There should be a Constitutional Amendment outlawing Christmas commercials, decorations, sales and songs being played on the radio until after Thanksgiving. Violators receive the death penalty.
i'm willing to bet jagger will disagree with you on the punishment phase, bail.

but i'm right there with you lol
i live downtown so not too many houses where i live, thank god, but its hard to avoid that annoying music. if i lived next to a house that did that synchronised siberian orchestra lighting shit, i'd most likely be in jail for vandalizing my neighbors decorations. good grief can you imagine that going off a hundred times a night for 2 months???? we do go see family for christmas and thanksgiving, so i get exposed to the suburban/rural christmas culture for about 4 to 5 days and that is really all i want/need.
i feel sorry for the retail folks though. i have quite a few subordinates that have to do the retail thing and i make sure i go the extra mile with them during this time of year to make sure they're happy. (buy em lunch, give 'em swag) i used to have to do that shit myself, so please, if you're out shopping, lend a kind word or thumb's up to the retail worker. its a thankless job putting up with assholes who think shopping is a contact sport.