It's gluttony. It's disgusting. Why eat just because you can? There are starving families all over the world, and these people make a game out of how much food they have.
[B][URL=" said:Harley Spencer[/URL][/B], post: 6543660, member: 579739"]Why eat just because you can?
Why? He has the freedom to do as he wants.
It's well documented the vast amounts of food americans throw away.
I'm no scientist, but it probably has something to do with society in general creating non-mentally engaged people who do only things which fire the strongest signals in their brains -- eating is a big one. People eat because it makes their heads feel good.
But then again, if this type of behaviour ceased, there might be a lot of pizza joints closing up shop.
It's not just Americans, but I think the western world in general. I just saw a news item come out a few days ago where parliment here in the NL wants to take the 'sold by' date off packaging because people confuse it with an actual expiration date. Perfectly good food like dry pasta or rice is being thrown out and that stuff has a loooong shelf life.
His parents should be shot.
He ate them too.
That is much different than people ordering 72 ounce steaks and eating 20 ounces of it...then throwing the rest away.
Or LOADING their plates at a buffet and throwing half of that away.
Same goes for at home.
The thing is, there is literally almost ZERO respect for food in america by the general populace -- from farmer to plate (to garbage).
There is so much of it and it is so cheap that people treat it like trash (and most of the factory food is akin to trash anyway!).
And that is simply waste at the consumer level. What of all the millions of tons of food product set to waste at the commercial level?
Anti-American, weak conservative.
You're right, he does. However, just because you have the freedom to do something doesn't mean you should do it.
It's not just Americans, but I think the western world in general. I just saw a news item come out a few days ago where parliment here in the NL wants to take the 'sold by' date off packaging because people confuse it with an actual expiration date. Perfectly good food like dry pasta or rice is being thrown out and that stuff has a loooong shelf life.
Natural selection in action... I promote this kind of behavior....
Trouble is He'll probably mate with a like kind before he's gone...