Of course, Serbs are bad guys. Because they are. They wanted Great Serbia, and now they have Minor Serbia. I will not talk about reasons why Croats and Serbs hates each other because there are tones of reasons and other countries know nothing. Croatia always fight on their soil because they have beautiful and clean Adriatic and they don't need any part of other Balkan state. Btw, Croats are catholics and they were ruled by civilized Austrians (instead of Turks) ("Balkan peninsula" is more to the south). And Balkan is name for all countries there because their mentality's pretty similar. There is a nest of nationalism, anger, defiance...etc... For many centuries, Balkan states fought many wars for their West-european comrades who lived in prosperity. If you didn't noticed, Muslim states are Albania, Kosovo, 25% of Macedonia, and 50% of Bosnia. Bosnia was teritory of Croatia and Serbia until Turks invaded the lands in 1492. European countries fought them selfs (medieval stuff) and they didn't see what's happening in their backyard. Result was that Bosnia and Serbia fell under Turkish rule; Croats saved north part of their own territory. Later, Croats (with Hungary) fought back Turks in battles like Battle of Siscia, and Batlle of Siget (30 000 Turks dead including Sultan Suleiman II). But they couldn't free Bosnia where Turks converted many people to Islam. Serbia became free in 1878. (Russia helped) and than they wanted Great Serbia. But, let's talk about Kosovo. As a Croat, I don't like Serbs, but I must admit that they have right on Kosovo. Kosovo is their territory from 7th century. And they have absolute right on Kosovo. Albanians (Shiptars, as we call them) in Kosovo are very bad people. They like to come in other prosper states and enjoy privileges, but they don't like to work. They are thieves, cheaters and their families have even 12 children. They would kill from back for no reason. Serbia would loose Vojvodina (northern part of Serbia where Hungarians lives), but never Kosovo. This situation is some kind of test between Russia and USA. This is part of high level politics. But, USA don't know that they put their hands in fire. Who knows consequences... of this tricky situation. When world recognized Serbia, they recognized Kosovo as part of Serbia. Because of that they can't easily, for no real reason take part of other's state sovereign territory. It's injustice. O.K., there are many Albanians in Kosovo, but what about historical (and other) arguments. When Croatia became sovereign state in 1990. they couldn't do that if there wasn't constitution (from 1974.) which approve our recognition. Legal stuff. But when Kosovo is in question you don't need any legitimation. I call that unequal criteria. And you obviously show to the world that you do that only because of your interests. If you like peace and justice (and not interests) why nobody reacted in war 1991.-1995.; I am asking??? Serbia has legal right to use own armed forces to restore sovereignty. Of course, they can't do that because of sanctions, but I will tell you, Serbs screw EU, NATO, when their pride is wounded. I told all this to all those who are ignorant toward this part of world

))))))). Well, Serbia is guilty for this situation, as well!