This thread is a splinter thread from this post by blackbull1970 in another thread.
First, save your breath, I
DO know where the search button is and use it daily. Yes there is a very old thread on this, but half the posters are gone/banned and 4 years is a long time.
Lets open it for new discussion.
My question is, where do you stand on legalizing prostitution in the U.S. ?
I feel its long overdue. It is as they say the
'oldest' profession, yet today more deadly than ever. It will never be stopped and so much more is at risk these days. With Aids and other new Stds out there, drugs and crime off the charts I think our country needs to step up. Regulate it, take it out of the back alleys and protect the public and the prostitutes. See to it the places are clean, girls checked regularly. That they are not beaten up and/or killed by their flesh peddling pimps. Save other girls from being taken down a road they don't want to travel, but get caught in a web and can't get out of.
Tax it, get needed revenue from that source, don't raise mine. Just like the rich Church's why should they be exempt from taxes? We pay them on everything. Get health care for these women for their sake as well as the public. Educate them on being safe, as well as
helping get general education for those that evenually want out. It may give these ladies a sense of pride to pay taxes, to have a job, not just be looked at as a whore. Many have children, help to get them into safe daycare, not left with
'a friend who's a junkie' because they do it for free. I know all of society will never accept it, but many will if its done right. They have to just be shown it needs to be legal for everyones sake.
What say you?