Is It Christmas Already?


Member, you member...
Heading down to T-Bell ( I know, I know), I noticed a couple houses already have their Christmas lights up.
They didn't beat one of the local Targets though!

Do you put up lights for the holidays and if so, how early?

I don't anymore since I live alone and the place is small.
I used to put them up long ago but in early December.


Special Operations FOX-HOUND
Usually at the start of December.
I fucking hate Christmas!A local radio station has started playing "wall to wall" Christmas music already.

I really wish that I could move to a country,that doesn't celebrate Christmas,from this time of year until about the second week of January,every year.

I swear,I really need to win the Lotto.
I do not like that Christmas music, displays, and all that starts coming around a week before or week after Halloween! Wait until the day of and day after to start bringing out the Christmas stuff!!!!!! :mad:


Special Operations FOX-HOUND
A proper Chrismas song.



Special Operations FOX-HOUND
It was better in the past.
I have worked in retail for over twenty years. The real bullshit about Christmas is that the shit starts coming into the stores about the end of July or the the first of August. Then you have to move it twenty times a day to get to anything you actually need. It's still summer, why do I have to move a pallet of wire fucking reindeer? Santa can kiss my ass. Fuck him, he never did get me that Nintendo I wanted when I was a kid.


I was delivering to the local mall these past few weeks and as I was delivering ungodly amounts of merch to stores I noticed that the mall is already decorated for xmas and they were playing caroles. Not that I can but it was the begining of November, Halloween just ended.

It seems like every year the stores get ready earlier and earlier for Xmas.
Maybe you shouldn't have jacked off on Christmas Eve where Santa watched from the window and decided to move on since you apparently had a toy of your own to play with for rest of your life. :nono:

Maybe, just maybe, had you some willpower you'd of gotten your Nintendo!
Maybe you shouldn't have jacked off on Christmas Eve where Santa watched from the window and decided to move on since you apparently had a toy of your own to play with for rest of your life. :nono:

Maybe, just maybe, had you some willpower you'd of gotten your Nintendo!

Yes but I really wanted the neighbor girl to play with that joystick.


funny story I have a condo with a small balcony and I actually just took my one little strand of lights down about a month ago. Talk about is it Christmas already! I gotta quit smokin that shit...:hatsoff:


Member, you member...
Thanksgiving in the US is a little known holiday it seems. The marketing of Halloween and Christmas overshadow this great - burp - holiday.


Thanksgiving in the US is a little known holiday it seems. The marketing of Halloween and Christmas overshadow this great - burp - holiday.

Little know? We get turkey with all the trimmings and football ALL DAY. Only Xmas day is better. not to mentions the parades, although now they are called "holiday" parades, now THAT is BS.
I remember the little Thanksgiving decorations they used to put out. Turkeys, table pieces, cloth, fake leaves stringed up to border the table, wall, or whatever. So much they used to have. And little Thanksgiving/Football decors too. Now it is straight to Christmas. :(


Member, you member...
Thanksgiving was another time my mom would decaorate the house, kinda like whimsy stated. It was always cool to come home to see those decorations when I was a young'n.