Less than 3% of health care services PP provides is abortion, in some states its 0%, yet Republicans are on a quest to shut 100% of them down!
Because many in the GOP are know it all, self righteous, small minded religious zealots.
Less than 3% of health care services PP provides is abortion, in some states its 0%, yet Republicans are on a quest to shut 100% of them down!
http://articles.chicagotribune.com/...cervical-cancer-screenings-planned-parenthoodNow, forget about the fact that no federal money goes toward abortions, and Planned Parenthood's government auditors can prove it. Forget that a majority of voters oppose cutting off Planned Parenthood's funding, which makes sense, since fully 1 in 5 American women have gotten health care at one of its branches. Forget that more than 90 percent of Planned Parenthood's services are preventive, like those 1 million yearly cervical cancer screenings and, that's right, birth control services. With statistics like that, Planned Parenthood could most accurately be characterized as America's largest abortion preventer.
You are not entitled to an answer to anything. But the ultra conservative Washington Post sheds light on the bullshit number skewing. https://www.washingtonpost.com/news...3-percent-and-94-percent-are-both-misleading/I still want an answer to this question. This has been argued ad nauseum, the list of procedures done is publicly available and it is well known by everyone including you that abortions are just a very small part of what planned parenthood does.
You know you're lying.
Everyone here knows you're lying.
I'm pretty sure you know that everyone here knows you're lying.
You seem to think that if you just accuse everyone else of lying then somehow your lies will get lost in the mix.
What do you hope to achieve? You're the scum that you accuse everyone else of being.
Both PP number's and Anti-abortion groups number's are wrong.You are not entitled to an answer to anything. But the ultra conservative Washington Post sheds light on the bullshit number skewing. https://www.washingtonpost.com/news...3-percent-and-94-percent-are-both-misleading/
Same can be said about ConservativesLiberals cannot forward any agenda by being truthful. I know it, you know it, the board knows it, the Easter Bunny knows it.
You are not entitled to an answer to anything. But the ultra conservative Washington Post sheds light on the bullshit number skewing. https://www.washingtonpost.com/news...3-percent-and-94-percent-are-both-misleading/
Liberals cannot forward any agenda by being truthful. I know it, you know it, the board knows it, the Easter Bunny knows it.
Deficits are falling : Lie
You can keep your plan if you like it : Lie.
There was no classified information on my private server : Lie
Marriage is between a man and a woman :Lie
This country now consists of two parties.
1) One opposes tyranny, is for individual freedoms and private property rights and limited government.
The other..
2) Totalitarian, hates America, the constitution
And individual freedom. Full on socialism. The JFK wing of the Democrat party no longer exists.
Now go fuck yourself you low life lying sack of shit.
Calm down and wipe the dribble off your chin. There's some classic playground rules republican debating techniques on display here!
First, accuse them of doing the exact thing you're doing, then you won't look so bad by comparison.
Second, change the subject to one where you feel more confident. Better yet, change it to a bunch of different subjects and hope that the original argument gets lost in the barrage.
Third, parrot some of their own lines back at them, mockery needs no proof to reduce the other sides credibility.
Finally, finish up with some extreme statement, like "Totalitarian, hates America, the constitution". Surely those people can't be trusted??? (I'd argue that it's republicans who hate America. They support those who invade and wage war on the US government (Bundy), hate the government themselves, and like to fly the (confederate) flag of one of the greatest enemies the USA has ever faced)
The Washington Post article is bullshit. The numbers aren't skewed, the argument against them is skewed. The entire case rests on 2 assertions:
1 - Abortions are more complicated and more expensive, and therefore can't be compared to other services performed equally.
2 - Some patients receive more than 1 service.
Both of these statements are true. But neither one has any relevance to the claim that abortions make up around 3% of the number of services performed by planned parenthood. If the claim was that planned parenthood staff spent 3% of their time doing abortions, there might be a case. Or if the claim was that 3% of planned parenthoods revenue came from abortions, there would also be a case. Even if the claim was that 3% of planned parenthood patients received abortions the article would have a leg to stand on. But none of those claims have been made. The claim is, and always has been, that approximately 3% of all services performed by planned parenthood are abortions. That's a fact. It's easily verifiable, the numbers are all there.
You have no ground to stand on, you're just grasping at straws, and looking quite desperate.