Is pornography beneficial or detrimental to a relationship?

In your personal experience, when in a long term relationship with another person, has pornography been mostly beneficial or mostly detrimental to its well being? I'm curious to see what your attitude towards pornography is, and though I understand that pornography's effect depends largely on the people involved, I'm simply wondering how it has affected your personal relationships past and present.
Like you said it all depends on the people involved.. I Personally have had relationships where it has been a problem for both people involved but I am currently in a Relationship (And have been for 3 years) Where my Fiancee Likes porn the same amount that I do so it has been beneficial for us both
For me porn is essential because I haven't had sex in quite some time since my son's born and without it I may start looking at other women. I am not the unfaithful type but to ask me to go without any sex or porn for a long time is not possible.


Three lullabies in an ancient tongue
In the long run, unless your partner shares your passion for it, it is detrimental I would say.
For my wife and I it has been beneficial. Porn is the great equalizer for libido. Whether I'm in the mood and she's not, or she's in the mood and I'm not, all we have to do is pop a DVD in and 10 minutes later we're both ready to go. For so many of my married friends, sex has become either a special event that occurs when the planets are aligned just right, or a tool that one of them uses to manipulate the other one. But, thanks to porn, for us its just a healthy, regular part of our marriage.

J. Friday


1. Learning different ways to spice up our sex lives.

2. It's good when the relationship is going sour.

3. It goes good with beer.


Virtus Junxit Mors Non Separabit
I agree that it depends on the people, it can be used as a great tool for people just like sex toys etc...
I have found porn to be beneficial, my last girlfriend loved porn more than I did, and it did not have a negative effect on our relationship. If anything it spiced it up even more.

My prior serious girlfriends also enjoyed watching porn. I have not been in a relationship where porn was a detriment to the relationship in any way.
when i was a kid there was this show called tutti frutti. it was a quiz show of some sort and if you win you were choosing a girl and she was dancing and in the end she was showing her boobs.

i remember i was jerking on that and i was very quick. maybe more than twenty years passed now and i must admit that normal sex even hardly turning me on. it's gotta be anal or facial or shemale or something.

now, when i make love with a woman and if she don't let me turn the lights on, i just can't cum. porn make me kind of addicted to the visual stimulation. doing the thing is not enough anymore.

so... to the most women, i'm a fucking dream who can keep doing it over and over again. good for them... but what about me?

What others have already said.

It depends on the people involved in the relationship.

Some men/women have no problem with porn at all, while others do. If you're in a relationship with someone who has a problem with porn, it'll work detrimental, while in a relationship involving people who are more open towards it, it might be beneficial.


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Official Checked Star Member
I love to watch amateur porn when I am with a partner

but pro porn nope no way theres nothing worse than hearing the bimbos making false noises or smiling at the camera while there getting seen to

Amateur is exactly what it says amateur and very real

I love to watch amateur porn when I am with a partner

but pro porn nope no way theres nothing worse than hearing the bimbos making false noises or smiling at the camera while there getting seen to

Amateur is exactly what it says amateur and very real


thats because you are a woman and maybe this is generalizing but you are too empathetic. you can't help but see the things from the female pornstar's point of view. if you were able to emancipate yourself from the emotional atmosphere the movie creates you could enjoy it like us.

amateur stuff is usually bad quality, bad angles, no super cute chicks like pro... amateur is amateur. maybe you mean softcore?