It's a Jersey Thing-South Park Style!


Hiliary 2020
i don't know.
ive only really enjoyed 2 or 3 of this seasons episodes.
and this wasn't one of them.

me much fear.
south park no good like before.
Hilarious episode. I laughed so hard I almost peed myself.

I loved Randy's reaction when he saw the Snooki-creature: "WHY is that thing famous?"

Al Qaeda crashing jets into the Jersey army was also great.


Here Zombie, Zombie, Zombie...
I thought it was hilarious that they made Snooki a horrible creature. Honestly, in this case, art imitates life.
I WAS Seaside Vinny smash chicks.
I blew a few Grenades in my life, I'm ashamed...says I hate on them....:2 cents:

Most of you who hate on them are either Hillbillies from the middle of nowhere or some Krumpet from across the pond...:1orglaugh

Yeah....that must be it. :facepalm:
I don't wanna do anything "on" them...except maybe that 'JWOWW' chick. I saw her on TNA Impact last night. She did alright. She and her fake tits pounced onto this Snookie parody named Cookie. Catfight resumed.
I wasn't talking about the New Jersey folks. I was saying the episode kind of fell flat for me in the end. It had a few funny moments as I was watching, but when I thought about it later on that night I didn't see what was so great about it.

And the whole Al-Qaeda thing was just random and silly.

South Park has always been "random and silly" that's the point of the show!
That show is always great. If it wernt for cartoons...South park, family guy, Simpsons would suck. The one thing that most dont realize is that those clowns from Jersey Shore are not even from Jersey and 2 of them are not even Italian. I cant believe I didnt even know these freaks existed before that show came out.


Hiliary 2020
That show is always great. If it wernt for cartoons...South park, family guy, Simpsons would suck. The one thing that most dont realize is that those clowns from Jersey Shore are not even from Jersey and 2 of them are not even Italian. I cant believe I didnt even know these freaks existed before that show came out.

thank you.
theyre not from new jersey although a lot of north east new jersey people do fit that stereotype..

little tough guy story.

i guess i'm getting old but in the past this type of asshole behavior wasn't tolerated.
you lost teeth for acting like an aggressive douche.

a lot of these wanna italians who talk like there black like to start fights, and always when they out number the prey.

so in the summer of 88 i was walking to my where my friends were.
some were locals, some were summer guys but surfer summer guys not guidos.
my crew so to speak.

well there was a bungalow on the beach in bungalowville and these 2 new york guys start talking to me asking me where they can get some weed.
well i wasnt gonna get involved and i told them no.
next thing i knew one of them grabs me in a bear hug and the other starts punching me.
didn't hurt me because they were pussies but i ran, turned around and saw them run into the bungalow.
in my nice little peaceful beach community.

fuck that.
i went to where my friends were and told them.
next thing i know these guys are grabbing weapons, ripping pickets off of fences and heading to the bungalow.

so we just walked in, about 12 of us and destroyed the place.
have you seen bronx tale?
anyway, i'll never forget that night.

don't fuck with the locals.

and fuck you mtv.


The Second-Hottest Man in my Mother's Basement
I am ashamed to say that I would give Snooki some smoosh smoosh...