It's a Jersey Thing-South Park Style!


Lord Dipstick
Why? Because you Jersey douches were defeated by a small town like South Park in that great documentary I watched last night?

For shame! Take your defeat and accept it and realize you're stuck in New Jersey. :tongue:


Special Operations FOX-HOUND
Yay... I can't watch it...
lol ^^^

Not missing much. I didn't find the episode that great. They could have done better.
South Park is the wrong franchise to deal with the Jersey lot. The entire cast needs a Happy Tree Friends splatter treatment. But not as a cartoon.


Hiliary 2020
Ok let me clear a few things up.

North Jersey and South Jersey are like 2 different worlds.

The assholes on that asshole show are at the new jersey shore only in the summer.( pronounced SHAW in north jersey)

People from south jersey do not talk like that or act like that.

For many years every summer people from north jersey and new york come down to south jersey and act like douches, dirty the place up, disturb the locals then go home the night before labor day.

To most south jersey people, especially the ones like me who live on the coast that day is like Christmas.

Yes the local south jersey people hate those assholes.

but a lot of these jerk offs parents own summer homes there now so nothing can be done.

also, alot of these human paraquats like to portray themselves as italian.
most aren't.
in the past italians were cool people, good people.
now the young and even not so young generation is nothing like the past italians.

just keep that in mind.
these are north jersey screwheads......south jersey people are nothing like them.
^^ I don't understand why the so many people think the show is "real". It's on TV. I think it's sad as so many people in Jersey are getting lumped into that crap.

L3ggy you were right not to watch totally not worth it.

Ace Bandage

The one and only.
Loved the episode. They really nailed Snooki and The Situation. Totally dead-on.


I am a failure to the Korean side of my family
I forgot that South Park was still on the air, shows how much I know...and what I don't know could fill a warehouse the size of the Jersey Shore.


Lord Dipstick
As a Jersey-an, quite frankly, I'm appalled!! :mad:


I think our friend and FreeOnes member Michael "The Situation" Sorrentino should post his commentary.



Ace Bandage

The one and only.
I think our friend and FreeOnes member Michael "The Situation" Sorrentino should post his commentary.



I think I neg rep him as often humanly possible. One Situation is enough for me. We don't need any other fuck sticks acting like that.
I thought the episode was really, really hilarious! Especially the Snookie bit. - BUT I think people are missing the point of what they were trying to get across on the episode. They were addressing the fact that those people on the show Jersey Shore always attribute every word, thought and action to the fact that they are from Jersey. "It's a Jersey thing". So, inspired by those words, they set it up so "all" people from there are that way.
South Park pisses people off left and right. That's what they do. It's funny until they make fun of something close to you, isn't it? That's the true test to one's sense of humor. Whether you can laugh at yourself. If you can't, then you deserve to be made fun of more than anyone.
lol ^^^

Not missing much. I didn't find the episode that great. They could have done better.

Insane. I grew up around all them WOP douches. It was spot on. This shit needed to be addressed and Parker and Stone did it flawlessly.

I'm an NYC Guinea..I could have been one of these freaks. Thankfully, I resisted.

Snookie want smush smush


Hiliary 2020
Insane. I grew up around all them WOP douches. It was spot on. This shit needed to be addressed and Parker and Stone did it flawlessly.

I'm an NYC Guinea..I could have been one of these freaks. Thankfully, I resisted.

Snookie want smush smush

its good to know youre not an asshole.
what happened to italians?
they became a stereotype.

I know in my fathers day ( he's 100%) these clowns would be missing some teeth.
people back then just didn't tolerate assholes.

one time i was in a bar on the jersey shore where i lived, i must have been 21.
two old italian guys were having a conversation and i knew one a little.
so half drunk me interupts and greets him.
the other told me theyre in the middle of a conversation.
before i even finished the next word he belted right in the face.
discipline, i guess i lacked it.
where i live know interupting and showing no respect is so commonplace that i have a hard time dealing with it.
of course the people here don't understand, its part of their culture.
apparently in italy it ain't

ive never seen jersey shore, only promos for it.
so when i watch the sp episode tonight i will have a limited frame of reference.


Lord Dipstick
I WAS them in the early 90's down @ Seaside...I was more like Vinny, the laid back cat who used the sensitive side to smash chicks.
I blew up a few Grenades in my life, I'm not ashamed.
I nver miss the show, They are just kids having a good time while getting a paycheck...can't says I hate on them for it....:2 cents:

Most of you who hate on them are either Hillbillies from the middle of nowhere or some Krumpet from across the pond...:1orglaugh
The episode started off slow but when the 'Snooki/Snarf' creature showed up, it became an instant classic. And Osama getting shot at the end, "Tango is down" :1orglaugh
Insane. I grew up around all them WOP douches. It was spot on. This shit needed to be addressed and Parker and Stone did it flawlessly.

I'm an NYC Guinea..I could have been one of these freaks. Thankfully, I resisted.

Snookie want smush smush

I wasn't talking about the New Jersey folks. I was saying the episode kind of fell flat for me in the end. It had a few funny moments as I was watching, but when I thought about it later on that night I didn't see what was so great about it.

And the whole Al-Qaeda thing was just random and silly.