West Bank Population= 2,407,681 / Palestinian and Arab = 83% - 1,998,375 / (CIA Factbook)
Assuming your figure is accurate, I am sure that the 21% of West Bank Palestinians appreciate the ability to move "freely" within their own territory...
The simple fact is - it is easy to be generous with someone else's property or territory taken by force. To present this as generosity, indicates a biased mindset and is incomplete and misguided to say the least.
This should be easy enough to understand by itself, but in case it is not...
If I take your house and kill members of your family (Israel 1967 6-Day War and subsequent occupation of territory), then in my abundant "desire for peace" return 15% of your house to you - I can then list the expenses I went through to return 15% of your property to you as evidence of my "pain and suffering"?? Sounds great.
If you complain that that isn't fair, I can say you have "no desire for peace" and take that 15% back and later offer to return it to you again as another act of "great benevolent concession". It's a win-win for me. That way I can gain territory and still be the victim in search of peace despite your irrational violent opposition. Sounds great.
More of the same. I have given back "part" of what I stole from you (with the intention of taking it back again?) - and dammit what thanks do I get??
thanks for the history lesson ... but is your lesson complete? I understand why a "recent" history lesson is all you want to give to make your point...but...
Is 8 years of history all you would like people to see? ... Let's review: Your lesson shows us that 1) the Palestinians shot rockets and 2) Israel gave land and made concessions. Forget the rest. Hush now. Don't mention whose land is being given back. Don't mention why the rockets are being fired (in total no more dangerous than 1 car accident). Don't mention that land is again being taken to perhaps be offered again in a great act of benevolence.
Why doesn't Israel sign an agreement to give all of the Palestinian land back and return to pre-1967 boundaries as required by international law? - after all it was taken by force in violation of a litany of International Resolutions, agreements and accords.... What is the reasoning?
(Assuming you mean pre-1967 as that is what has been asked for even by members of Hamas).
That "just isn't going to happen." That's all? Pure obstinance? Heels dug in. A willful dismissal to return to ones own borders. No justification, just simple refusal.
Unfortunately, many Israelis refuse to realize that they create their own tension and perpetuate their own negative image in the Arab world by occupying the territory of others - and when they appeal to groups like Hamas to simply "stop firing rockets in order to force us to return your land", they only hear their own echo - "That just isn't going to happen."
Lets see...Major Arab armies outnumbering Israel many times in soldiers and equipment march to the attack. Israel drives them back, retains territory used by said militaries to stage the attack as a buffer zone against further vowed attempts to obliterate the entire cease fires if the Arabs are winning, death for an entire country both people and territory.
You feel the Israelis should give them another chance to do it again, and should feel guilty for winning against massive combined Arab armies.
Do you have a hard time counting with your shoes on?:rofl2: