Kevin Smith ejected from flight

Discrimination. :tongue: The airline alredy said they were wrong to eject him.

They only did that because they caved to a bunch of angry twatters posting angrily online and on Kevin Smith's status update about the event. Aside from that it isn't like the flight attendant came up and said:

Excuse me you fat fuck, but you are going to have to get off the airline, your fat ass is a huge risk to the safety of us otherwise healthy, skinny, beautiful people like the rest of us. Now please get up as gently as you can so you do not break the wheels on the airplane and cause severe damage. Thank you for choosing us. Lose weight and maybe next time you can actually fly with us.

I mean, come on, there is no discrimination here. The rules and regulations of heavy weight people is about the safety of the plane flight and rest of the people who are flying. And frankly this article only supplies a story in favor for Kevin Smith and doesn't even provide a picture to show just how gargantuan he is nowadays. You can see him better in Live Free or Die Hard.


Excuse me you fat fuck, but you are going to have to get off the airline, your fat ass is a huge risk to the safety of us otherwise healthy, skinny, beautiful people like the rest of us. Now please get up as gently as you can so you do not break the wheels on the airplane and cause severe damage. Thank you for choosing us. Lose weight and maybe next time you can actually fly with us.

See, that's not so hard to say, is it? It's better than I was going to say:

"Hey, lard ass, if you can support your weight, hoist it off the plane. Everyone here is going to die if you don't, because this plane doesn't have enough thrust to carry your substantial girth off the ground."
Kevin Smith is a bigger guy, but it's not like he's a giant. I'm actually surprised he had a problem fitting into the airplane seats.

What it all comes down to is that the airlines are selling seats on their airplane for a fixed amount of money. If you want one of those seats, great, you can pay for one. If you're too big to fit into the seats they offer, you have two choices: 1) Buy another seat so you can have more room, or 2) Don't fly on that airline.

On another note, "fitting" into an airplane seat, means that you have enough room to accomodate yourself without having one or both of your butt cheeks encroaching on the person next to you. In other words, you need enough room to sit there without touching the people on either side of you. The people in the seats next to you paid the same amount for the same amount of room. Fat people DO NOT have the right to let their lard rest on other people for 10 hours.

I can get on my soapbox and say this because I'm a bigger guy than Kevin Smith. If I were to fly now, I wouldn't hesitate to tell them that I either need a first class seat, or a second seat back in the coach section.


Another alternative to this line of thinking would be to declare myself a victim to the horrible corporate greed of Pizza Hut, McDonalds, Taco Bell, etc. As a victim, I could then demand that everyone make provisions for me.

Furthermore, nobody could ever say anything about my taking up more than my share of space, because if they did, I could accuse them of being uncompassionate, and even being prejudiced against fat people. This way I could just keep eating. No need for me to put forth any effort to improve because...I'm a victim, and I can't help myself.


Which mindset is better for society as a whole?




32 inches (UK) I don't eat cupcakes. :)

This should be an easy question unless you've been
tied to an electric chair for last ten years. ;)
When I was at comicon I, and everyone else, waited patiently and respectfully in line for two hours to meet Rob Zombie. Kevin Smith came walking up and took cuts in front of everyone and started chatting it up with him. It's not like the two are friends or anything, he just had no problem playing his celebrity card.

Kevin Smith is an arrogant prick that thinks he doesn't have to follow the same rules and procedures as everyone else. Fuck him.

Ace Bandage

The one and only.
Okay, tell me that I wasn't the only one who read the thread title and hoped they had ejected him mid-flight... without a parachute...