All I have to say is "What a :dickhead: !!!!
"I think that it's wrong, under any circumstances"
That's exactly how I feel about Kirk Cameron's continued celebrity.
Just another person giving his/her opinion. Take it or leave it, just like all the others.
I lost all respect when Cameron had Julie McCullough fired from his tv show when it came out that she was a Playboy Playmate (February of '86). I do have to agree with the guy's opinion on abortion though. There is no excuse for a woman deciding to murder her baby unless it's birth would put her own life in jeorpardy too.
Soo, let me get some clarity here. If a woman is raped or a victim of incest and gets pregnant from it. She should be punished by having to carry a baby that she didn't want that was the result of rape or incest? That's sick and punishing someone for something where they were the victim.
The guy made Avatar. What he says goes.
The director/producer and writer of Avatar, yes that's James Cameron... not the same person.
Kirk Cameron was in Growing Pains. A mid 1980's TV show that starred Alan Thicke and Joanna Kerns. He's in his early 40s now.