Kevin Smith ejected from flight

Will E Worm

He's an awesome film maker, but still a fuckin' prick. This policy has been around for quite a while now, so he was certainly (and has admitted to being) aware of it. And it makes sense; just because you chose to be a fatass doesn't mean you deserve part of your neighbor's seat. This war he's waging with Southwest is asinine, and he's just looking like a bigger fuckhead with every word he says. Fuck him. Buy a first class ticket on another airline next time, fat rich boy.

Someone is bitter and misinformed. :tongue:
Someone is bitter and misinformed. :tongue:

I'm going to assume you are joking, because only a seriously retarded fuckhead would accuse me of either.


Retired Mod
Bronze Member
It is - as we had discussed in the other thread - easy:

If you take up parts of the seats next to yours, you have to pay for that.

And you won't tell me Kevin Smith with that big butt would not stretch out on neighbour seats, even if he managed to wrap that belt around his belly.

It's not fair to the OTHER people if you do that it's not about the fat people so much.

And if you watch the news clip above, he had indeed purchased the extra seat but was on standby and only one of the two seats was then available.

Is he so thick he is ignoring safety rules? Who would be to blame if the plane has a serious accident? The bastard who puts everyone else including his poor self at risk by bullying his oversized booty into the plane via his celeb status?

Gosh, i suppose he needed some news headlines because his work does not do that good.


Postal Paranoiac
This is incorrect. He was kicked off for eating all of the sammiches and KitKat bars, then forcing everybody to watch Clerks 2.

Will E Worm

whoremaker and Supadupafly :sleep: :tongue:

This is incorrect. He was kicked off for eating all of the sammiches and KitKat bars, then forcing everybody to watch Clerks 2.

I'd watch it if he wouldn't eat my sammich and KitKat bar. :D

I went to the theater to watch Clerks 2.
The only movie I have seen in a theater in a long time.

I can remember three movies I have seen in a theater, Ghostbusters, E.T., and, Clerks 2.
He's an awesome film maker, but still a fuckin' prick. This policy has been around for quite a while now, so he was certainly (and has admitted to being) aware of it. And it makes sense; just because you chose to be a fatass doesn't mean you deserve part of your neighbor's seat. This war he's waging with Southwest is asinine, and he's just looking like a bigger fuckhead with every word he says. Fuck him. Buy a first class ticket on another airline next time, fat rich boy.
I agree with you, apart from the "awesome film maker" bit.