Wow just read through this entire thread and laughed out loud here in my office at 6am at redvideos statement "I know I'm labeled a racist but..." gee do ya think? lol You are publicly attempting to justify a cop shooting an unarmed man in the fucking back and then lying and planting his taser next to the body after he shot him! How can you NOT be a racist, unless of course your cock gets hard for men in uniform and you can't help yourself?
And yes I can provide proof of hospitals denying treatment of gunshot victims. An episode of Vice last year was about the violence on the south side of Chicago and how the victims were dying at a higher rate because of how far they had to go in the ambulance to get to a hospital that would treat them. You would really enjoy that shows a lot of ignorant black men smoking weed and speaking in urban slang and being everything horrible that you see the entire race as being, other than your 1 black friend of which you are so proud. The way they are getting around this legally is they have closed their Level 1 trauma centers because they aren't "cost effective" which means they don't make as much money because more than 70% of gunshot victims don't have health care.
Here are some links,109758&hl=en
I urge EVERYONE to read these links.
I have only been labeled a racist by you, and a couple of other ultra left wing liberals, that believe being a racist means, not getting on your knees, and begging forgiveness, for the actions of someone else's ancestors from 2 centuries ago. I'm considered a racist, because I won't accept bullshit excuses, for poor behavior, and criminal activity. I'm not the one running around trying to inflame everyone with obvious race baiting. With obvious malicious intent, just to start arguments, and trouble. Your typical move, berate, and accuse. disrespect all of those that disagree with you, call people names, and try to stir up drama, then point an accusing finger.
I need you to point to EXACTLY where I justified the shooting of a man in the back, and more importantly, where there is any mention of the planting of a taser. The old man that shot the fleeing criminal in the back, stated he meant to tase the criminal, and not shoot him. He obviously shouldn't have been in this situation at all, he should have been used as a traffic cop, during malfunctioning traffic lights, or accident traffic control. He probably will be charged with manslaughter, which he should be. It wasn't malicious, and premeditated, but he made a mistake that needs to be paid for. I clearly stated the cop in North Carolina, that shot the fleeing suspect in the back 5 times, is being charged with murder, as he should be. I'm fucking begging you to show me, and the rest of the board where I justified his actions, and where I said he should get anything more then any other criminal would get...his day in court.
Now, the links. You, quite frankly have failed.
Link #1...No one was refused because of race, they were refused because they weren't 16 years of age, or younger. If you can show proof of a 15 year old being refused, we can reexamine this one. Considering the Democrats have Illinois Solidly locked up...including the home of your new messiah, I can't see the republicans being to blame for the state of affairs in that state. In fact, they have extremely strict gun laws in Illinois, and some of the highest crime rates. The University of Chicago, is a private school...they may not be obligated to treat anyone.
Link #2...No one was refused because of race. The victim wasn't in the state of Florida, and would have had to undergo travel time, unless the Bahamas had a trauma center. As far as the hospitals refusing to admit him, the only conclusion I can gather is, non of them had the facilities to treat him, and have had to make cut backs, because far to many people were suing, which drove up malpractice insurance rates, causing doctors and hospitals to eliminate programs, and services. That is unfortunate, but something that obama should have addressed, along with a VERY long list of problems that should have been corrected, BEFORE he pulled this "affordable health care act" bullshit. The article also states, while it is an ongoing problem, that was the FIRST time, it's been that serious, when a critically injured person was involved. So while I have no solid proof, I will go right ahead, and take a shot in the dark, at the pun intended. Doctors are treating people that come in with gunshot wounds, and being sued for malpractice, when the patient dies. So, there are only a few ways to get shot. Lets take a look, shall we.
An innocent bystander, takes a stray bullet from only a handful of possibilities, the least likely is a hunting accident, the most likely is criminal activity. So a criminal gets rushed to the hospital, he was doing wrong, and it bit him in the ass, he gets rushed to the hospital, dies under their care, and even though, he was given treatment, and they tried to help him, his family sues, because of something he probably got himself into, and has no one to blame for, but himself. Now, if the person is an innocent bystander, or a victim, they have to pay the ultimate price, because of some other scumbags wrong doing, and the vengeful greed of that low life's family.
Link #3...No one was refused because of race. In fact on one was refused admittance. Victims of stab and gunshot wounds were treated case by case, with a non-surgery method. Sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't. Again, here are somethings that obama should have worked on fixing, long before he wasted our time and money, when he could have been ending the war, or bringing back jobs and fixing the economy.
Link #4...No one was refused because of race. In fact, all of the people in the study were black. The article deals with geographic location, and where the trauma centers are, in relation to where the victim is shot. This has nothing to do with Republicans either, as I stated above, Democrats rule Illinois and strict gun laws prevail. The fact that there are no trauma centers in a certain area of Chicago, is hardly a fault of any political party, or race. This is a case of no private medical company wanting to build a facility in the area needed, perhaps you may need to move to Chicago, and start a grass roots campaign to construct the proper facilities.
I do love the way you like to twist this. As a result of all the poor people not having insurance, and the evil medical corporations wanting to save money. The first article, has no date. The second one, is almost TWENTY years old, obama was probably still worrying about where he was gonna get a bag of weed back then! The other three, were dated AFTER obama signed the care act into law...where was their coverage, to get treatment? If they were insured would they still have been turned away? Was the man from the second link a citizen of the United States, and eligible for benefits? This, like most of your posts, is clearly a biased attempt to race bait, start trouble, and portray all blacks as oppressed, and targeted victims by every aspect of law enforcement, and the "white devil", that is, honest, feed up and sick and tired middle America. A group of dwindling people, that work very hard for their money, and are just a little sick and tired of paying for everyone else,s free ride. It has nothing to do with race....white trash can work just as easily as blacks can, and I'm damn tired of seeing my money go to help anyone, that could, and should be helping themselves. Just because I don't feel it's right, for my tax dollars to go towards medical benefits for an illegal alien, doesn't mean I'm racist...It means I'm sick and tired of paying the bill for other people. The affordable health care act, isn't so affordable for me. I still have to pay for my benefits, and it sure as hell isn't cheap. I don't get a free phone, and believe me when I tell you, I know a couple of guys that have more then one. Because they lied, and scammed the system.
And yes, I am proud of my one black friend, he's a good man. He works hard, and is a single father, raising a baby by himself, after fighting for custody, and winning. You see, he doesn't live up to the stereotype, and he doesn't perpetuate it either. He will be the first person to tell you he's tired of seeing his tax dollars go to people that are abusing the system, and the first to tell you when one of his own, is a fucking idiot, and deserves everything he gets.
Just because someone doesn't go out of his way to watch interracial porn, and bug the shit out of models that don't do it, or because a person speaks the truth, and treats people the way they deserve to be treated, doesn't make him a makes him honest.