Kanye on Leno

I know he's 32 years old, but he's just an immature brat who isn't worth the attention he has already been given.
Anyone else think he got the tap on the shoulder and the " You know what YOU did last night ???? " ?
White people are the only reason he's famous. It's stupid white people that buy all of his records, so he should LOOOOOVE us crackers. Not me though, because I never have and never will buy one of his albums. He's a musical joke and a failure at life.

Couldn't agree more, I'm glad he makes club music which seems to be what teeny boppers are drawn to now. Real sad, bring back real music!

Big Poppa Pump

- My Name Is My Name -
Once again ChefChiTown has hit the nail on the head. Kanye West has the biggest chip on his shoulder and humiliating 19 year old girls at award shows will not get him the status that the likes of Tupac Shakur has. He makes crap Euro pop for blonde haired Aryan kids. I thought that South Park episode was an overblown parody of him, but its sad to see he really is that bad.

"Don't talk to me about wordplay. I'm a motherfucking genius!"

This can happen any time no one is perfect, at least he has apologized to her and the family!!
Kanye West is of the best rapper
I LOVED hearing the news that Obama called Kanye a jackass over it. :D It was kind of pointless of ABC to make a statement, because even if he said it off-the-record, he still said it. Not like the White House aren't still gonna pissed at them either.


I kinda feel sorry for Kanye over the way he's been hauled over the coals. He was obviously drunk out of his retarded little mind, and it's not the worst thing ever. It's not like she was collecting an Oscar or something - MTV awards ceremonies are infamous for this sort of behaviour.

Beyonce, once again, goes up in my estimation. That girl really is the complete package.
I find it hard to care about Kanye West. But to be fair, I feel the same way about Taylor Swift.
I can't believe how big this has gotten. People are acting like he beat Rihanna or something.

There's a lot of horrible things famous people have done in the past, but stealing the spotlight from a 19 year-old girl is damn near at the top of the list. Damn you Kanye!
This can happen any time no one is perfect, at least he has apologized to her and the family!!
Kanye West is of the best rapper

No it can’t happen anytime. You need to have a self absorbed diva whose idea of “keeping it real” and being a tough guy is to bully a 95 pound 19 year old girl.
Kanye West would be living in a cardboard box if he had to rely on making money from me buying his music. I'm probably going to keep going with my complete ignorance of his work. Apparently he is some kind of prime knob when he is not making records and has a part time career based around throwing a wobbly at awards ceremonies.

I'm guessing MTV loved this "controversy" from begininng to end. Maybe that is why they had him on? Or Let him get shitfaced? Also loving it is the girl he interrupted. What a wave of sympathetic publicity she garnered. She is certainly more famous this week than she was last. So if there are any victims here they are certainly not financial ones. I did watch the Leno thing and didn't really get his babbling but if he actually does use this experience to improve his character and begins to perform worthwhile acts, then more power to his elbow.

I don't really think he should be strung up. It's not like he exposed a nation to a nipple during the half time show at the superbowl! I guess I can't really get down too hard on a fella who made a bit of a dick of himself when he was half in the bag when I have certainly been guilty of that.
thats what money and no one to tell you you are wrong will get you. Dump a few fake tears and all is forgotten. but if it was me or you we would have been arrested and tazed a few times


Well now, he sure knows how to get everybody's attention...

Well, not everybody :crash:

Beyonce, once again, goes up in my estimation. That girl really is the complete package.

+1 !

The only thing that she could have added just prior to reintroducing Ms. Swift was " I'm sorry that that slobbering cretinous bastid had to interrupt you, he really poses a security threat to us all...please continue"
It is another clear example of the whole “people didn’t vote the way I wanted them to, so I am going to cry, act like a bully, try to disrupt things, claim the vote is illegitimate and cause a scene” country we live in.
Also loving it is the girl he interrupted. What a wave of sympathetic publicity she garnered. She is certainly more famous this week than she was last.

Marginally, maybe. Depends who you'd ask, I suppose.

Apparently, over the past year, her album's been outselling everyone from Miley Cyrus and Lady GaGa to Eminem and U2. Oh, and Kanye West too. :p

She's already the next big thing.
Kanye west is a goddamn racist motherfucking cunt. he thinks only of himself and the entire music industry needs to just kick him to the fucking curb. hes talentless, rips off and copies other artist and has a goddamn ego He hasnt even made a fucking mark on music history no artist after 2000 has even put a scar on the music industry. HIPPITTY HOP IS DEAD an kanye west fucks corpses.

I feel sorry for that chick never heard her but I feel sorry for her.
Marginally, maybe. Depends who you'd ask, I suppose.

Apparently, over the past year, her album's been outselling everyone from Miley Cyrus and Lady GaGa to Eminem and U2. Oh, and Kanye West too. :p

She's already the next big thing.

You've got me there, I haven't got a clue about the pop charts. All I know is I'd never heard of her and neither had my mates. She is now nominally known in the sad old fat bastard community. Current thinking among this group is she should put on a bit of weight and give us a call in about 3 or 4 years when she has been round the block a couple of times and knows what she is doing.