Pretty piss poor post, since women who are murdered and are "late term" - the perp most likely (always???) gets a double murder wrap. So in your view (wrong as it is) all the D.A.s and various court systems are entirely illogical. Think about what you post before you post.
Sorry about your pretty piss poor life.
Can't do anything about that.
Have you tried being more religious?
As I stated, it's the religious crowd that thinks abortion is murder.
Your example of "women who are murdered and are "late term" " resulting in "the perp most likely (always???) gets a double murder wrap [sic]" (it's 'rap' btw) is a great example of religion running the law/legal system. But that's the way america works, it is the most religious country of the Western world, after all. It is what it is. Just as there are countries in the Middle East whose religions/laws allow them to kill the wife's of cheating husbands. Doesn't make any sense but it's how their system works.
No thinking needed with religion.
Piss poor, indeed.