Clinton wasn't Klan, but he was as close as you can get ...
Nightfly said:
*Dons his Klan outfit* "I don't care what people say about Dubya.
Yes, I know this was a joke, but it's also not very true.
Clinton wasn't Klan, but he was as close as you can get in Arkansas. He not only silently resigned from an all-white Golf Course in Arkansas,
but he resigned as a member after the 1992 election!
Clinton was a "do as I say, not do as I do." Gore was more of the same. Most Americans don't agree with W., but at least he's honest about letting
everyone do something, and not just subsidies in NAFTA or Environmental Acts for personal businesses. Ross Perot pointed that out on NAFTA, and everyone called him "mean." No, he was damn honest, and Gore lied his ass off.
Even the President of the NOW (National Organization for Women) was chastized for saying Clinton's business and personal affairs should be excused, because of the laws he pased. If it's a question between "do as I say, not do as I do" and "everyone gets to do X" -- I'll take the honesty of the latter.
Especially when it comes to the rediculous idea that Republicans are "racist" and Democrats are not. No, Republicans are for equality across the board -- just like they were 1860 as well as 1960 -- and not "special privileges" beyond equality.
Yes, the bigots and racists tend to support Republicans more than Democrats, now that its about "special privileges." But back before equality, the bigots and racists tended to support Democrats.
Every President, both Democrat and Republican, has supported many civil rights acts since the end of WWII. But their private lives were much different -- and you should really read up on many Democrat representatives -- especially governors.
I still love Ross Perot's infamous line, "If you hate people, I don't want your vote." Damn the man was too honest and too self-made to be a politician.