Pinup's just not what it was. I would think they would listen from all the concerns/criticism that the viewers share, I mean its a toss between Karina's god awful new style and look AND September's strange pics from the chest up and weird angles. I miss the look and feel of Pinup from back when Merilyn/Anya was working with them. Back then they had proper photoshoots for everyone including September!
Okay, a quick clarification before we get the thread back on track.

Trolling the forums with phrases like this -

"This is too funny: she thinks she is a decent and well behaved model rather than just a fat uddered dairy cow. I just can't stop laughing."

Is gonna end one way. I don't have time for this sort of immature crap on the board. If you don't like a model, don't enter her thread to bash or insult her. Nothing wrong with critiquing a model, but we can do while remaining adult and intelligent about it.
Pinup's just not what it was. I would think they would listen from all the concerns/criticism that the viewers share, I mean its a toss between Karina's god awful new style and look AND September's strange pics from the chest up and weird angles. I miss the look and feel of Pinup from back when Merilyn/Anya was working with them. Back then they had proper photoshoots for everyone including September!

Yeah, PUF sucks.