one pinupfiles video and that's it? :horse:
one pinupfiles video and that's it? :horse:
Dude, I've been one of your closet fans here, and I've defended your posts, your right to market in moderation. I still believe in that, so please hear me out. Because I've gotta say something ... and please take this as constructive criticism ...
You -- or Karina, whomever is responsible for this style change -- fucked with something that worked, and worked well.
I know a lot of us loved Karina for her dark, raven, natural look. This is about as unnatural as she could ever look -- no, you went beyond what I ever could have imagined was the worst look possible for her. I'm being very harsh, just flat-out critical, and I admit this is 100% opinion. You may have market studies that say otherwise, but I'll feel the same.
Understand I have never criticized how you have presented other women. I can understand the glamour and airbrushing and other things. It's classy, cheesecake and other things. Even I enjoy it, even when I prefer more of the natural looks a bit more. But this is really taken it too far in my view.
Karina Hart was already classy in her looks, very '60s/'70s style pin-up, voluptuous. You didn't need to go here, change all that worked, or at least not so radically -- play with a little style if you want, but not nearly this much. You, or she, fucked with what worked. Please, please consider reverting her to her older styles, or at least something along those lines.
I may be in the minority, but everyone who I've talked to, everyone who feels she's a top 10 or even top 5 model -- of all-time -- in their books, agrees this is not the right move for her look. I could be wrong, or talking to the people who don't matter, but I don't see it.
I mean, does Score have a trademark or copyright on her being a dark raven brunette? That's the only reason I can think of for making this change. Because her prior look is what made her Voluptuous Model of the Year. Just pointing out the obvious, I don't see this as a good move at all.
As such,I'd just leave this as an "experiment." Publish the few sets of her with it and move back to what works. That's my advice. It's my opinion and should only be treated as such. Others may differ.
P.S. The only reason I can see for staying with this is if it makes Karina herself feel more beautiful. I can understand that and respect that, and I will say no more if that is the case.
I agree with the Prof on the botched "experiment" with Karina's looks. (More like a 6th grade science project gone horribly wrong.) I cannot agree with his defense of PinupGlam's overall record. I think their style is cheesy and they have repeatedly undermined the beauty of their models, plus the PinupGlam guy who hangs around this board is an annoying salesman.
What they've done with Karina far exceeds their past abominations. They've taken one of the most beautiful busty models in the world and made her look like a clown. What the hell is that hair color? It looks like brass.
My hope is that Karina will soon move on to another website that actually knows how to bring out their models' beauty. Something PinupGlam is incapable of.
Glad to see she's back... but who fucked up her hair? I can understand trying a new look and all... but this looks like it was done by some color blind amateur. When I saw the new photo's of her I didn't really recognize her. That hair color doesn't work with her. She should defiantly go back to a dark brown or even black hair color.