Killling Children in Videogames.


Cult Mother and Simpering Cunt
Ha. Do you really? What system?

Depends. Right now I'm running a Vampire Darkages campaign as well as Freeport (by green ronin) in the Savage Worlds system. Look in the games forum, we have a running table top RPG thread.
Better to kill them in video games than in real life
Who are you calling a spawn from hell?

Don't you think that video games that encouraging violence against children might lead to people coping what they see in the games. Children are rather easily influenced you know.

The game is rated M for Mature 17+. Does that mean kids aren't playing it? No but that is poor parenting.
Anyone who has played Fallout 3 has prayed for the ability to kill the mayor of Little Lamplight or whatever the fuck he is.

And thankfully, you can:

Yeah but you modded that didn't you Plasma?
I have the F3 Game of the Year Edition, you can't do that in that version. The brats in Lamplight bugged me too, so I saved the game and tried to kill them and none would die. 'course after rescuing thier buddies at Paradise City I never tried again. I was just glad to get that part of the questline done and move on from those nastly little pricks.

Again I'm emphasizing that I wouldn't advise anyone to go killing a bunch of innocents (children or adult) in a game world. Especially in a Betheseda Software game because many of those innnocents might be tied to a quest later inthe game that will screw your game up for you.
You can work for Paradise Falls (the slaver camp) in Fallout 3 and in it you get an option to kidnap kids from Little Lamplight and lead them outside where one of the slavers from PF will be waiting to snatch them up and take them away!. But to get that option it's not from the guy at the front gate that gives you the mesmetron gun. It's from someone inside the Paradise Falls camp that you get the option to kidnap kids to make them slaves.

Well...because I never took the evil storyline before I'm sure there's lots of things I haven't seen.

My character took the Ultra good route or that is --- I took the squeaky clean, rezcue and help everyone route.

I suppose it wouldn't hurt to try a run through on evil although I'd think it would be more difficult at times when you run into quest givers.
I have played Fallout 3 Game of the Year Edition three times and the original version twice. So I've played the baddie and the goodie on more than one occassion each. So I can find these things out pal.


Special Operations FOX-HOUND
OP, ever heard of something called a modification?


Closed Account
best video game trailer ever. It even includes a child's death :(



knows petras secret: she farted.
I run table top role-playing games. My players know if a child NPC shows up to just kill it. Don't ask questions, don't think about morality, just kill the son of a bitch.

This probably is a reflection of the fact that I'd fail as a mom.

ahahaha! i put a couple kids in my d&d game recently. thats when the town was sharing rumours of the executioner during an execution.

"some say he eats bones for breakfast.."
"some say he has a dragons face under his hood!"
"i heard he wears pink bunny slippers to bed!"

that last one got a good chuckle.