys who have displayed criminal/violent behavior before they draft them & more guys careers & more importantly LIVES can be saved(ie Clarett).
I admit it did seem like two different people as he gave a fairly heartfelt/honest apology just minutes after he had just behaved like an uncontrollable mad man.