Insane. I grew up around all them WOP douches. It was spot on. This shit needed to be addressed and Parker and Stone did it flawlessly.
I'm an NYC Guinea..I could have been one of these freaks. Thankfully, I resisted.
Snookie want smush smush
its good to know youre not an asshole.
what happened to italians?
they became a stereotype.
I know in my fathers day ( he's 100%) these clowns would be missing some teeth.
people back then just didn't tolerate assholes.
one time i was in a bar on the jersey shore where i lived, i must have been 21.
two old italian guys were having a conversation and i knew one a little.
so half drunk me interupts and greets him.
the other told me theyre in the middle of a conversation.
before i even finished the next word he belted right in the face.
discipline, i guess i lacked it.
where i live know interupting and showing no respect is so commonplace that i have a hard time dealing with it.
of course the people here don't understand, its part of their culture.
apparently in italy it ain't
ive never seen jersey shore, only promos for it.
so when i watch the sp episode tonight i will have a limited frame of reference.