I agree with your last statement... but I dislike how your previous comments make this out to be a matter of socio-economics when in fact there are many factors involved in these relationships (as well as all relationships) that have absolutely nothing to do with socio-economics.
The US Government 1990 & 2000 Census report supported my statement:
Education and interracial marriage
Using PUMS data from both the 1980 and 1990 US Census to determine trends within interracial marriage among white Americans, African Americans, and Asian Americans,
it may be seen that endogamy (marrying within race) was more prevalent for African American men at lower education levels.
In 1980, the numbers were as follows: African American males without a high-school diploma participated in endogamy at 96.5%; for those who received a high-school diploma, 95.6%; for those with a college degree and above, the percentage of endogamy dropped to 94.0%. However, the rates for African American women changed very little with different educational levels. For the African American woman who had not received a high school diploma the rate was 98.7%, high school diploma was 98.6%, with some college it was 98.2%, and college degree or higher, 98.5%. During this time there was a significant increase in marriages between whites and African Americans, maintaining that African Americans are most likely to marry whites over other groups.
The 1990 results show that rates of endogamy dropped for both males and females, albeit more for the African American male. In 1990, an African American male with a college degree and more was participating in endogamy at 90.4%; for an African American female with the same educational level, 96.4%. The results for the propensity of individuals at higher educational attainment levels to participate less in endogamy.
Endogamy means marriage within the same race. The more educated, the more money you make, the higher the status you are, you as a Black man will more likely to not just marry a white woman but a blond beautiful woman. Go ask Tiger Woods !
So I stand firm on my statement that black men like white girls and marriage between black men and white girls are also based partially on their socio-economic and educational background.
But as I stated, at the end of the day, it is nobody's business. The "white girl" only has to answer to her mate, which happens to be a Black man. As long as the white girl was not forced, lied about into the relationship, she is the one who decides. (not you and me) :glugglug: