Discrimination. :tongue: The airline alredy said they were wrong to eject him.
They only did that because they caved to a bunch of angry twatters posting angrily online and on Kevin Smith's status update about the event. Aside from that it isn't like the flight attendant came up and said:
Excuse me you fat fuck, but you are going to have to get off the airline, your fat ass is a huge risk to the safety of us otherwise healthy, skinny, beautiful people like the rest of us. Now please get up as gently as you can so you do not break the wheels on the airplane and cause severe damage. Thank you for choosing us. Lose weight and maybe next time you can actually fly with us.
I mean, come on, there is no discrimination here. The rules and regulations of heavy weight people is about the safety of the plane flight and rest of the people who are flying. And frankly this article only supplies a story in favor for Kevin Smith and doesn't even provide a picture to show just how gargantuan he is nowadays. You can see him better in Live Free or Die Hard.