But yeah, I mean women MIGHT have an advantage and special opportunity if they're attractive - after all, the average joe wouldn't be offered this career choice if they weren't "up to par" as far as appearance goes...but then again, I don't have the option of being a football player, or construction worker either because I lack in physical strength...but you won't see me whining on a football forum about life being unfair that I wasn't born strong or athletic...![]()
Is it unfair to be a man?
Well, its not an everyday, or even every year, or every decade thing to be drafted into a war. And its 2011, I imagine if a war of epic proportions ever broke out, and people were drafted, women would be able to fight too....more and more women are joining the armed forces, so if a draft ever came out, I don't think the women would be excluded from fighting. Just sayin.:tongue:
That's like saying every woman in the world wants to have weirdo men jerking off over her, there are so many pervs out there it is ridiculous, women can barely go out for the night without being pestered by horny guys ruining your evening and as already mentioned, please, if you want to have periods every month where you feel like crap, give birth and raise a family and home while trying to work with sexist pigs every day then your free to swaprant over lol.
The end of a marriage often leaves tremendous hurt and disappointment for both adults and their children. Children bear the brunt of it. More tragic still, a significant amount of their suffering is unnecessary.
Custody determinations for divorced and never-married parents are complex. Each situation is different. But in almost every case, children do better with both parents actively involved in their lives. This session, the Minnesota Legislature is considering legislation that would help children get the best that both parents have to offer by maximizing their time with each parent. The legislation is needed because of outdated statutes that unnecessarily limit a child's access to one fit parent - most often the father.
Children denied time with their father as a result of family court are left with a painful dad-sized hole that lingers into adulthood. Studies repeatedly identify the crisis called "fatherlessness" as one of our society's most disturbing trends. Stephen Baskerville, a political science professor and author of "Taken Into Custody," affirms that "virtually every major social pathology has been linked to fatherless children: violent crime, drug and alcohol abuse, truancy, unwed pregnancy, suicide, and psychological disorders — all correlating more strongly with fatherlessness than with any other single factor."
In our adversarial family court system, designed to pick winners and losers, the mother, the court, status-quo-enforcing bureaucrats and divorce industry profiteers are often all too ready to marginalize the father. Fathers have been easy pickin's as the chosen legal "loser," but the real losers are children.
While exceptions will always be with us, in too many cases fatherlessness is caused not by dads who don't want to be involved; nor is it caused by a father who has been found unfit. Rather, it's because family courts restrict the access that fit, loving, responsible fathers have to their children, often without just cause.
Forty years ago legislators sold no-fault divorce as the holy grail to reduce unnecessary conflict, yet fault-based custody determinations have done the opposite.
Courts claim they are forced by statute to decide which parent wins the child and which parent loses. The winner-take-all system creates power struggles, subsequent conflict, and life-long negative impact on children. Meanwhile, research and common sense have discovered joint physical custody and the concept of "equal shared parenting" are in the best interest of children for almost all families.
Family life has changed substantially over the last 40 years, but family law has changed only minimally. Physical custody laws were created when women rarely worked outside the home and were far less likely to go to college. It is no longer considered a radical departure from the norm to have both parents equally involved in child-rearing, but our laws and court policies are behind the times.
The current presumption in law is that parents will not share physical custody and will not assume equal parenting time. This gives one parent veto power to isolate the children from the other fit, loving parent during a time when children need as much love and reassurance as they can get from each parent. Often the demand to limit access to one parent arises more from hurt and bitterness, or resistance to change, than real concern for the children.
Make no mistake: supporters of shared parenting believe all children must be protected from abuse. The laws have never supported joint custody when either parent has committed domestic violence, and rightly so. Legislative proposals for involving both parents more equally have consistently excluded cases of domestic violence. The forgotten fact is that mothers are twice as likely as fathers to abuse their children. And false allegations of domestic abuse can clog the family-court system and take the focus off the true victims.
Under current law, fathers and children are left defenseless when a mother asserts "we can't get along." Whether true or untrue, and no matter who is at fault, that single declaration will prevent a dad from being allowed to share parenting equally, if at all.
In 2006, a new law in Minnesota established a 25 percent minimum parenting time - throwing a bone to fathers. Opponents argue that is significant enough. If that's true, then let's test for fairness and reverse the roles. That wouldn't go over so well. Is it any surprise dads are angry? Or that adult children who come to realize they were needlessly deprived of their fathers are angry, too?
It's hard to find a fit, loving father who's been through the meat grinder called family court who has not lost confidence in our family court system. These fathers are depending on the Legislature now, because the only fair starting point is equality.
Sometimes when I jerk off, I think about the chicks I am jerking to. I start to ask myself if it is better to be a woman in this world. There are so many horny men who want to jerk off to women all the time. That means basically women just have to look great, get naked in front of a camera or start doing porn to make lots of money.
When I think about that I'm getting more horny.
Is it unfair to be a horny guy who has to earn his money in a regular job and maybe pay lots of money for porn? When on the other side there are women who just use their looks to make a living? What do you think about that...
I think you post the most banal ill-informed opinions ever, & that is really saying something!Hi,
Sometimes when I jerk off, I think about the chicks I am jerking to. I start to ask myself if it is better to be a woman in this world. There are so many horny men who want to jerk off to women all the time. That means basically women just have to look great, get naked in front of a camera or start doing porn to make lots of money.
When I think about that I'm getting more horny.
Is it unfair to be a horny guy who has to earn his money in a regular job and maybe pay lots of money for porn? When on the other side there are women who just use their looks to make a living? What do you think about that...
Give me a break. All my little sis had to do was spread her legs and now she is set for life.
No doubt there is a big difference in ugly v. non-ugly, but an attractive female has it SOOOOO easy it's not even funny.
I think Chris Rock said it best in one of his standups when he did a skit about missing men v. missing women. Although this is sort of a paraphrase, it captures the real mentality of humans:
What happens when a man goes missing? The collective feeling is good, we finally got rid of him. What happens when a female goes missing? the female makes national news for months.
And let's not even get started on child support or abortion and how much more control a woman has when she decides a relationship is no good or a child is too much of a burden. But I will just post this one article since it was in my paper this morning:
Sometimes when I jerk off, I think about the chicks I am jerking to. I start to ask myself if it is better to be a woman in this world. There are so many horny men who want to jerk off to women all the time. That means basically women just have to look great, get naked in front of a camera or start doing porn to make lots of money.
When I think about that I'm getting more horny.
Is it unfair to be a horny guy who has to earn his money in a regular job and maybe pay lots of money for porn? When on the other side there are women who just use their looks to make a living? What do you think about that...
Good for your little sister. And I'm sorry that guys don't make the headline news in your country, but if a man goes missing in my country, it DOES make the headline news. I can think of even just a couple of instances recently where a couple of men were on the news for having disappeared (one elderly, one 20 something who was supposed to show up at a party etc).
And as for child support/abortion...I'm not even gonna START with my opinion because that can be saved for another thread/topic but I will say this- maybe men would be given more consideration in the courts when custody is concerned if men as a whole gave more of a shit about parenting. Look at the numbers- how many single mothers are there out there? How many guys just peace out when they find out theres a bun in their womans oven? Or once a divorce happens, he shows little to no interest in continuing parenting. Its no effin wonder people have a negative thought process when it comes to men + children...you guys have done a standup job in making yourselves seem like uninterested assholes. So if you wanna blame anyone, blame the tools who neglect their children, neglect the mothers of their children and are a sorry excuse for a man in the first place. Men don't set a great example of wanting to be involved parents, because if they DID want to be involved parents, there wouldn't be any fatherless kids out there, and alot more couples would be together. Sorry, but its true. You can also blame history for the gender preference...50 years ago women were stay at home moms. Slowly that has been changing but even still, women are the ones who still do more parenting, more nurturing and more housework than the men do...even if they have a job! Women generally are more involved in parenting, so its easy to see why they'd be granted primary custody...thats just the way things have been, and even today still are, in some ways. If you want things to change, then tell men to get more involved! Slowly that IS changing, alot more stay at home dads (which I think is awsome btw) but you can't change how things are as a whole.
And in the case of the guys who actually WANT to be involved parents, its a shame that the parents can't work out a compromise deal OUTSIDE of court....maturity goes a long way in getting both parents happy with the time they see their children. Thats really all it takes, is the parents working it out, outside of a courtroom, rather than let a third party dictate the future of their parenting relationship. Parents need to step in and BE parents, not fight and have things get so bad that the court needs to step in and make those kind of choices. I don't feel any pity for the grown adults in those kinds of situations, I feel sorry for the children who are being used as pawns in some sort of game....whine all you want about dads being effed over, its the KIDS who really get effed over in that situation. So save your sob story for someone else because there are two sides to this coin. Yes there are SOME..probably alot of dads out there missing out on time with their kids because of the court system...but there are even more women out there who have ZERO support system because the douchebag father of their kids ran out on them and won't help out with raising or funding their children. Women have that to deal with once an unplanned pregnancy has happened...men can take the easy way out, and we can't, or choose not to be cowards.
LOL. Wow, you like to use broad, sweeping generalizations, don't you? There is no "sob story" here, because unlike some people, I come from a moral, structured and respectible family. I respect my dad more than any other man I've ever met and there wasn't one time he wasn't there for me - to fix the car, or drive me an hour in both directions for a traveling game, or to toss me a twenty if I was in a jam.
Your ex beat you? No wonder you harbor such blanket assumptions about men. My mom was raped a year after she gave birth to me, and she too has some bizarre opinions about men. She threatened to take me out of her will if I ever had a child out of wedlock, but when her little one had one out of wedlock she sang a different fucking tune real quick because of course women are all saints that get abused and taken advantage of by men.![]()
Listen, I ain't sayin' there aren't some real sleezy dudes out there, but I've seen really straight-arrow kids get their lives screwed over because their lady had it out for them, in some cases by no fault of their own.
FTR, I think deadbeat dads that split should be thrown in prison, but since I have a cock between my legs my opinion probably amounts to dog shit according to your general opinion of men. :dunno:
Re-read my link; there is no one saying sleezeballs shouldn't be subject to appropriate action.
LOL. Wow, you like to use broad, sweeping generalizations, don't you? There is no "sob story" here, because unlike some people, I come from a moral, structured and respectible family. I respect my dad more than any other man I've ever met and there wasn't one time he wasn't there for me - to fix the car, or drive me an hour in both directions for a traveling game, or to toss me a twenty if I was in a jam.
Your ex beat you? No wonder you harbor such blanket assumptions about men. My mom was raped a year after she gave birth to me, and she too has some bizarre opinions about men. She threatened to take me out of her will if I ever had a child out of wedlock, but when her little one had one out of wedlock she sang a different fucking tune real quick because of course women are all saints that get abused and taken advantage of by men.![]()
Listen, I ain't sayin' there aren't some real sleezy dudes out there, but I've seen really straight-arrow kids get their lives screwed over because their lady had it out for them, in some cases by no fault of their own.
FTR, I think deadbeat dads that split should be thrown in prison, but since I have a cock between my legs my opinion probably amounts to dog shit according to your general opinion of men. :dunno:
Re-read my link; there is no one saying sleezeballs shouldn't be subject to appropriate action.