Leanna Scott

Re: Leanna Scott...oh where would she be??

Montrealman said:
Oh my GOD what happened ? :eek:

Ummm not sure what you mean, if you mean the link I just linked to the main site and can not read whatever language it is in to find the galleries.
Re: Leanna Scott...oh where would she be??

No I mean her face. She used to be very attractive. In some pics she looks like a guy with makeup on. I am very disapointed.
Re: Leanna Scott...oh where would she be??

Hey guys sorry. I didn't mean that in a rude way I was just very surprised how she changed and got all plasticated. It's only my opinion :2 cents:
Thanks . :thumbsup:
Re: Leanna Scott Hardcore

Allright folks...listen up.
I know this is off topic, but I've been told by "AsianxxxChick" that I'm NOT allowed to "Trade Content" through this website. (even through PM's..which I think is a pile...but that's the way they want it.)

So please, no more request through my PM for Links.
Thanks, and sorry.....
Re: Leanna Scott Vids?

could look on ********* or puretna
Re: Leanna Scott Hardcore

Hi guys and girls,

I am looking for Leanna Scott's scene in Cum Loaded Cocks with Billy Glide... If anyone has please pass me a copy PLEASE! PRETTY PLEASE! She is the bomb man! I have the scene with her and Valentino... super freaking hot! Can't get enough of her...
Re: Leanna Scott...oh where would she be??

Hi does anyone have leanna scott's scene from Cum Loaded Cocks with Billy Glide? I heard it's as hot as the one with Valentino (the one that I have)... PLEASE can onyone pass me a copy of it? Or hook me up with a way to get it? Thanks a million!
Re: Leanna Scott...oh where would she be??

Remember seeing one VHS ages ago that was call "Titanic Tits" that had what looked like a different scene on it. Can not seem to track it down anymore (was on some small adult video maker's site). If you want another challenge, try finding that one.
Re: Leanna Scott...oh where would she be??

Took forever but think this is it at rapid share.de
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Re: Leanna Scott...oh where would she be??

Now to just track down a site that actually sells the vhs (a compilation that seems to have never made it to dvd).
Re: Leanna Scott...oh where would she be??

Anyone seen any sights that have her and Nikki Fritz's scene from "Nightcap" lately?
Re: Leanna Scott...oh where would she be??

can someone post a link to the entire valentino "no sound" / "Public Perversions" clip plz?

i've been after the whole thing for a long time, only had a chance to see small bits. everytime i try to look for the full clip, leads me nowhere :mad: thx!
Ok, i LOVE her...

Is there ANYone that knows if she did more than that 1/2 movies i can find on limewire/kazaa etc. ???

I would so like more hardcore stuff with her... . also..

I would like some hardcore pics of her... could also be some nice spreading leg pics.. i just want MORE than those "free to view" mac and bumble pictures i see whenever i search for her!"!!! PLEASE HELP!!!