Hiliary 2020
Another thing that comes to mind is this, Phil Leotardo always said that the Jersey family was nothing more then a glorified crew, and even though everything with NY had been resolved, most, of the leadership in Tony's family had been killed off. Silvio died in the hospital, Bobby was killed, etc. The only one was Pauly Walnuts, and he had a great relationship with Johnny Sacs, and I think originally came from NY, and had a standing offer to become a member of that family any time he wanted. It wouldn't be unreasonable to believe that even if things were settled, that there would be some that want to eliminate the Jersey crew entirely, and move into the territory.
i dont want tp split hairs here but they never spoke of silvio dying.
he was in the hospital shot up but not dead.
and johnny sacks was bullshittig paulie all along.
the boss carmine didnt even know who paulie was thats why paulie told about the fat joke against sacks wife.
what's left of the jersey crew is paulie, patsy, bennie and walden if tony was whacked and maybe a few lesser associates.
but it does make sense that some new york family would want tony dead and the crew eliminated for killing phil.