Kosovo Declares Independence, anyone?

Like always The Netherlands are waiting to give an announcement if they accept Kosovo or not.

I think they wait and wait and than follow the USand agree with their statement.
I don't have an opinion. The whole region and it's history, feuds, alliances and complexities is beyond me (and beyond anyone that's stepped in to "help".).

I do know, however, that Serbian women are among the hottest I have ever seen (or heard)! :D :thumbsup:
thanks so much i agree with that. we are hot!!!!!!
Today, an Algerian, if you please, was harassing part of my Serbian family.

Dude should stick to shaving his unibrow.
Who needs em? Not a diss there. The right to self-determination is a big thing and, philosophically, I am sympathetic to the aim of people trying to promote governing in a way that suits there own intrests, espcially if the way that it is currently being done doesn't foster that. Being able to get together with like minded people and do your own thing is one of the key principles of liberty.

In practice though, unfortunetly it's not that simple. I'll just come right out and say it, I'm not in favor of racial segregation, even as a means of combating prevailing racist situations. I think that emphazing a racial divide only leads to increasing racial tensions, instead of eliminating them. prime example: Isreal.

the other big issue here is the problem of secession. see the american civil war. The South had a right to self-determination (as do all US states) by enacting it's own laws that are representitive of it's issues. It doesn't have the right to seceed and in effect "take" it's territory away from the country because that territory doesn't belong to the South, it belongs to the collective property of the United States. I see that as being the situation here.

If all the albanians want to move to albania and leave the country, that's one thing, but they don't have the right to say we don't like you serbia, so we are going to take this part of the country and defect it from your government. They CAN do that, it's called a revolution, and they can fight for it and take it by force (actaully they couldn't succesful do that if they tried, but the point stands.) But serbia doesn't have the obligation to grant them independance and recognize thier self-rule if they don't want to.

also I can totally understand why Spain doesn't support it, it would set a "dangerous" precident, being that they have a very similiar situation with a minority group that wants independance.
Of course, Serbs are bad guys. Because they are. They wanted Great Serbia, and now they have Minor Serbia. I will not talk about reasons why Croats and Serbs hates each other because there are tones of reasons and other countries know nothing. Croatia always fight on their soil because they have beautiful and clean Adriatic and they don't need any part of other Balkan state. Btw, Croats are catholics and they were ruled by civilized Austrians (instead of Turks) ("Balkan peninsula" is more to the south). And Balkan is name for all countries there because their mentality's pretty similar. There is a nest of nationalism, anger, defiance...etc... For many centuries, Balkan states fought many wars for their West-european comrades who lived in prosperity. If you didn't noticed, Muslim states are Albania, Kosovo, 25% of Macedonia, and 50% of Bosnia. Bosnia was teritory of Croatia and Serbia until Turks invaded the lands in 1492. European countries fought them selfs (medieval stuff) and they didn't see what's happening in their backyard. Result was that Bosnia and Serbia fell under Turkish rule; Croats saved north part of their own territory. Later, Croats (with Hungary) fought back Turks in battles like Battle of Siscia, and Batlle of Siget (30 000 Turks dead including Sultan Suleiman II). But they couldn't free Bosnia where Turks converted many people to Islam. Serbia became free in 1878. (Russia helped) and than they wanted Great Serbia. But, let's talk about Kosovo. As a Croat, I don't like Serbs, but I must admit that they have right on Kosovo. Kosovo is their territory from 7th century. And they have absolute right on Kosovo. Albanians (Shiptars, as we call them) in Kosovo are very bad people. They like to come in other prosper states and enjoy privileges, but they don't like to work. They are thieves, cheaters and their families have even 12 children. They would kill from back for no reason. Serbia would loose Vojvodina (northern part of Serbia where Hungarians lives), but never Kosovo. This situation is some kind of test between Russia and USA. This is part of high level politics. But, USA don't know that they put their hands in fire. Who knows consequences... of this tricky situation. When world recognized Serbia, they recognized Kosovo as part of Serbia. Because of that they can't easily, for no real reason take part of other's state sovereign territory. It's injustice. O.K., there are many Albanians in Kosovo, but what about historical (and other) arguments. When Croatia became sovereign state in 1990. they couldn't do that if there wasn't constitution (from 1974.) which approve our recognition. Legal stuff. But when Kosovo is in question you don't need any legitimation. I call that unequal criteria. And you obviously show to the world that you do that only because of your interests. If you like peace and justice (and not interests) why nobody reacted in war 1991.-1995.; I am asking??? Serbia has legal right to use own armed forces to restore sovereignty. Of course, they can't do that because of sanctions, but I will tell you, Serbs screw EU, NATO, when their pride is wounded. I told all this to all those who are ignorant toward this part of world:)))))))). Well, Serbia is guilty for this situation, as well!
I also don't have an opinion either way largely because I don't know enough about the current situation. I hope it works out for the best. I will say that the idea that it is bad because it might cause people to do things elsewhere or inspire somebody else to do something is poor reasoning and not very valid in my opinion. Whether I think something right like this has to go on a case-by-case basis.
There is a nest of nationalism, anger, defiance...etc...

That is true, but be careful freind that you don't fall into that as well. When you make statements like "serbs are bad", don't you see that it just plays into the same mentality that enables the conflict? I do think that your post is pretty insightful and wholly accurate as to the situation and the reasons that those problems exist. To pretend that those reasons don't exist, whether they are justified or not, doesn't help the situation. people have to take that into account when making a decision on this issue.
I don't know enough about this region and the tensions to comment on other to say that the U.S. needs to be impartial, not meddle, and let the EU take "the lead." We should follow the opinion of England/France/Germany, imo.

I have no idea why the protestors decided to attack the U.S. Embassy :dunno: but that very action ought to send us a clear signal to butt out and mind our business.

I did sort of laugh absurdly at the grainy footage shown on MSNBC last night with the GIGANTIC GOLDEN ARCHES LOGO hovering above the chaos on the streets...kind of a funny photo.
I have no idea why the protestors decided to attack the U.S. Embassy :dunno: but that very action ought to send us a clear signal to butt out and mind our business.

I agree. It's one thing to actually DO something about the situation, but just to throw our hand in seems to achieve nothing but drawing out critics (and worse) that are looking for any justification (and easily finding it) to attack the US.:2 cents:

I understand that we have a legit concern to be involved in world politics, but the US needs to pick it's battles and not just try and act like a parent that meddles in everything. It seems to be in vogue among hollywood liberals to want to "get involved in a cause" moreso to make themselves look like humanitarians than to actually do anything effectual and with little understanding of the situation or it's demands.
Kfor spotted Serbian tanks and artillery near border. They are ready to attack. Omg, 3th world war, oh noooo! Who knows???;)))
Btw, did you know that Yugoslavia was 2nd armed force in Europa (in '80) when talking about classic warfare. USSR was no1, but England and France where no3 and no4. According to that fact, Serbs have plenty of tanks, artillery, mig's, long range missiles... they actually stole that from other mini-republics. We had uranium for 40 nuclear heads, but our scientists refused to work on nuclear project, thanks god.
From a passive observer's point of view, I love watching how the world goes apeshit about which deciding which country should be recognized as a country and which one shouldn't. It's about as bad as watching election-time politicians bombard potential voters with negative advertising about their opponents.
It happens: Abkhazia wants other countries to recognize it's independence, appealing to Kosovo example (it was declared in 1994 after war conflict with Georgia, but no one had recognized independence yet)

now everybody will see what are double standarts about... quod licet Jovi, non licet bovi :1orglaugh
Of course, Serbs are bad guys. Because they are. They wanted Great Serbia, and now they have Minor Serbia. I will not talk about reasons why Croats and Serbs hates each other because there are tones of reasons and other countries know nothing. Croatia always fight on their soil because they have beautiful and clean Adriatic and they don't need any part of other Balkan state. Btw, Croats are catholics and they were ruled by civilized Austrians (instead of Turks) ("Balkan peninsula" is more to the south). And Balkan is name for all countries there because their mentality's pretty similar. There is a nest of nationalism, anger, defiance...etc... For many centuries, Balkan states fought many wars for their West-european comrades who lived in prosperity. If you didn't noticed, Muslim states are Albania, Kosovo, 25% of Macedonia, and 50% of Bosnia. Bosnia was teritory of Croatia and Serbia until Turks invaded the lands in 1492. European countries fought them selfs (medieval stuff) and they didn't see what's happening in their backyard. Result was that Bosnia and Serbia fell under Turkish rule; Croats saved north part of their own territory. Later, Croats (with Hungary) fought back Turks in battles like Battle of Siscia, and Batlle of Siget (30 000 Turks dead including Sultan Suleiman II). But they couldn't free Bosnia where Turks converted many people to Islam. Serbia became free in 1878. (Russia helped) and than they wanted Great Serbia. But, let's talk about Kosovo. As a Croat, I don't like Serbs, but I must admit that they have right on Kosovo. Kosovo is their territory from 7th century. And they have absolute right on Kosovo. Albanians (Shiptars, as we call them) in Kosovo are very bad people. They like to come in other prosper states and enjoy privileges, but they don't like to work. They are thieves, cheaters and their families have even 12 children. They would kill from back for no reason. Serbia would loose Vojvodina (northern part of Serbia where Hungarians lives), but never Kosovo. This situation is some kind of test between Russia and USA. This is part of high level politics. But, USA don't know that they put their hands in fire. Who knows consequences... of this tricky situation. When world recognized Serbia, they recognized Kosovo as part of Serbia. Because of that they can't easily, for no real reason take part of other's state sovereign territory. It's injustice. O.K., there are many Albanians in Kosovo, but what about historical (and other) arguments. When Croatia became sovereign state in 1990. they couldn't do that if there wasn't constitution (from 1974.) which approve our recognition. Legal stuff. But when Kosovo is in question you don't need any legitimation. I call that unequal criteria. And you obviously show to the world that you do that only because of your interests. If you like peace and justice (and not interests) why nobody reacted in war 1991.-1995.; I am asking??? Serbia has legal right to use own armed forces to restore sovereignty. Of course, they can't do that because of sanctions, but I will tell you, Serbs screw EU, NATO, when their pride is wounded. I told all this to all those who are ignorant toward this part of world:)))))))). Well, Serbia is guilty for this situation, as well!

croatian=serbian cocksucker
let's get one thing straight.
i am albanian from macedonia and you are totally wrong.
serbian problem was with it's regime who atacked all yugoslavian countries, not the people.
kosovo was the last war the serbians did, the atacks were nessecery to stop the regime before they thinking in the support of russia were headed to occupy the entire world with their medieval mentality.
thank god is over.
what else you don't know, albania is not a muslim country is a mixed religious country, most of albanian ignorant haters describe us as muslims, yes some are, some are not, but we are all albanians, one blood, religion ain't gonna separate us. bosnians are most islamised serbians, and croatians are catholised serbians, same shit. by the way, europe owe's us too much, especially to mension spain. everywhere you have good and bad people, albanians, kosovars are not an exception, so why stereotyping?