Is this picture controversial?

The only reason that picture could possibly be considered "controversial" is because she looks so good in that position. If SI had put a skiier that looks like Rosie O'Donnell in the picture instead, nobody would have even noticed.

There is nothing wrong with this picture.

People need to learn that even though we do have a number of "rights" as citizens, no one has the right to never be offended. If rabid feminists are offended by this cover, then don't buy the magazine.
Day 4 of SI magazine cover controversy chaos:

I see across the street their house has been broken into, they have been murdered and cannibalized brutally, and contents of the house have been looted down to the copper wiring and their porno stash.

I woke up and found another orgy in my backyard. I smell the scent of semen and burning flesh. I don't know if the burning flesh is from the houses on fire or all the bodies rubbing up against each other in the orgies that are going on all throughout the city.

Sometimes I wonder to myself why would SI cast this kind of chaos on the public. I'm sure they knew. They don't care! That is it! That's what all of this is about! They are trying to take over by any means possible!

Society around me is falling and crumbling. Because SI had to go through with this horrendous controversy.

I will be back with an update as soon as I can. For now, I am merely trying to stay safe in this chaos! I just hope I can make it through this controversy! It seems my life is dimming with each passing minute.