JohnnyStyro impressing the ladies... douche crash after the other. This is what happens when you lose your pop collar and leave yourself with no aerodynamics to gracefully glide in the air while bike jumping.



My Penis Is Dancing!
He's going to look like a real man as the three ladies are beating the shit out of him.

Ace Boobtoucher

Founder and Captain of the Douchepatrol
You can tell that's not me because his biceps aren't huge; he's not wearing a polo shirt with popped collar; he's not sporting "bed head," or the Oompa Loompa tan.

But it is true in that is the way I always mount a bicycle.


Moving to a trailer in Fife, AL.
I gotta tell ya johnny, not many people can balance on one wheel like that... I smell an ESPY


Postal Paranoiac
If he really wanted to impress them, he should've bought them all cheeseburgers.
maybe he is doing a back flip on to the bike that was tossed by a friend?