Bloody, LeBron is right. Contraction for the NBA would be good. The timing of the statements is horrible. Miserable economy.
LeBron didn't ask to be made into a sports god. Nike, the NBA and many others were only happy to go along.
He should NOT get any shit for deciding to play with DWade and Bosh in Miami. Nobody gave two shits when Boston signed the big 3 or when the Lakers made that scandelous trade for Pau...etc.
To win championships in today's NBA it requires more than 1 stud. Plain and simple.
The NHL needs to contract too. Hell, MLB needs to contract.
LeBron didn't ask to be made into a sports god. Nike, the NBA and many others were only happy to go along.
He should NOT get any shit for deciding to play with DWade and Bosh in Miami. Nobody gave two shits when Boston signed the big 3 or when the Lakers made that scandelous trade for Pau...etc.
To win championships in today's NBA it requires more than 1 stud. Plain and simple.
The NHL needs to contract too. Hell, MLB needs to contract.