Is your wife/girlfriend a good cook?

Can your wife/girlfriend cook?

  • She's a great cook!!

    Votes: 15 51.7%
  • She's a terrible cook!!

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • She can follow directions.

    Votes: 4 13.8%
  • I do all the cooking.

    Votes: 8 27.6%
  • I'm single and live off convenience store groceries.

    Votes: 2 6.9%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
My gf is a vegan and she likes to "veganize" certain dishes like macaroni and cheese, chili, etc. Most of the time it's delicious, but once in a while, she thinks she's a professional chef and tries to improvise without the proper ingredients and it doesn't work out very well. I still eat it with a smile though. <3.

She's good enough to keep me full, but she shouldn't quit her day job!! Baking on the other hand...she's a pro!!

What say you??


knows petras secret: she farted.
my girl wasnt. but now she is.

off and on ive been a chef, and ive always knew how to cook rather well. ive taught her a lot of stuff and its fair to say shes pretty good now. i used to do ALL the cooking for a long time but not anymore.

although she prefers foods sometimes that im not into like "white people food" as i call it (fried chicken, mashed potatoes, etc), we do rather well mixing it up for both our tastes (i prefer chinese). ive gotten her open to a lot more foods too, she use to be really bad. but now shes way more open.

shes actually a skilled baker. unfortunately for both of us, i hate sweets with a passion. and most baked good are sweet. as a matter of fact she just made a shitload of halloween cookies that im not gonna touch.

i could bake too, but i dont get enjoyment out of it. its boring and lame. but her, she loves doing it.
My girlfriend said she didn't cook very much before dating me, but now she loves it! She could have fooled me because she is great, and still getting better. One night we decided to make dinner for each other, and she hasn't stopped since. I cook for her as well, but not nearly as frequently or as well as she does.
She started cooking recipes online, but now she is making her own stuff. I help out as much as much as I can, but she likes to do it, so she usually doesn't want help. I'm always sure to let her know how much I appreciate it.
yeah she's a very good cook and she really enjoys cooking, unfortunately she works nights so i don't get to enjoy it very often though...:(

Alyssa Rose

Official Checked Star Member
My boyfriend is an amazing cook and he's constantly making me try new things. The other day he brought me a squid cap with squid ink cous cous.. I never thought that I would ever eat squid ink but it wasn't all that bad. The other day he made french bread pizza with fresh mozzarella (AMAZING!)

I don't think I'm too shabby of a cook.. My favorite kitchen appliance to use is a crockpot. I used to have friends who would beg me to make my crockpot chili but I could make anything in that thing. BBQ Pulled Pork, German sausage & sauerkraut, Chicken & Dumplings, Beef Stew etc etc.. I also make this Saltine Cracker Chicken that seems to have been a hit.

Now baking is definitely my forte. Anything and everything.

The only part about cooking/baking that I hate is the clean up.


Cult Mother and Simpering Cunt
Mr. Petra isn't a bad cook, except for the fact he uses a metric ton of butter in EVERYTHING. Though over almost 6 years I've managed to get him to tone it down a lot.

Normally I prefer doing the cooking though. I enjoy it and there's only been a few failed experiments...I have a few dishes such as enchiladas that people will just randomly show up at my house for if they hear I'm cooking it.

I LOVE baking too. I grow pumpkins so that I can have fresh pumpkin pie for the fall and once again, people just randomly show up to my house if they find out. Can't get a better compliment I suppose.
She doesn't have much imagination but we aren't going to starve. To be fair though, with our tiny little kitchen area it's even hard for me to do some of my more complex dishes.


Approved Content Owner
Currently I share a place with Gracelynn Moans - we split the cooking chores and she does real well, lacking only in experience.

Actually it's real nice when she cooks - giving me a break from the crap I cook.
She is alright if the recipe is there or if she is making pasta or somthing easy.

I quite like to cook though, so i do some cooking from time to time


We only eating freeze dried camping meals. And sometimes grubs and puddle water.

Bitch knows how to scoop up a good puddle.


I am a failure to the Korean side of my family
Well since I have no girlfriend nor wife, I do my own cooking.


I'm so horny, even the crack of dawn isn't safe
Lazy Bastards..Cook for yourselves
I've worked as a professional chef, so I like to do the cooking. Every woman I've been with has preferred to do the clean up, rather than doing the cooking.

It's a good arrangement.