Is it me or does American Holidays get worse every year?


Member, you member...
So what's the complaint? You get most of those days off work anyway.


I am a failure to the Korean side of my family
Lately I am getting pissed off by the decline of people celebrating Halloween. I remember when I was younger that for the whole month of October they would show nothing but horror movies, now we're lucky if we get 2 movies played on Halloween night.
Wouldn't it be great to allow those who are Christian the right to celebrate Christmas instead of having the friggin ACLU et al censor everything because it may offend some douche.

Hmmm. Nope.

Christmas is overrated anyway. Easter is more important anyway...ain't it Jesus lovers? :dunno:

I'd like someone to point out to me where the hell the Easter Bunny fits into the Christian narrative of Easter, anyways...never figured what a bunny has to do with anything :dunno:

I'd like someone to point out to me where it says in the Constitution that Christmas has to be commercialized and beaten over the heads of the American People.
I'm all for starting to celebrate Halloween as early as you can. I love horror movies, candy corn, and slutty costumes.

I start getting ready for Halloween 2 days after Halloween for the next year. We do 3 different parties 1 on a farm. One in the city and one in a campground around Canadian Thanks Giving.


It's seem to me that everything gets worse and worse, take Christmas for instance, before in the 90's and the 80's everyone was religious, we had big ass feast of foods and THE BEST CHRISTMAS TV SPECIALS! But now it's like people like atheist celebrating Christmas which in my opinion is religiously backwards, the big feast is now a weight watchers seminar where people tell you whats not healthy and the number of crabs I mean, carbs you get from it, not to mention the childish fear people get when people eat the food thinking it contains the "next salmonella" or that a terrorist organization group has poisoned there food, yeah they really care about what happens to your turkey, the same thing with Halloween and all kids have for Christmas is really annoying sing-a-longs by bad Disney Channel Actors & Actresses turned horrible musicians, a least our specials had meaning, now it's just to show the attractive younger generation. Just had to get this off my chest.

For all the replies, I'm still trying to get over how everyone was religious in the '90's and '80's. :dunno: We were? My recollection of Christmas past goes back to 1970 and we weren't that religious back then either. And this was when Nixon was still in so if there was ever a time to pray.....

Son, if you're that hot to start threads, just grab any ol' headline and do the copy/paste thing. It's easy and fun. And since this board and The Daily Show is the only way some of us get news, you'll be doing a public service.


Is somewhere outhere.
I've got to take 3 days off work for this bullshit where I could have
easily used it for to the AVN in Vegas :mad:

I mean i'm 33 for christ sake - I know Santa doesn't exist any longer :D
So you want to deny a certain group in this case Christians the right to celebrate Christmas. Interesting.:rolleyes:

Yes. Maybe if we separated the commercialization from the sacred there might actually be people who take that religion seriously again :dunno: